Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 255 The Wounds of the Brotherhood

Chapter 255 The Wounds of the Brotherhood

As a senior miner, Johansen was a little silent. The Van Cleef in his memory was a sunny, hearty, humorous and compassionate person.

He and this guy who only wants revenge are two existences at all.

However, he couldn't blame Van Cleef because they had lost too much.

Career, money, status, friends, and the possibility of advancement.

It cannot be said that everyone has given everything for the reconstruction of Stormwind City, but basically they have given everything they can, even during holidays such as Christmas, they did not go back, just to make Stormwind City appear in this world faster on, so that this city can once again protect its people.

Even in order not to delay the construction period, many materials were bought with their own money.

They built this city with light and hope, and feel every day that they are a hero, that they are helping to build a glorious history for their country.

He is a hero dedicated to Stormwind.

The citizens of Stormwind City also think so, they continue to applaud them and applaud their craftsmanship, and they cast this city with more heart.

They believed that their names would be sung forever together with Stormwind City.

So when they encountered wage arrears at the beginning, they could actually understand it. After all, Stormwind City did have financial problems, and they could understand it.

But what did they get in exchange for their tolerance and concessions?

Van Cleef, who could have become a noble by relying on this achievement, and the foremen of other fraternities were directly beaten into rebels who must die.

They didn't get a cent of their wages either.

Not only that, but they all became rebellious and destabilizing factors in the kingdom.

And the mad king and the faint king didn't even think of finding the real murderer and making other people innocent, they just cared about their own grief and let everything happen.

How stupid and disappointing is this?

At first they thought they would be fine when they returned to their hometown, but unfortunately, they were all wrong.

Stormwind did not spare them.

Nobility did not.

SI[-] agents did not.

Neither did Varian Wrynn, the king they once trusted and had high hopes for.

All he gave them was despair.

Just because they might be upset, the agents come and kill them, capture them, and beat them up.

It's because they couldn't find out who killed the princess.

Then they are all suspects.

How ridiculous.

What despair.

Recalling the past encounters and the unwilling faces of those old guys, Johansen didn't say anything. After all, he didn't understand anything except being with Van Cleef for a long time and mining. It's a miner's foreman.

It was only because those around Van Cleef who could really help him were all dead, at the hands of SI:[-], that made him, a small man, an important subordinate of Van Cleef.

"I get it, I'll let miners who perform well go early."

Johansen also closed his eyes, as if he didn't need to see the desperate faces of those women, the faces of their husbands and fathers who were about to be killed, and the fate of those who were unwilling to cooperate.

However, some Defias thieves who were eavesdropping at the door cheered directly.

In this no fun place, they are tired of gambling and other things, that is, Van Cleef has been restraining them before, not letting them go out with the cavalry to collect protection money, otherwise they would have gone out to do these things !

But now that Van Cleef is willing to let those useless miners find women, it means they can too!

It's just a matter of time.

As for letting the miners go first?

They are not dissatisfied, after all, these are people who have always followed Van Cleef, and they are normal first.

In order to make his team combat effective, Van Cleef had collected too much dregs into their team. Although this improved their combat effectiveness, it also made their team impure.

"A bunch of scum..."

Listening to the cheers outside, Van Cleef took a deep breath, trying not to regret his previous decisions.

But he couldn't find any alternative.

The Brotherhood needs money, very, very much, and a lot of steel.

So the loyalty and hard work of the miners is necessary.

Because it is impossible for him to get the support of the dwarves and get a large number of excellent armor at a very favorable price.It is also impossible to have the time and ability to train elite soldiers like Stormwind City.

He simply doesn't have the money and ability to train a force that can fight against Stormwind with the help of the Alliance.

Therefore, they can only attack by surprise, using things that Stormwind City and other countries do not have to defeat Stormwind City.

He was the one who built Stormwind City, and he knew very well what kind of army would be needed to attack Stormwind City head-on—an army that he couldn't gather in his entire life.

Especially the gate, because considering the reason why the Dark Portal was opened again, he also specially designed the anti-dragon and catapult. He himself, the designer and builder, didn't know how to be able to defend against the soldiers. Down, to destroy the gates of Stormwind!
If there are any flaws and weaknesses in the gate of Stormwind City, there are only a few statues that were not made by him.

It was not designed and supervised by him, he is not familiar with it.

So another method must be used, a unique method.

He looked at his blueprint, which was a powerful ship, and this was the only way he could take revenge on Stormwind.

This ship is made of steel, can easily carry a large amount of ammunition, and will not be overtaken by any existing fleet.

He will be as big as a small town, able to easily hold the main force of the Defias Brotherhood, and able to sail and fight on the sea for several months.

Moreover, the deck and hull made of steel can afford more and stronger cannons, allowing him to raze Stormwind City to the ground directly on the sea!

The sturdy armor can resist any kind of artillery in existence. Even if the deck and hull are continuously bombarded with artillery, there is no way to really hurt this giant!
The only problem is that.

There are too many technologies and funds involved, and the construction period is too huge to give him a headache.

"More iron and gold...more craftsmen and artisans."

Van Cleef took a deep breath, the order he gave before was still burning in his heart, burning his conscience and heart.

But no matter how regretful he was, he didn't intend to withdraw his order.Because as soon as he closed his eyes, he could see his old friends died tragically, how they were framed from heroes to traitors, and he could see the amount of money and steel that was vacant in his revenge plan.

He rubbed his blueprints and made a sleepy sound.

"Ours is righteous...no one can stop our righteous revenge!"

That's right...

Our cause is just!
Edwin VanCleef, once again confirmed the matter.

 I still wrote...

  It's not a pigeon.

(End of this chapter)

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