Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 257 Angry Li Ke

Chapter 257 Angry Li Ke

Li Ke and Jennifer looked at each other, but the old lady ignored their intentions. After pointing out the way, she tightened the package in her hand and wobbled towards the gate of the town.

Li Ke frowned and looked at the old woman, but found that there was no light in her eyes.

Just when he was about to catch up and ask something, he saw the old woman stop at the gate of the town, turned her head and glanced at the town, then took out a loaf of bread from the package, gnawed on it, and turned towards the wilderness walked out.

Just when Li Ke was about to ride his horse, an accident happened.

Before Li Ke could react at all, an arrow pierced through the old woman's temple in an instant, and plunged into the old woman's brain.

The old woman fell to the ground without saying a word, and the bread in her hand rolled down.

And a group of cavalry also burst out from the other side of the town laughing, and stopped beside the old woman's body.

There are about 12 knights in this team, all of them are wearing bright armor, which is much better than the armor of these soldiers brought by Li Ke from the appearance.

Not only that, they undisguisedly wore battle robes displaying their family emblems, showing their identities unreservedly.

They looked at the team led by Li Ke and Jonathan with provocative eyes, and Jonathan gave the order decisively after a second of silence.

"Raise your shield and stand up your spears!"

Jonathan's voice was obviously angry, and it was obvious that this sophisticated general knew what was going on here.

And Li Ke's hands emitted golden fireworks, and silver-white thunder wrapped around them.

He doesn't have much elemental power anymore, and he doesn't want to waste it, but sometimes, he just can't help it.

But Jonathan's order was met with a burst of laughter.

"What, General Jonathan, do you think we will attack your army formation? We will not do this kind of thing. After all, we are only dealing with those tax evaders, and we have no intention of conflicting with the Kingdom troops who came to destroy the Defias thieves As for this, it's just a runaway slave."

They completely ignored Li Ke and Jennifer, and looked directly at Jonathan, as if they didn't exist.

But the most arrogant one was the one in the lead.

This handsome young man with blond hair and some freckles on his face raised his head, with a defiant attitude, he looked at Jennifer and Greet beside Li Ke wantonly, then smiled and said something to his companion What, and then there was a burst of laughter in their team.

Li Ke didn't say anything, but slowly rode towards the group of knights. As he advanced, he took out the letter that Onyxia had given him. There was a pattern on it, each family crest and these The names represented by the family crests, and the power they wield in Stormwind.

Li Ke matched these family emblems one by one, and then found that more than half of the powerful nobles in Stormwind City were in this team.

He can now be sure that the news of his coming here has been spread everywhere, at least the spokespersons of these families know his name.

So he smiled anyway.

"You guys, are you the tax officer here?"

However, these people ignored him and continued to shout to Jonathan behind Li Ke.

"General Jonathan, let's meet at the manor, and we will treat you heroes who have come from afar!"

They ignored Li Ke, but at this moment the blond young man in the lead rode up to Li Ke, looked at Li Ke, and spoke in a gentle and aristocratic tone.

"Mr. Knight, let's consider you a knight. How do you sell your two female slaves? I think they are good-looking, and they can become top-notch with a little training, so I want to learn from you... well, I don't understand I don't think you will object to letting them show their corresponding demeanor in the hands of elegant people, right?"

When he spoke, the rest of the knights surrounded him with smirks.

Looking at their smiling faces, Li Ke couldn't help feeling a burst of kindness.

These brainless villains really fit his character too well.

"What if I say no?"

Li Ke also smiled and spoke.

"Then we probably will have something that everyone can't bear to see, after all..."

The blond young man leaned close to Li Ke's ear and spoke loudly.

"You're just that bitch's dog after all!"

After he finished speaking, he laughed and wanted to laugh even more wildly. Jennifer's identity and Li Ke's identity were no secrets to them at all, and they looked down on Li Ke and Jennifer at all.So his face and brain did show a smile, but no matter how much he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn't laugh out loud.

Because Li Ke's arm had pierced through his chest, grabbed his heart, pulled it out of his chest completely, and displayed it in front of him.

After realizing this, a sharp pain swept through his whole body in an instant, making his expression gradually change into panic.

"I'm actually curious, why you dance so happily, and why don't you try to cooperate and see if you can buy me or something."

Li Ke smiled and looked at the blond young man in front of him, letting the other's blood splash on his cheeks and golden armor.

"Because I can't understand why you would jump out at this time and use this stupid way to show your power and authority to me."

"But it doesn't matter."

Li Ke's hand gently squeezed the nobleman's heart, causing the nobleman to spit out a big mouthful of blood, and the blood vessels all over his body suddenly bulged.

Jonathan, who was stunned, immediately yelled out.

"Mr. Li Ke! Please don't! You are not suitable for such a thing now!"

Li Ke's current status is only Jennifer's subordinate, and he is still a commoner legally. Although everyone thinks he is a paladin, he is still a commoner legally.

It is an unexplained felony for a commoner to kill a nobleman, the death penalty!
"Don't worry, Mr. Jonathan, I know what I'm doing."

A smile appeared on Li Ke's face, and the light of the holy light shone on his hands, pulling the dying young man back from the brink of death in an instant.

Then the next moment, he squeezed the heart in his hand violently.

The blond young man once again felt the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards, and his heart was pinched by Li Ke's metal gauntlet in excruciating pain.

However, just when everyone thought he was going to die this time, the holy light enveloped the young man again.

This time, Li Ke let go of his hand, allowing Shengguang to close the young man's chest pierced by him.

However, he left the opponent's heart outside, and allowed the opponent's chest to heal, leaving his heart outside forever, so that his heart could beat on his body forever, and let people see It is clear what kind of heart he has.

He let go of the young man, allowing him to fall down, and then looked at the stunned knights, the smile on his face was still so kind.

"So, after watching all of this, can anyone kindly and politely explain to me what's going on here?"

However, no one chose to answer.

They chose to resort to force.

"kill him!!"

The only response to Li Ke was their terrified shouts and stabbing swords.

(End of this chapter)

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