Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 261 The Magnificent 'Castle'

Chapter 261 The Magnificent 'Castle'

Jonathan restrained the bodies of the nobles and led them towards the manor.

When the carriage carrying the corpse of the noble passed through the town, both Li Ke and Jonathan saw a lot of villagers peeking out their eyes from among the dilapidated houses.

Even Li Ke heard some suppressed and interrupted cheers.

Li Ke didn't say anything, just waved his hands at these people, and continued to move towards the distant manor.

After walking out of the town, Li Ke and the others walked into a garden surrounded by railings, and from entering here, the atmosphere and color of the entire environment have been changed.

Black and gray are no longer the main colors, replaced by white walls and blue flags, and large expanses of flowering shrubs and trees.

On the manicured lawn, there are all kinds of wildflowers blooming. It is obvious that they have been carefully cared for to ensure that these flowers are on the lawn at the right height and not in the middle of weeds.

The scent of grass and trees wafting around was replaced by the smell of excrement and burnt, as well as the smell of blood.

And those neat roads, and the small castle that was obviously carefully built, made people have to marvel at the abilities of those craftsmen.

Li Ke was amazed, he turned his head to look at Jennifer, and praised.

"Jennifer, this manor is much more magnificent than ours in Lordaeron!"

That's right, compared with the manor in front of them, the manor of Jennifer's family is really just a manor. The castle in front of them has both beauty and defense—although the defense ability is weak visible to the naked eye. .

This snow-white castle has terraces, large platforms for banquets, several small streams and a large pond.

There are even apple trees planted next to the castle.

It can be said that although it is a castle, it is almost like a castle in fairy tales, or in reality, that is used for vacation!

Jennifer was also so shocked that she couldn't speak. She had never seen such a castle before. Most of the castles in this world focus on the sturdiness before talking about other things.

But the castle in front of him even gave up its defense completely!

Have you ever seen a castle with dozens of large windows on the outermost wall!
This is it!
In other words, this is not a castle at all, but a palace in the name of a castle!
"Really, amazing..."

Jennifer was speechless, but Jonathan looked at the three-story castle, but couldn't help but want to curse.

Being able to build such a small 'castle' in ten years is completely the result of not treating the people of Westfall as human beings!
He finally knew why these Westfall farmers had to work so long!

Without so much time for voluntary labor, these tax officials who live here can't afford to build such a 'castle'!

Jonathan covered his forehead, and his body shook visibly to the naked eye. He really didn't expect to see such a scene.

Now that things have happened, he can only be thankful that this castle is not that big, not even half the size of Xiquan Fortress, and it was completely designed as a small palace.

This kind of 'castle', let alone a cannon, can be razed to the ground in a day with a few catapults!Once the Defias thieves invaded here in large numbers, there wouldn't even be too many traces left here.

Because apart from the first floor, the second and third floors are obviously mainly made of wooden structures, and they are not solid stones at all.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to face Li Ke!
These nobles can no longer be said to be corrupt and domineering here, they even have relations with Defias thieves!

Otherwise, how could such a 'castle' be built here!
It's... simply unreasonable!Lawlessness!

"It won't work as a strong castle, but it's fine as a temporary lord's mansion. Mr. Jonathan, if you don't mind, can you help us catch those people inside?"

After Li Ke finished speaking, Jennifer also spoke.

"Yes, Mr. Jonathan, I think it is necessary to interrogate these people and see what they have done here."

Jennifer's voice was very calm, and there was even some anger in it.

That's right, compared to Li Ke, Jennifer is more angry now. She has really been a commoner, so she naturally understands how many families and wives will be separated by the establishment of this castle.

When she was in the town before, she also felt that Li Ke might be a little impulsive. She thought that the fire in the town might be joined by Defias thieves, but it is different now.

This manor is enough to illustrate what these people have done here.

Especially when thinking of Stormwind City's impression of West Wilderness as "undeveloped areas" and "barren places", Jennifer felt a burst of nausea.

Li Ke's smile became brighter and brighter, but Jonathan's face became more and more gloomy. He didn't say anything, but silently mobilized his veterans, and silently urged the horses to move towards the Lord's Mansion.

He couldn't refuse Jennifer's order.

The speed of the team suddenly accelerated, and then there was a burst of hustle and bustle, while Li Ke and Jennifer walked slowly on the road full of apple trees, watching soldiers with bright armor continuously enter In the manor, control the servants one by one.

"Are we really going to live here?"

Jennifer didn't like this place a bit. Although her father's manor was gorgeous, the main body of the manor was handed down from the ancestors, and the decoration behind it was more money than conscripted corvee.

Her father's reputation was due to the fact that he rarely recruited farmers to work for him.

And the castle in front of me must have been built for no more than ten years, and during these ten years, most of the stonemasons in the previous few years were in Stormwind City, and after that, all the well-known stonemasons in Stormwind City must have joined Defias thieves.

So it goes without saying who will be the one who completed the castle, how long it took, and whose help he got.

Therefore, she is a little disgusted here.

"You actually have the potential to use Holy Light?"

Li Ke looked at Jennifer in surprise. For a moment, he left the energy in the other party's body to perceive a wave of holy light.

Facing Li Ke's question, Jennifer shook her head.

"I'm not that noble, but the locals will definitely hate this manor. As the new lord, will they hate us because of this and join the Defias thieves?"

Jennifer was very worried about this matter. Although she listened to Li Ke in everything, she didn't want to turn herself into a bad lord.

Li Ke thought for a moment, then shook his head.

"No, they won't really join the Defias thieves just because we live here. Most ordinary people won't have the guts to do anything out of the ordinary unless we live here. Come and kill the tax collectors who oppress them, and bring 'fairness' to them."

Li Ke let out a long sigh.

"Besides, only after we and the Defias thieves decide the outcome, they will choose to continue to be civilians or become Defias thieves."

"And we won't lose."

(End of this chapter)

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