Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 264 Jonathan's departure

Chapter 264 Jonathan's departure
As soon as this remark came out, the nobles present could no longer hide their shock.

Because people who can say such words are either crazy, or they really have such strength.

They don't know what kind of person Li Ke is, but what they know is that now that they have miscalculated Li Ke's determination and ideas, they have no means to turn things around.

If they had known that Li Ke was a bastard who claimed to be a barbarian, they would have fought Li Ke to the end even if they died!

But now Li Ke didn't bother to talk to these domineering idiots any more, and the holy lights around him appeared and submerged into the bodies of these nobles.

These holy lights can stabilize their injuries when their lives are dying, allowing Li Ke to arrive in time.

But Li Ke didn't do this to make them better, but to kill them at a better time.

Now even if everyone in the town is called together, at most one or two hundred people will see it. If you want to do it, you should do it thoroughly and transparently. At least five to six thousand people will see it. It is the best use of everything.

He kept them alive, just to keep them from dying during this period of time.

"Put them in prison, and then I have my own way to deal with it."

Hearing Li Ke's words, Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief again. He didn't know what Li Ke was thinking. He only thought that what Li Ke said just now was scary. When he saw Li Ke asked them to suppress these people, he immediately felt a panic. A feeling of relaxation.

He felt that Li Ke hadn't reached the point where he would completely cut off from Stormwind City, but it was just to scare these people and get a handle from them, so that those nobles could not directly intervene in the Western Wilderness.

That's right, Jonathan is still limiting Li Ke with the eyes of the nobility and the logic of the behavior of the nobility in this world, thinking that Li Ke will act according to his own worldview.

That's why, he looked so funny in front of Li Ke, such a double standard.

As long as the angle of view of the world is deflected a little, the world you see will be very different.

What Li Ke saw was a place where Stormwind City would not be able to actually rule in 30 or [-] years. He would give money and food as protection fees in the future, so that Stormwind City could stably fight with the tribe, and bought it in this way. The legal claim of this area is already giving them a lot of face.

No matter how disgusting he is, he dares to go to Stormwind City to wash the land alone after the formation of the power, and shock some local native players.The current gentleness is just a preparation for the inappropriate person in the future.

He came to be a conqueror, not to be the younger brother of some king.

And what Jonathan saw was a reshuffle of Stormwind City's rights, the entry of players, and the task of clearing the West Wilderness from the king.

The attitude and determination of the two people are naturally far apart.

As for what those nobles saw, it was naturally another matter.

"That's great, otherwise I wouldn't know how to write the report."

Jonathan nodded, and immediately ordered the guards to take everyone down, then pointed to the castle.

"Since you don't plan to kill those nobles, Li Ke, our most important thing now is this. Since you plan to use this place as your temporary stronghold, then I will leave five hundred soldiers here to help you defend. And help you strengthen the defense line here, but please be careful of Van Cleef, he is a very clever thief. When I came here, MI[-] once reminded me to be careful of his assassination, of course..."

Jonathan lowered his voice.

"And the assassination of others, but the five hundred soldiers I leave behind can be absolutely trusted,"

His face was very serious. If Li Ke and Jennifer died here, then this operation would become inaccurate.

At that time, even if Van Cleef is dead, there will still be countless people like Narrowcliff on this land.Because this land is so fertile that even a noble wants it.

"Rom Sanchee will help you defend, he's a royal guard, but, well, he's something else, too."

Hearing this, Li Ke couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Listen, you don't intend to take us with you?"

Jonathan nodded. He wished he could separate from Li Ke sooner. Li Ke seemed to be unreasonable in doing things, and he was completely opposite to him.

He felt that Li Ke was a little unscrupulous in doing things, and being with him was not good for his heart.

But after talking about the military action, his face became serious.

"Because the best way to solve the chaos in this area is to make those Defias thieves disappear, I will join up with the team that is still resisting at Sentinel Hill, and then establish a blockade with them to block the dead Defias thieves. Lao Nest! For this reason, I hope that after the autumn harvest, you and Ms. Jennifer can support my group of militiamen and the craftsmen you brought."

Jonathan's head is very clear that leading troops directly to attack the lair of the Defias thieves is seeking death, but as long as he can block the range of activities of the Defias thieves, those Defias thieves will surely die!
They need food and a variety of products to live. Once the goblins who cooperate with them find that they only have a trade route of goblins, then the goblins will let you understand why everyone in this world hates it. their reasons.

As for Li Ke?

Jonathan believed that Li Ke would not cooperate with the Defias thieves, let alone the goblins.

"So that's it. I understand. As for what you want, it will appear by your side at that time."

After thinking about it for a while, Li Ke understood that Jonathan wanted to give full play to the strength of their cavalry and equipment.

They brought quite a lot of cavalry. If Jonathan deploys troops around Yuexi Town and keeps letting the cavalry attack and patrol around these strongholds, then in less than two months, the Defias thieves will have to fight with them. The battle is over.

And when it comes to the decisive battle, that is their advantage.

But although it sounds good, in the end, the Defias Rogue's infiltration combat is stronger, or Jonathan's iron barrel tactics are more defensive.

Anyway, Jonathan will never be short of food and supplies.

"Thank you so much."

Jonathan nodded gratefully. He meant it sincerely. As long as he can destroy the Defias thieves, although there is a high probability that he will still not be able to be promoted to Marshal, but after two more battles, he will undoubtedly become Marshal.

Therefore, he led his troops away with great enthusiasm.

"Aren't we going to follow?"

Jennifer looked at Jonathan who was going away, and couldn't help asking.

"No, we have our own business."

Li Ke took a look at the town that was in ruins and was already thinking about how to play the real version of Warcraft.


Simulation business?

(End of this chapter)

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