Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 270 Negotiation Skills

Chapter 270 Negotiation Skills

"Why am I crazy? Actually, I'm normal, come on, how about we talk?"

Li Ke sneered.

Without him, even at the end of 9.0, Westfall would still be starving and desolate, and even Defias thieves would still be entrenched here, but they would not have the ability to revolt on a large scale.

After all, at that time, the young and strong in Azeroth were almost dead, and the population was already very low.The nobles who shared the spoils almost died because of fighting with tribes, natural disasters, Burning Legion and a lot of monsters and monsters.

So at that time, although Westfall was still not very good, it was finally able to take a breather.

And although he came a little earlier now, the western wilderness is in chaos, but it is not completely chaotic. A king can no longer control this place, but the nobles can still have a little contact.

But he is confident that the situation will be reopened within half a year, at least to restore normal production here-it just needs a person who can sing the opposite role.

So, he looked at Van Cleef and asked.

"What do you think Varian is like?"

Li Ke asked directly.

"Foolish king! Fool!"

"To be honest, don't tell me that you don't know that he resisted the orcs at Blackrock Mountain when you were building Stormwind City, and when he got the news and came back, someone stoned his queen to death."

"Are you so sure it wasn't what he was implying?"

"Then why didn't he prepare soldiers from the beginning to catch you all?"

Li Ke asked directly.


Van Cleef, who regained his composure, didn't speak, but covered his face and let out a long sigh of relief.

A dull breath emerged from his hands, as if he was crying quietly before, Van Cleef tried his best not to let his weak side be seen.

No one has ever been able to talk to him about this before, and no one has been able to talk about Varian in front of him, but now that he thinks about it carefully, if Varian really did things, he would not do it so rough, at least not Come with your queen.

And based on what he knew about Varian, Varian was not someone who promised a large bounty and then refused to pay it. Although this person had a bad temper, he still said what he said.

But what can he say?
If you think about it this way, Varian is a pretty innocent character here, but things have come to this point, is there any point to say?
He couldn't go back, and Varian couldn't see him as a member of the Alliance the way he used to.

After all, almost all his relatives and friends were dead no matter what, and the person who ordered it was obviously Varian.And whether Van Cleef was deceived, he also bears the reputation of killing the queen, and in fact disturbed the entire Stormwind Kingdom.

There are only so many Defias thieves he can manage, and he has always been here.But now, Stormwind City is full of Defias thieves, and Van Cleef can be seen everywhere.

"That's why I'm here to help you, Van Cleef, your course was wrong from the beginning, how can you be a, um, how to put it? How can you be a person who betrayed Stormwind because of his own victimization, You should be a brave hero, and your companions and friends will bring out the lawless nobles and bring them to justice, so that your brothers and friends, and the queen who died unjustly can be named heroes."

Li Ke spread out his hand.

"You should understand, it's not Varian or anyone else who really brought you to this point, but the nobles."

Speaking of this, Li Ke thought of Onyxia.

Onyxia's operation here is very clever. It can be said that she planned the whole thing, but it can also be said that she planned it.

Without her, this matter would not have become so big, but if you want to say that the nobles of Stormwind City will not be tempted by themselves, it is a fantasy.

Greed cannot be stopped.

"Ridiculous, do I still have to kneel and lick his shoes?"

Van Cleef became a little impatient, and Li Ke didn't get to the point, which made him very irritable.

"Of course not, but you don't want your daughter to be like you, either, Van Cleef, why did you see through my illusion for the second time, don't you know yourself? The way I said, even if you fail Now, your daughter will be able to live in peace, instead of being wanted, living a lifetime of hatred that cannot be revenged, and may even become the next queen of Stormwind... although I don't think you will agree."

Li Ke's words are serious, if things can really go according to his ideas, then there is absolutely no problem.

Vanessa can definitely become the daughter of a tragic hero, and as long as some encounters are arranged a little, Anduin and Vanessa can be brought together.

Vanessa is much more sensible than the Van Cleef in front of her. At least Vanessa knows how to play the game of rebellion, and Van Cleef...

Van Cleef even threw away his basic board for some decisive weapon, the Dreadnought.

how to say?

Li Ke didn't even know how he became the leader of the Masons' Union. He could only say that the current Van Cleef has been completely dazzled by hatred.

If it is the future Vanessa, I am afraid that after Li Ke writes a letter, Vanessa will discuss important matters with him, and Van Cleef will only call himself an idiot and lunatic when he gets the letter, and then announce the letter to the world and set the road on the road. completely gone.

Work with Greet.

Smart, but not quite smart.

It takes a loud and big mouth to make him realize the reality, and then give him a sweet date and promise a big cake, so that he can really get him to help.

"Of course, even if we die, my family and I will not have the slightest relationship with the Wrynn family!"

What VanCleef said was emphatic.

"It doesn't matter, that's your own business."

Li Ke really didn't care, he looked at Van Cleef and said his real plan.

"Van Cleef, you must give up your idea of ​​​​decisive weapons. You don't think that these bandits can help you take down the entire Stormwind City, do you? So you must immediately streamline your team and use those you can control. It can be controlled to stay, and then kill those who cannot be controlled, who have committed blood debts, or leave it to Jonathan to do military service, but I suggest you kill it yourself, so the effect is better."

Li Ke's expression became quite serious. He looked at Van Cleef and spoke word by word.

"You personally lead the team and kill those informal members who have hurt civilians, and those you don't want to kill, you must also ask them to apologize and give compensation."

"I can't do it! It's impossible!"

Van Cleef was resolute.

And Li Ke's response was also very simple. He clenched his palms, and Van Cleef immediately found that his whole body was bound by golden chains, and he could see clearly that these holy lights came from his body here.

"Guess, can I kill you in an instant?"

Li Ke's voice is still flat

Van Cleef looked at Li Ke and fell silent. He said in good conscience that he didn't trust Li Ke, nor did he want to trust Li Ke.

But Li Ke's hand is really...

He spoke in a little embarrassment.

"But even if you kill me, I can't do it. Like me, they are desperate people who want revenge. And we need money, a lot of money and food! This is the most important thing!"

Li Ke nodded.

"I will help you with money and food, and I will also help you with persuading them."

"help me?"

Van Cleef was a little surprised.

"To be precise, it's your dead old friend who helped you."

Li Ke's smile was still so bright.

(End of this chapter)

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