Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 283 Power of Anima

Chapter 283 Power of Anima
"Forget it, I'll talk about it later, what I have to do now is to figure out the power of the heart..."

Li Ke stood up, and gently pulled the quilt on his Miss Elf to cover her body, and then her body merged into the shadow, and moved towards her prison.

The guards along the way couldn't find him, even if people with sensitive senses noticed something was wrong, Li Ke's illusion technique made them ignore his existence.

And when he entered the dungeon, the first sentence he heard made him unable to hold back.

"The one called Li Ke will definitely let us go in the end. Those goblins will not give up the interests here, and neither will the family. You must know that those goblins don't have much food source. If the price is raised, they won't accept it."

The person who had been poured the holy light on his head by Li Ke before said such words, and held the arm of the soldier standing at the door.

"So there is absolutely nothing wrong with you preparing some white bread for us, sir, and we will repay you in the future! But if you continue to ignore our demands like this, then we will never let you go after we come out!"

The nobleman who was first infused with holy light by Li Ke and forced to tell the truth looked serious. Beside him, there was a large group of serious noblemen who kept catering to his words.

It seems that I really scratched my head at the beginning, and in Shengguang's confession, he didn't say this part...

Holy Light still has its limits.

Li Ke thought for a while, and snapped his fingers. The sudden sound of snapping made the already impatient guard's eyes froze for a moment, and then saluted to the air.

"Sir Jonathan! I see! I'm going out now."

After the guards finished speaking, they walked out under the blank eyes of the nobles, and after the guards left, Li Ke slowly released the illusion of these nobles, so that they could see themselves surrounded by the power of shadow.

"Hello, gentlemen, I need a little help from you."

Li Ke changed his voice slightly, then stretched out his hand, and the spell from Denathius was activated instantly. Although it was a bit jerky, the red heart energy given by Denathius quickly acted on the bewildered nobleman. And the next moment—

The aristocrat's mind kept flashing back to what he had done in his life, what he cared about, what he experienced, what he cared about most, he clearly felt these experiences, these emotions were constantly being withdrawn from the other party's spellcasting, huge Sadness and emptiness made him miserable, and even though his body still had strength, he couldn't resist at all.

He fell to his knees in vain, stretched out his hand to pray to Li Ke, tears and snot kept flowing out, trying to grasp the emotions and memories that flowed from his body along with the red light.

"Don't! Don't! Don't take away my memories! Don't! That's the only thing I can remember from this place!"

These memories and emotions still exist in his body, but they don't exist, making him feel so empty, so empty, as if his soul will disappear the next moment.

However, Li Ke felt something different.

"Fear, anger, joy, desire... strong emotions and a certain amount of soul power, is this the so-called heart energy?"

He didn't understand, because the spells of the shadow series and the spells of the holy light series all have the ability to extract emotions. It seems that the heart energy is simply a kind of power fused with the power of the soul, and it is not special.

"No, it should be that the power of emotion is indeed very powerful and can adapt to any kind of energy, so it can be used by various forces..."

The more you understand the world, the more complicated it becomes.

Li Ke is still pumping out the power of the heart energy. Interestingly, when the power of the heart energy enters his body, he finds that he can know what the nobleman has done before through the power of the heart energy, especially those who The most emotional anima, the more powerful the information contained in that anima.

However, Li Ke is also a little helpless, because the most emotional part of this guy is doing various things with all kinds of girls, so now his mind is full of this guy's experience in bed affairs, and how he is brave and good at fighting of.

"Why the hell am I watching this?"

Li Ke was a little speechless, because he turned to the plot of this guy doing things with the horse, and looking up the memory in his mental energy is immersive, so he almost spit it out.

"But this power is indeed interesting, no wonder Denathius said that this thing is powerful."

It can be said that as long as enough anima from a warrior is poured into a person, then that person can immediately become a qualified warrior and possess the temper of those warriors.

How should I put it, it is very easy to quickly produce various workers and fighters.


Li Ke looked at the nobleman. Although he had absorbed the other party's heart energy as much as possible, the heart energy absorbed now was all fear, and it was the fear feeling of the other party looking at him from the first perspective.

Although these fearful hearts should be useful, they can't give Li Ke enough information.

So Li Ke thought for a while before speaking.

"Are you missing your wife? Oh, there's a mole on the back of that ass, and you like to use the first wife in the back? Her injustice makes me say hello to you, and the fork stuck in her heart is very painful pain."

The next moment, a terrified expression appeared on the nobleman's face.

"how do you know!"

Then a ball of red and pink heart energy was pulled out by Li Ke. The next moment, Li Ke saw the first perspective of an angry drunk man killing a woman, and why he was angry.

His wife cheated on him.

Even if he cheated, he would still be with his nephew, uncle, aunt, uncle, subordinate, boss, grandfather, father, his horse, dog, and fish...

You guys!
Li Ke shook his hand and almost pulled out the nobleman's soul. He took a deep breath, not knowing how to face this nobleman.

How should I put it, although he is still a damned person, when Li Ke looked at him, he was already full of pity.

But it was this look of pity that became the last straw that caused the nobleman's mentality to explode.

"What do you know! That bastard deserves what she deserves! I killed her as honor revenge!"

The violent rage instantly filled his soul, and the gap left by the anima that Li Ke took away from his soul was instantly filled by his rage, making his body taller, his soul full of rage, and his whole body shattered. A red mist, or flame, burned.

"I am righteous!"

And Li Ke's heart energy drawn at this time...

Also become pure, angry, and powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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