Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 286 Miko

Onyxia was very concerned about what Li Ke made, because when she saw Varian that day, she found that Varian's mood improved a lot, which was quite against her interests and ideas.

So, she decided to go and see Li Ke tonight.

By the way, let's laugh at Li Ke. The method of laughing at him is very low-level, and she dismissed it easily.

Onyxia thought for a moment.

Going to Nefarian's place and just sitting there for a while was resolved, and Nefarian didn't ask for any substantial price from me, not even asking for some dragon eggs for him, so it's not too easy.

So it means that I have easily lifted it.

As for going this way, it is very simple, just take a teleportation spell at night. Anyway, the palace where Li Ke lives now has the portal beacon she made before, and it takes a little material to teleport there.

"As for you... Although this kind of thing is harmless, the source of the product still needs to be investigated. Although there is a high probability that you will be fine, you'd better hope that this matter will not affect anyone, or that this thing is not a curse."

After speaking, Onyxia threw the shadow slice in her hand back on the man.

"Tell me, how is the market for this thing?"

"Very well, Miss Onyxia."

The male noble hurriedly caught the shadow slice thrown by Onyxia.

"Although what I sell is already very expensive, what this thing can bring is not only a sensory experience, but also a sense of peace of mind, and it will not actually cheat, or even lose some Functional people can also rely on this to experience the lost happiness...so even if the price of this thing is [-] gold coins, there are still many people who want to buy it."

When he said this, the male noble couldn't help but raised his head, and looked at Onyxia with a hopeful look.

"You must know who made this and be able to get more types, right?"

He had an inexplicable confidence, because Lady Katrana's expression was so calm and composed, and she even seemed to be thinking, which really made it hard for him not to think too much.

"You're really smart, so go down first, and I'll let you know if something happens later, after all, smart people like you are usually scarce."

Onyxia is very satisfied with this human's greed, his greed can allow her to use him to do many things, and even consider asking him to sell this kind of thing to Lordaeron to help her father's new plan.

"Of course, of course!"

The male noble was overjoyed, hurriedly got up, and walked out from here.

But Onyxia watched his leaving back, thinking about how to talk to Li Ke at night.

Night fell quickly. After riding a horse for a day, Jennifer, led by the guards, kept talking to the town residents, collected what the town needed, and instructed the town residents to rebuild. With the help of the maids, Jennifer took off After throwing off her burqa and chain mail, she fell directly on the bed. Even if Li Ke kept stroking her tights, she didn't have any intention of resisting, just like a salted fish.

Then, after a busy day, Jennifer saw that she was sitting on the bed with a pen to write and draw, and when she was constantly sketching some architectural styles, she couldn't help but open her mouth with resentment.

"So, honey."

Jennifer gathered her lovely red hair, and tightened her arms, revealing more imaginative whiteness.

"Have you become a vampire now? Sleep during the day and act at night."

Her tone was full of resentment. She used to think that Li Ke would be the mayor, and she would just be a quiet mayor's wife, but now, she was managing things, and she had a real mayor beside her.

Although directing other people to do things, and watching a dilapidated town become intact under her command, and the smiles on the faces of the townspeople made her feel very satisfied, but Li Ke seemed to be nothing. The way she did it really made her incomprehensible.

"That's not all, I still did some things."

Li Ke looked at the dissatisfied Jennifer, smiled, and then motioned to Miss Elf to bring some clothes over.

Then, the top one was shown to Jennifer.

This is a pretty baroque gold dress, the whole body is made up of golden silk thread, and there is no stitches, and the repeated pattern and lace, as well as the various gems decorated on it, make you tired all day Jennifer's eyes lit up.

"……This is?"

Jennifer stretched out her hand to touch this golden dress in surprise. This style she had never seen before made her feel a burst of surprise and love—mainly because it looked good.

This is the service that Li Ke saw in Maozi movies of the last century. Even if it is restored in modern times, the cost of restoration is not low. Thousands of dollars.

But now...

That is to use a silk dress as the inner lining, and then release the holy light of a holy shield spell on it, so that after the hidden holy shield spell is activated in this dress, it is used to cover Jennifer's body.

That's right, most of this dress is made of holy light, which is quite cheap and light.

But if anyone in the clergy or the nobles of the kingdom knew about it, then this dress would be worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

After all, whether it is style, practicality, or wearing experience, it is undoubtedly top-notch.

"It's so beautiful! And why have I never seen this style before!"

Jennifer looked at the dresses that Li Ke had prepared for her in surprise. She always thought that the clothes on Ms. Prestor and Ms. Gianna were already gorgeous, but in front of the clothes she saw, she was surprised. It looks so simple.

"Send your dress, and some other clothes."

Li Ke didn't answer Jennifer's question, the reason is very simple, the aesthetics of Azeroth...

Slightly dated.

There was no way to do this. Even the high elf garden he saw last time, in retrospect, was only better in terms of exquisiteness, but it was much worse in style.

However, Li Ke's real purpose is still behind.

He took out several sets of red and white clothes. Compared with other clothes, this set of clothes can be said to be quite ordinary.

It was a different style of miko costume.

Armpit-exposed, non-exposed, exposed, tightly-clothed, the same as if worn.

These are the real fabrics, and they are also the rewards he wants.

"Come be my witch, Miss Jennifer."

However, at this moment, Li Ke suddenly felt a burst of unusual energy fluctuations, and then——

He sensed Onyxia's breath.

And right behind it.

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