Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 300 Treatment Issues

Chapter 300 Treatment Issues
"Mr. Li Ke, these designs of yours are very thoughtful, but we still need to conduct a field inspection."

The dragon people looked at the idea of ​​Li Ke's breeding plan and the construction plan of some supporting facilities, and after discussing with each other, their captain came over and reported to Li Ke.

And the twilight forces and the demonic forces are similar, both discussing these things.

The devil is looking at what kind of energy station Li Ke needs to build for the energy, while the Twilight believers are discussing where Li Ke should purchase the poultry and livestock that Li Ke needs.

Because according to Li Ke's requirements, they need some special breeds of chickens to meet Li Ke's needs for the farm.

The local native chickens in Stormwind City cannot achieve the rapid slaughter and rapid growth required by Li Ke. This kind of chickens are generally found in Lordaeron, and if they want to meet Li Ke's requirements, feed and special drugs are unavoidable.

It's just the price...

So they were discussing how to use the cheapest method to make Li Ke's farm meet his requirements.

It's just that the dragon man obviously felt that he was closer to Li Ke than the devil and the Twilight believers, so when he reported that they needed to go on-the-spot with the Twilight believers and then choose a location, he asked Li Ke too much.

"Master Li Ke, I don't quite understand. You seem to want to feed these humans with food?"

The dwarf turned into a black dragon named Valder Valla spoke.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Li Ke nodded, otherwise what would he want these people to do?
"But doesn't this run counter to Lord Deathwing's goal?"

The dragon man didn't understand very well. Although his opinion was not important, and Onyxia had ordered to listen to Li Ke, he still couldn't help asking.

Because he has always been doing work for the purpose of destroying the world, and suddenly he wants to open a large breeding farm, he really doesn't understand.

"Because only in this way can we strengthen our power. Human beings are very simple creatures. I believe you have already understood that they can destroy their own country for a bite of food and some money. So as long as we make good use of this, You can easily throw the world into turmoil.”

Li Ke had already thought of the reason. After all, he wanted to use these villains. There was no reason, and he really couldn't be fooled in the early stage.

"Yes, my lord, it is true. These mortals have always been short-sighted, just like their life span, very short."

The black dragon seemed to be convinced, but what Li Ke didn't know was that the black dragon in front of him actually cared more about another thing.

However, his next question made Li Ke feel very interesting.

"Well, I mean, sir, I just have a little bit more doubt. It's about camouflage. After all, Her Highness Onyxia and you don't want us to be exposed, so we... well, there are some that may need Items that you spend extra on.”

Mr. Wald rubbed his palms hesitantly. This is a character set he set for himself after he became a dwarf, but after so many years of acting, he has become accustomed to such a character set. , On the contrary, it really became his habit.

Li Ke raised his eyebrows. For the first time, he understood the thoughts of these little people under the villain's hands, because Wald in front of him obviously wanted to improve his treatment.

This made him feel that the world was more real, so he smiled and looked at the other party.

"tell me the story."

Wald rubbed his hands again in embarrassment, and after cheering himself up, he glanced at Li Ke's half-smile expression. He wasn't sure what Li Ke was thinking, so he hesitated for a while before using He spoke in a rather humble tone.

"Well, I mean, my lord, dwarves are heavy drinkers, so, um, we, um..."

Halfway through Wald's speech, he stuttered guiltily and kept rubbing his calloused hands.Li Ke suddenly felt a little funny. Onyxia didn't tell him this. She only said that the meat is enough, and there is no need to pay these people wages.

Seeing these people stammering, Li Ke couldn't help laughing.

"Do you need a drink supply?"

Wald nodded in embarrassment, and was even a little scared. Most of the black dragons he came into contact with were arbitrary, and the selfless dedication of these dragon people to the dragon itself was a tradition and virtue, so he stood for his own. Ashamed to ask.

But this is not moral, or not entirely moral, because they, dragon beasts and dragon people, will naturally worship real dragons from the perspective of life and power, and are willing to serve Dragon effect.

Moreover, many dragon people and dragon beasts are actually created by giant dragons with their own power. It is actually quite normal to have such a relationship.

Of course, there are also reasons why Deathwing's teachings are very 'good'.

So he was very afraid of Li Ke's punishment, and thought he was a lazy and greedy guy.

But... He really wants wine and good enough food, which is also the idea of ​​other dragon people, and their previous character design is indeed like this.

The main reason is that dwarves are almost like this. When they were disguised as dwarves, they even had two companions who were forced to drink too much alcohol and had their stomachs perforated...

"That's it."

Li Ke nodded. He looked at these black dragons, as well as the Twilight believers and demon believers who were listening with cat ears, clapped his hands, and then raised his voice sharply.

"Is everyone in need?"

Hearing Li Ke's question, almost all demon believers and twilight believers shook their heads, expressing that they did not need more benefits.

Especially a Twilight believer, he knelt down in front of Li Ke with a pious expression, raised his hands high, and then threw himself on the ground, flattering Li Ke with a doggy attitude.

"We are not, great saints, we are dedicated to the void with one heart and one mind, we will definitely not be like some people, relying on your grace and kindness, put forward some unrealistic ideas for the benefit of our own selfishness! Even if we sacrifice our lives, even if we don't eat or drink, we will fulfill your orders!"

His attitude was very pious, his attitude was very sincere, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Li Ke's face with a pious smile.

"If there is a request... we believers in Twilight have only one request! That is, you allow us to lick your shoes! And we will be loyal to you forever!"

Fuck you Twilight believers...

Li Ke nodded again and spoke with a smile.

"Where's mother Juan?"


(End of this chapter)

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