Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 313 Liadrin's Intention

Chapter 313 Liadrin's Intention

"I finally understand why goblins are hated by so many people."

In the room, Li Ke looked at his armor boots with some distaste. Although Shengguang promised that there would never be anything from goblins on them, he still couldn't help but feel disgusted.

It took him half a day for that goblin to be driven off his boots. If it wasn't really useful to keep him, Li Ke would definitely pull out his soul at night, pumping out the heart energy first, then the evil energy, and then Burn in fel fire.

Liadrin, who was sitting in front of him, couldn't help laughing, and shook her head helplessly.

"Goblins are like this, but you have to say, sometimes they are really useful, at least when you want to find something, they can find it for you quickly... Although sometimes, they There's still blood on what was handed to you, but they're really capable."

Liadrin, who was invited to the living room by Li Ke as a VIP, glanced at the cakes on the table with some distaste. It wasn't that she was impolite, but that she had never eaten such rough cakes.

The taste is generally not mentioned, and even the pattern is only a superficial layer. Her dislike is natural and has no subjective thoughts.

Li Ke thought of the big purple rabbit sleeping in the guest room, which was sold to him by the goblin. To be honest, he still feels like a fairy tale.

Nima night elves can sell it to you.

So even he has to admit that sometimes you really have to praise the goblin's professional ability.

"indeed so."

Li Ke sighed, then looked at Liadrin, the elves behind her who were obviously Holy Light Mage, and a taciturn Proudmoore officer.

"But Miss Liadrin, do you have any other purpose for coming here besides carrying letters for His Highness Jaina and His Highness Kael's Sass?"

Because the goblin was too difficult to deal with, he really didn't know what Jaina and Kael'thas had sent them here for.

They can only be entertained first, and then asked.

"Well, these are all in the letter, but it's okay to tell you, because I know that you are short of manpower, so Miss Jaina wrote to ask her father to send you a group of officers who can fight at sea, as well as shipbuilders. craftsmen. As for our Prince... um..."

Liadrin sighed before speaking.

"He sent some mages to help you deal with some magic matters in the territory, and help you build a barrier to protect the safety of you and your family. As for us..."

Liadrin looked at Li Ke with curious eyes.

"We are members of the Holy Light Mage Association in Silvermoon City. We heard about you, so we are very curious about how you did it. Well, it is those incredible holy light spells."

Li Ke's eyebrows twitched slightly. He thought for a while. The healing ability he displayed was actually not very powerful, so the only holy light spells that could make the elves care about him should be his usual shield, spear and chain.

"Are you talking about my curtain of holy light, as well as the spear of holy light and the holy chains that were just shown to you?"

As soon as he raised his hand, miniature chains, walls, and chains appeared in midair, showing Liadrin.

He uses these spells very smoothly, and they are essentially energy shaping that appears at the moment of his mind. To be honest, there is no technical content, just because his affinity for holy light and shadow is much higher than other energies, so This will cause his holy light and shadow spells to look quite out of the ordinary.

So if he is asked to teach, he really can't teach the original version, but if he asks Naru for some knowledge and develops it himself, he can still make some castrated spells.

After all, the friendship of elves is still very important, and he needs the help of elves for some things.

So his words became more tactful.

"But I'm sorry, Miss Liadrin, these spells value talent and affinity with the Holy Light, so you want to learn..."

However, when several beautiful elf girls saw this scene, they immediately covered their mouths, ran to Liadlin with a smile, grabbed Liadlin's arms and shoulders, and made Liadlin who was still serious Delin looked at them with a disgusted expression.

Li Ke was a little confused, but after driving away the girls around him, Liadrin forced a dignified smile before speaking.

"No, not these, Mr. Li Ke, why are we interested in your attack spells? This is too rude, we, um, we care more about other spells."

Another spell?
Li Ke was a little dazed.

These are the most frequently used spells of his holy light. Could it be that these elves want healing spells?So he decided to ask.

"Then what you want to communicate with me is..."

Liadrin smiled, and took out a roll of parchment and a small box from among her clothes.

Li Ke opened the box with some doubts, and then saw a string of golden bracelets, which shone brightly under the sunlight and were quite beautiful.

But his face changed immediately!

This is the jewelry style he designed before!

Darrenice? !
No, no, this rose pattern is that female elf named Elona?

Li Ke took a deep breath, and he glanced at Liadrin and the laughing female elves around her in disbelief, and then opened the picture scroll.

On the picture scroll, a blond female elf is wearing golden, complicated and unusual jewelry, shining under the golden light, looking extremely dignified and gorgeous. Not only that, this jewelry also gave her an unusually warm and The feeling of enthusiasm makes people want to communicate with her and talk to her.

There is no doubt that although it is somewhat distorted, this is indeed Alona, ​​the female elf mage who was not played a friendly match with her because Darenys was too enthusiastic.

Li Ke completely understood now, he raised his head, feeling strange in his heart, he can be sure that although his spell castration will not be as powerful as his, it will still be rare in current Azeroth Powerful holy light spell.

But these people...

No, these elves have traveled so far, they only care about the holy light jewelry he made? ?

"You...you want this?"

He raised his finger with some difficulty. It was very difficult for him to snap his fingers so smoothly in the past, but he still managed to make Liadrin in front of him wear the jewelry made entirely of holy light, and A light gauze made of holy light threads.

The next moment, the screams of the elf girls resounded through the room, but Li Ke heard a voice precisely.

"I'll offer two thousand gold coins! Master Li Ke! Even if it disappears! Please give me one too!"

Li Ke: "..."

 Hmm, has the recent plot been a bit boring?There are so few complaints...

(End of this chapter)

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