Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 324 Van Cleef Arrives in Person

Chapter 324 Van Cleef Arrives in Person

The mighty relocation team quickly entered this small town that was attacked not long ago, but after these people entered this town, they couldn't help whispering.

And the residents of the town also paid attention to these swaggering residents in their houses and streets.

The guarding soldiers hurriedly maintained order, but before they let these people go back outside the town, Li Ke brought Jennifer and La Gesha here, and behind them was the man who had no Elected captain of the guard.

"Where do these people come from?"

Jennifer saw the situation of these people at a glance. These people were all tall and muscular, and they were not comparable to ordinary farmers.

And although the clothes on them are obviously a bit worn out, their spirits are much better than the residents of this town.

Compared with those listless townspeople, it seems that these people deserve to be called 'people'.

This is true.

Most of the town mayor manages such people and self-cultivated farmers, rather than contract farmers who farm the land, or simply hired labor on the farm.

However, La Gesha, who was following Li Ke, couldn't help covering her mouth when observing these 'refugees', because she saw people from the Defias Brotherhood among them!

That was a tall, thin, black-haired man. She had seen that man when her master was dealing with people from the Defias Brotherhood!

At that time, the other party was holding a hammer for beating stones, and looked at himself and the master indifferently, but now the other party is holding his little daughter, and there is a woman who looks a bit vicissitudes by her side, obviously a family of three. Here it is.

If she hadn't seen the other person holding a hammer and getting angry, she couldn't even believe it was the same person!

"The only workers we can use right now."

His words made Lagertha, who was covering her mouth, raise her eyebrows. Compared with Jennifer, who didn't know Stormwind City well, Lagertha was a real Stormwind native, so after seeing his former acquaintance, he immediately Realized who these people were.

"They will renovate our town and help us build various things and buildings. Otherwise, Jennifer, with the people we brought, would not be able to manage this vast land well."

Li Ke didn't care about La Gesha's actions. He couldn't hide the Defias thief, but as long as he kept his own place here, who would care?

Because most of these refugees had various iron tools in their hands, the guards did not dare to let them get close to the current de facto lord's mansion, so after a while, the leaders of these 'refugees' were brought over , came to Li Ke.

Looking at Van Cleef in disguise, he couldn't help laughing.The current opponent is almost an Arab in make-up, and the turban robes and other things are not bad. From the perspective of a guard full of limitations and derogatory meanings, his outfit is indeed in line with his profession.

But even if he knew it a long time ago, Li Ke was still very surprised that the other party came in person.

"You actually came in person."

Van Cleef nodded, looking at Li Ke who got off the horse, his eyes were full of surprise.

He thought Li Ke would talk to him on horseback, but he still didn't forget to say why he came.

"Let me see how the environment here is, and whether you really plan to cooperate with me, or..."

He glanced at the officer behind Li Ke. The lion pattern on the opponent's body made him quite unhappy, so Li Ke spoke.

"Send you to the prison in batches? Then in exchange for glory and wealth?"

Van Cleef nodded, and he took out some tobacco leaves like a real refugee, but Li Ke declined with a smile.

On Earth, he would do this because of favors and business talks, but now he doesn't need it.Seeing that Li Ke didn't like this, Van Cleef just shrugged his shoulders and handed the tobacco leaf to Johansen beside him, who put it into his mouth bluntly and began to chew.

For this kind of old miner, smoking can no longer satisfy him.

"Of course, after all, you are now a knight of Varian in name, this is a way to make money without losing money."

Looking away from the soldier, Van Cleef heaved a sigh of relief, for the officer had an indescribable expression on his face, as if you had eaten a rather sour orange, but to make the rest Harm other people, and then have to forcefully look the same.

But Li Ke laughed out, he thought Van Cleef wouldn't really think that Stormwind City would be able to survive in peace in the future, right?
If Lordaeron is not killed by Arthas himself.

"Really? You really think so?"

Hearing this, Van Cleef felt a little melancholy. He took a deep breath, looked in the direction of Stormwind City, and then looked at the gorgeous palace behind Li Ke that the previous generation of nobles had obtained by exploiting peasants, and then nodded.

"A long time ago."

Li Ke looked at his face, listened to his vicissitudes of tone, and knew his helplessness, sadness, and anger.

However, no matter what, things have come to this point.

"So what do you think of this town?"

Li Ke pointed to the towns around him, and Van Cleef was not polite at all when he complained.

"Too bad, the division of the layout means that there is no division, all kinds of dangerous buildings, and a layout without any defense at all. It can be said that without the five hundred soldiers, this town would not have any security at all. Add to that the farmers who don't have any hope, and overall it's just like the rest of the place"

"When he has a lord who is rich and wants to establish here. By the way, I didn't tell you, all the land in the land I govern is mine, but the tax..."

Li Ke handed over a jug of water to Van Cleef, who hesitated for a moment, but still took it and took a sip.

And when he saw that he was about to swallow the saliva, Li Ke said the tax he planned to ask for.

"Only [-]%."

With a puff, Van Cleef spit out the water in his mouth directly, and Li Ke just turned sideways, allowing the water sprayed out by Van Cleef to spray on the face of the equally astonished but innocent Rom Sanchee, causing The garrison officer narrowed his eyes directly, made a painful expression, and kept shedding tears.

The reason is also very simple.

It's mint juice.

Li Ke added mint juice to the water.

(End of this chapter)

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