Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 337 The Extraordinary Twilight Follower

Chapter 337 The Extraordinary Twilight Follower
But no matter how he thought about it, Li Ke felt that it was outrageous.If what this twilight believer said is true, then just this one animal can solve the meat problem of the entire Westfall once and for all.

He still couldn't understand why these knowledgeable and capable twilight believers would rather believe in the gods that could drive them crazy than believe in miracles that could rely on these abilities to create themselves...

"No, perhaps once."

Thinking of the current Archbishop Shengguang in Stormwind City, Li Ke fell silent.

Although he really doesn't like the Holy Light, it is undeniable that Paladins and Holy Light users are indeed a group of rare gentlemen in this era, willing to sacrifice their lives for their ideals and morality.

However, the archbishop turned into a shadow archbishop in the future, wanting to destroy the whole world.

Li Ke didn't know exactly what happened in it, but he was sure that the other party must have been completely disappointed with Shengguang, no, to be exact, what he had insisted on before he became what he was after.

However, last time I didn't check to see if the other party had become the Shadow Archbishop.

Li Ke is still very sorry about this.

So Li Ke implemented his previous thoughts, let go of the idea of ​​understanding their thoughts and chose to respect their choices.

"I don't know if what you said is true. Why don't you show your talents in the human world, but there is no doubt that if what you said is true, then I will give you what you deserve. "

Li Ke paused.

"What I said before is effective. In fact, after the lime is confirmed to be useful, you will be able to live in the house and office location I promised you. You can even customize the house you want."

Van Cleef did a lot of things that day besides being loyal, the most important of which was one.

He helped Li Ke re-plan the layout and design of the city, and completely eliminated most of the high-rise buildings Li Ke envisioned, because he told an important thing.

No one lives in it, even if it is built, it is useless, it can only be left to wait for it to break down, or even become a residence for monsters, and the construction technology is not mature, and there are not enough qualified workers, so within ten years it will remain the original Architectural style and design, then it is better to use new materials.

Now the mason he brought has laid the foundation and is trying to use lime, so it won't be long before what Li Ke promised before can be realized.

"We don't really expect much from the master."

But the Twilight disciple waved his hand.

"The real things are actually meaningless to us. We only pray for everything in the past, so you just need to tell our great master that we have fulfilled your request."

Twilight worshipers don't expect much.

"My reward has nothing to do with whether you need it or not, but because I promised."

Li Ke didn't mean to talk nonsense with them at all. He was really sure that these people were indeed capable.

But the spirit is also really problematic.

"By the way, I don't care what you do, but don't affect other people."

After Li Ke finished speaking, he glanced at these people immersed in the illusion of the void. Most of them could no longer distinguish between reality and illusion. Even if they saw themselves, they just ignored themselves, which was different from the respect they used to have. .

These people seem to be walking dead, they seem to be angry, and they seem to be happy. There is even a woman who treats a stone as a child and is breastfeeding.

"Sorry, master, you know, in Stormwind City... we can't do this... well, indulgence."

The Twilight believer smiled awkwardly, but Li Ke nodded without saying anything, just turned his head and left.

"Tomorrow, I hope to see a report on the animals you can improve, as well as the breeding plan."

This is necessary, otherwise these twilight believers would be foolish to say what they believe.

Everything depends on the actual effect.

Twilight disciples naturally agreed, sent Li Ke off respectfully, and then he—

Go back and get beaten.

When all the joys and pains are over, when all the dreams fade away with the power of the void, the followers of the void will return to normal.

"So, are we really going to hand over the research results?"

The man who Li Ke saw before was wearing a belt and buckling his reset button spoke seriously, but at this moment his face was completely serious.

"Yes, Ron, hand it over."

The leader nodded, he stroked the staff with a skull in his hand, and looked at his companions around.

"No matter how strong the holy light on him is, and how he resists my lord's grace, there is no doubt that he does have power that we do not have."

The leader sighed, then explained.

"Besides, our research is worthless in this world, only God Envoy will care about it. Think about what happened to us in the past."

Everyone was silent.

In this era, what they learn is not taken seriously, and people think they are evil existences.

But at first they were just trying to use the power of shadow to heal and save people.

After all, the power of shadow is unexpectedly effective in many cases
"It's just a pity that it is difficult to achieve both combat effectiveness and reproduction speed. I didn't expect it. The weapons we prepared to welcome the end of the day turned into things he used to develop cities and agriculture... Thinking about the things we used to do for these I feel ridiculous that I have paid so much for things.”

Ron glanced at the chickens. The sacrifices that Li Ke saw were actually very risky. They often didn't see anything and didn't say anything, and they went completely crazy.

And the chicken Li Ke saw was their previous strategic goal, which Li Ke thought was a joke before.

A lot of Twilight followers died for that project, but the result was tragic.

Either they are born fast without fighting power and grow fast, or they have fighting power but grow slowly and grow less.Either it has combat effectiveness, grows fast, and cannot be copied.

The results they showed to Li Ke were just a by-product of a failed doomsday plan.

Yes, doomsday plans have always been there, but most of them have failed.

"We should have used worms in the first place! How good worms are!"

Ron complained angrily. He said before that he would use worms. The worms only need to solve the growth problem.

As for how to control it?

Twilight believers still afraid of this?
"Then what... Ron, you forgot one thing."

Leader Twilight looked at Ron seriously.

"Our Lord hates bugs."

The air was silent for a moment.


Ron's angry expression disappeared and turned into a harmless one.

"forget it."

 Finally done... go to bed...

(End of this chapter)

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