Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 339 Kil'jaeden's Conditions

Chapter 339 Kil'jaeden's Conditions

Ah this...

Li Ke still looked at Kil'jaeden blankly, but he was already in a state of not knowing what to say.

how to say.

Isn't this a coincidence?
However, for the sake of his personality, he decided to be reserved.

"That's my prince."

Li Ke spoke firmly.

"I can give you a lot of knowledge about fel spells, including how to use fel energy to construct a stable magic circle."

Kil'jaeden talked eloquently, he understands the price increase.

Li Ke wanted to agree a little bit. It is difficult to build a magic circle with evil energy, unless he personally controls it, but many demons he has seen can use evil energy to build magic circles without any energy support, so he was really curious about how it was done.

However, it seems that he is too cheap to agree like this.

So he spoke again.

"It's not a matter of knowledge or lack of knowledge. Lordaeron is the homeland I will never forget. How can you ask me to be a traitor?"

Kil'jaeden laughed.

"Did you tell me that you are not a traitor now? Did Tenaris really give you any orders? Li Ke, you should be very clear that Tenaris will not tolerate everything you have done It is undeniable that he is a very capable king, but he is old, and like his current son Alsace, he does not have the stamina to do great things."

Kil'jaeden sneered.

"I can let you take most of the Lordaerons and let them fill your territory. All the demons will cooperate with you. You just need to make this prince corrupt."

His words were full of disdain, and he set up a trap. As long as Li Ke helped Alsace complete the transformation, even if Li Ke took most of the Lordaeron away, the remaining Scourge would be able to directly Submerge the kingdom of elves, and the whole of Azeroth.

No matter how strong Li Ke is, he is nothing more than a paladin. Can he still resist an entire army?
The blessing of Holy Light is limited.

Those Allied Forces of the Holy Light who thought they could resist the Legion were nothing more than chickens and dogs, and the Holy Light was just a false lie. When that time came, the paladin in front of him would kneel on the ground and pray for the strength of the Legion.

Li Ke knows that Kil'jaeden is not a fool. Although he has the nickname of an honest person, if you really think that the other party is a sincere person, then you won't know how you got tricked.

"But the problem is, I am a voter of the Holy Light."

But he chose to cheat again.

"Alright alright."

Kil'jaeden sighed. Although he had seen such people many times, every time he felt helpless.

"I will give you something else, human. All you desire is power and knowledge. I will give you the command of a group of my subordinates. You can order them to do anything, including helping you. Build a power station."

Kil'jaeden has lost interest in talking to Li Ke, and his phantom gradually began to disappear.

"Remember, human, this is a deal, you don't have to accept it, but if you accept it, then..."

His phantom has completely disappeared, but his voice has not disappeared, still echoing in your ears.

"...you know what's going to happen."

Li Ke looked at the place where Kil'jaeden left, and felt relieved after the last trace of magical energy dissipated.



Li Ke continued to ride back to his house calmly, but when passing by the place where Kil'jaeden was standing just now, he saw the head of a demon with dull eyes.

It was Metis' head.

Li Ke was silent for a while, manipulating the evil to make Metis' head fly to his hand, but as soon as he touched it, he felt something was wrong.

Know how.

Metis' thinking, knowledge, and memory can now be looked up at will!
Just by touching Metis' skin, he can perceive all Metis' memories!
Whether it's the memory of casting spells, the memory of dealing with those demons, or her disgusting real name, they can all be seen easily!
Those things she didn't want Li Ke to see, and what she wanted Li Ke to see, were all here.

Not only that, her soul has also been completely transformed, and her self-awareness has completely stagnated. Even if Li Ke roughly flipped through her memory like this, she just kept rolling her eyes upwards, but she didn't have any intention of resisting.

Her consciousness was trapped, she could feel everything Li Ke did to her, but she could only watch, could not do anything, even couldn't move her tongue and eyeballs.

Instead, countless pain and despair surged in her mind, and every time Li Ke looked through the memory, this pain and despair would double, and Li Ke felt how painful and desperate Metis was.

"...is this a warning? Or is this what Kil'jaeden said, knowledge?"

Li Ke's tone was a bit erratic, but before he had time to think about why Kil'jaeden did this to Metis, the demon register on his chest became hot, and a silent cry echoed in Li Ke's body. Heart rang.

He quickly took out his demon booklet from his arms, and in the next moment, countless evil energy burst out from the devil booklet, wrapping it up.

Then, Li Ke heard a burst of women's wailing coming from the book.

The pages moved automatically without wind, and every time they were turned, there were sounds of bones and muscles being squeezed, broken, and torn, which made Li Ke's hair stand on end.

And when the last page was turned, the evil energy turned into flames and was continuously inscribed on the booklet. New names appeared on the booklet one by one, and their real names and abilities were marked.

Li Ke even had some impression of the first name.

Sironas, an eredar female commander in the draenei novice village mission!Received orders from Kil'jaeden to hunt down an eredar in the draenei.

After that, the names of demons continued to appear on the roster, causing the book to continuously wail at the soul level, and Li Ke's soul was also impacted.

"Damn it... this book is actually alive!"

Although he knew for a long time that this blue book was made of draenei, Li Ke never expected that this book was actually alive!
That's right!Live!
Not to mention that the raw material of this book is still alive, she even has feelings!Will feel the pain!
Even Li Ke was still howling in her soul, and heard a plea for the Holy Light from the soul!

This is still a living draenei!

(End of this chapter)

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