Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 341 Closed Loop

Chapter 341 Closed Loop

Shengguang's response was the fastest, and Li Ke didn't know why Shengguang didn't go to his own void to make troubles, instead, he was covered with evil energy all day long.

But there is no doubt that they send money (give things) really fast.

Almost at the moment when the question was raised, a series of methods to control the devil appeared in Li Ke's mind, and a lot of holy lights came together.

Although Li Ke can be sure that this Naru is not the brother Ke who talked to him before, but he doesn't miss him at all now.

Because the current one gives too much!

"Yes, demon."

Li Ke asked curiously while receiving the knowledge.

"you are……"

"Oh, I'm killing demons. This planet is full of demons. Our army is already in danger. I need to blow myself up to stop them from slaughtering the last survivors. So please hurry up if you have any needs. I will die in a while."

Li Ke: "????"

Li Ke was full of doubts when he heard the high-pitched and majestic voice of this naru.

"Sorry, I have to go! A high-level demon is coming! I must preserve the last blood of this race! Come on! You bastards who have no order at all and only want chaos!! Come to hell with me !"


The communication of the Holy Light was cut off.


Li Ke was silent for a while.

"Hello? Are you there? Hello? Mr. Shengguang?"

But still no response.

very sure.

It did blow itself up.

"No... Your old man is too decisive, right? If you really say that you blew yourself up, you blew yourself up..."

Is the holy light so strong?
Li Ke really wanted to know what was going on, because he felt that the holy light in his hand was a bit hot.

But the next moment, he heard Denathius' voice.

"Well, I have a solution for the devil. I know some people in the legion. This is the spell to summon them. After you summon them, it is enough to say that Denathius greets you, and then give him this heart energy Look, he'll help you..."

Denathius' voice was also a little hurried, and Li Ke was a little puzzled, so he couldn't help asking.

"Are you busy now too?"

The last conversation partner was busy blowing himself up, but why is Denathius busy now?
Isn't he quite free?
Every day there is a toast, and the banquet is held non-stop.

"Huh, also? Oh, a naaru suddenly appeared on my side. This guy seems to have died to kill the devil and blew himself up, but he didn't know why he went crazy and didn't return to the holy light dimension to be reborn, and ran to the shadow world to diverge indiscriminately Shengguang, my subordinates are all made up of various negative human desires, so they are extremely restrained by Shengguang...I will deal with it first, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

After speaking, Denathius' voice also disappeared, and the communication was also cut off.

Li Ke: "..."

But Li Ke really wanted to ask if the guy who radiated holy light indiscriminately in the shadow world was the gentleman he knew who gave the holy light a lot. The other party made a phone call or something.

Maybe the conflict between the two benefactors disappeared in Haizi Street.

But Denathius hung up the phone so fast that he didn't even have time to think about his words. It can be seen that he was really in a hurry.

While he was thinking, the phone from Shadow was also connected.

"The devil's method? It's simple. I actually took a lot of pawns among the demons. Don't look at people like the Burning Legion who use fel energy more, but they actually use everything except holy light. I also bewitched a Demons continue to slaughter people from other planets, and it is better to slaughter them in front of those self-proclaimed righteous naaru, because this can stimulate them to explode. So I know how to deal with demons, you just need to satisfy her hobbies Yes. Sounds the same as mortals, right? But it’s not the same, demons are absolute chaos, so you have to give her countless randoms to satisfy them, so to deal with them, you have to learn to bet and the like... Of course this It's another tutorial, now I can give you some spells that can affect the demon's senses, of course, your illusion spell can also be used, but that is too obvious, you have to use this type of... well, this will work, let It’s enough for them to vent all their destructive desires in the illusion world, but the devil’s enthusiasm is only for a while... Oh, you have a new user for your product, I’ll go and accompany him.”

Li Ke: "..."

You are the boss, the patron, not the receptionist and the princess!
Li Ke really wanted to say this, but he was the sponsor, so he couldn't say it.

In short, the dark existence has been talking for a long time to tell him how to pua demons, and cater to the preferences of demons so that they can serve you unconsciously, but how to say?

Li Ke's heart is quite complicated now, he didn't pay much attention to those PUA methods, because its methods are simply to engage in poor information and have no technical content.

He is complicated by another thing——

"Have you completed the closed loop?"

Not sure if the three guys were talking about one, but he really wanted to light a cigarette right now.

It's not that I want to smoke so much, but I want to express and express my depression, and set off and set off the sad atmosphere.

After all, others are worried that the customer will not buy anything after the call, or that the customer will have no money after the call.

And he was worried about the gold master fighting...

What is this?

But Li Ke put the matter aside after thinking about it.

The battle of the original force is the mainstream battle in the whole world, even if he can't see it happening, it's better to take care of himself now.

So Li Ke planned to summon some eredar out.

At least summon the eredar who can build the soul furnace, the summoning is too eye-catching in his own town, so he plans to find a quiet place in the wild.

Finding a valley at random, Li Ke got off his horse and was about to start summoning, but before starting the summoning, he thought of what Denathius called "one of his own people" and other magnifications.

"Since Denathius gave the method, let's summon it, but I remember that his own person is the Dreadlord? Forget it, let's summon it first."

Li Ke drew the magic circle according to what Denathius gave, while relying on the other two methods.

The Holy Light's method is simple and rude, that is to set up the Holy Light chains, and set up restrictions when setting.

If the demon obediently obeys the prohibition, then it will be fine. If it does not follow the prohibition, it will explode immediately and send the demon away.

Speaking of which, this move is quite fantasy, or magic, and the difficulty is quite high, but how should I put it.

Li Ke saw half of it.

Even thought of an improved method.

This method is very good, but demons are not afraid of death, they can leave some arrangements and make a little trouble.

So Li Ke plans to use a three-pronged approach.

With the help of the power of the void PUA and the use of illusion to satisfy their desires, use the holy light to regulate their behavior, and then use the void to vent their excess desire for destruction.

Therefore, Li Ke launched the summoning spell with such a mood. Although the summoning spell uses a lot of energy, it is just a drop in the bucket for Li Ke.

And the moment he finished chanting a series of incantations of unknown meaning, a dreadlord holding a black sphere appeared in front of him, and it was obvious that the dreadlord didn't even have time to react.

Because he was still talking when he was summoned.

"...Let me tell you, the core and fragments left by Naaru's self-destruction can be turned into entropy demons, so don't waste it, use it to slaughter your enemies, and capture the last blood of your enemies."

Li Ke: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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