Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 344 Devil Summons

Chapter 344 Devil Summons
Leaving aside the fact that Denathius has something to do with him, Li Ke would not turn the fragments of his body into a weapon for the last things that Naru did.

Purifying his body, and then becoming a treasure that can heal others is the most likely thing.

"I hope you don't blow yourself up in the Shadow Realm."

Li Ke thought about this matter in a complicated way, and then sent a text message to Denathius, to the effect that he asked Denathius to save the naaru's life.

But soon, a message from Denathius came.

"Sorry, my dear, but this naaru is really...too simple and rude, it exploded directly, and I have no way at all. It seems to want to save the souls of those who are punished here, so that they can Better recognize yourself, but unfortunately, this is not allowed here, because only repentance that is not affected by any external energy is true repentance."

Denathius' tone was full of helplessness.

But Li Ke suddenly felt a sense of suffocation, he didn't know why this happened, obviously he had already abandoned part of his conscience.

But he still felt a little uncomfortable in his breathing, and his stomach twitched a little.

"Well, I see, Denathrius."

Li Ke held the Naaru fragment full of shadow power, and his mood became more and more complicated.


He suddenly found that he communicated with himself instead of Cobos, and never refused his request and help. Even if he died, he died for other people, and his soul had to work hard for others in the end. Lu……

The mood is very complicated.

What kind of spirit is this?

Li Ke doesn't want to know, nor does he want to become the other party, but he can be sure that he is not happy or excited because of the other party's death, and there is only a kind of helpless sadness and anger in his heart now.

But just as he was grieving, the voice of another naaru reappeared.

"Don't be sad, my friend. Although Calder is gone, his brilliance will remain in your heart forever, won't he? As long as there are people who remember him, as long as the people he helped are still helping others, then My friend, he lives forever."

The voice was full of sadness, and Li Ke realized that his connection with Shengguang had never been severed, which meant that he knew about the deals he had made with the Dreadlord and the devil before.

"Have you seen it all?"

"Well, I see, boy, but I won't dissuade you, because you do look like you need help, and you'll be sad that Calder is gone, and won't want to turn his remains into a horrible and murderous weapon, then you are not a bad person, your heart is still full of holy light."

"But Holy Light won't fill people's stomachs, Holy Light is not omnipotent."

"Although it is true, I understand what you mean. I don't know why you are resisting to recognize the holy light in your heart, but there is no doubt that you must be doing a good thing by using these demons."

"I am here to destroy the order of this world and the most powerful kingdom."

"Then, you will definitely be able to make life better for the people after you."

Naruto paused, then continued speaking.

"So, please don't resist the Holy Light in your heart, just accept it. I believe that you will eventually be able to accept the Holy Light and be willing to fight for the Holy Light."

Li Ke suddenly felt a burst of irritability. He closed the communication with this Naru. It is always such a trouble to talk to good people. They don't believe that there is nothing in this world that cannot be defeated by ideals, and they sing the praises of dedication and sacrifice.

But dedication and sacrifice are always only a minority. Most of the time, people are selfish.

"A group of rotten good people..."

Li Ke complained in his heart, and then continuously injected the holy light in his body into the shadow crystal in his hand, and stabilized the energy in it, preventing the crystal from exploding directly.

Mograine and the others can turn a shard of a naaru turned into a shadow orb into a perfect crystal of light, so can he.


Grayson was quite uncomfortable after feeling the holy light, because the holy light that Li Ke injected into it was too pure, so pure that he had never found such a pure and holy light in most of the members of the Holy Light Legion. holy light.

Just looking at this kind of light made him feel physically and psychologically uncomfortable, which made him, who is both a demon and a shadow creature, quite uncomfortable.

This made him couldn't help being surprised, because just this ray of light in Li Ke's hand, if it hits his body directly, even his physical fitness will be greatly weakened in the next period of time, and his energy will be greatly weakened. The operation will also be uncomfortable.

He didn't understand how Li Ke, who made deals with demons and was involved with his master, could be such a brilliant believer in the Holy Light. Obviously, the way he manipulated the evil energy was completely the chosen one of the evil energy. Only those People who are completely suitable for evil energy can perform various operations like him.

But Li Ke is able to manipulate the evil energy that should not be able to be operated smoothly, and thus show a terrifying expressiveness.

"I'm fine, let's go summon the demon."

Li Ke shook his head, dispelling the discomfort in his heart, but walked to the side, spread his evil energy on the ground, and then took out the wolf man's soul and evil energy ball that he had collected.

He had already studied the devil's summoning circle before.

The so-called offerings and the like only need the energy inside. As for the special attributes, it is entirely because the sacrifices with these special attributes have stronger power, there is no other reason at all.

Many nodes are also unnecessary, they just want to stabilize the operation of energy, and with its characteristics, there is no need for such trouble at all.

Thus, a simplified version of the magic circle appeared in front of Grayson.

Grayson's expression became more and more shocked, because Li Ke's magic circle could never work logically, but these demonic circles really worked!
As Li Ke read his real name, vortexes of evil energy continued to appear in this place, and then one by one Eredars with red skin, or those with cyan and blue skin, also transmitted from the burning evil energy flames. walked out of the door.


"I think you need to know the power gap between us, and who your new boss will be, especially now that I'm very upset."

Li Ke, holding the Naru core in his hand, summoned a majestic holy light under the eyes of all the demons who had seen ghosts, and aimed it at the demons in front of him.

"Holy Light! These demons are worth fighting!"

Thus, these demons were horrified to find that the space they were standing in had turned into a sea of ​​golden chains.

"The lock of the sky!"

 Three changes today, as compensation for copying

(End of this chapter)

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