Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 346 Communication with the Eredars

Chapter 346 Communication with the Eredars
Eredar's bodies are very interesting, not only are they very attractive - their body structure really highlights the buttocks and legs, and they are really beautiful.

And the skin is quite interesting, like rubber but not like it, but it feels very smooth to the touch, more like silicone with water on it, too smooth.

But it's a real skin, and it looks great.

Although the hooves are indeed weird, the horns on their heads are very convenient, whether they are facing straight or holding them anyway.

This is the talent of the race, and it cannot be realized by other races—just like the exaggerated buttocks and legs, it is very exaggerated on humans, but it is very harmonious and natural on this race.

There is just one thing, because the body size is already taller than the human race, and this ratio is added, resulting in a shorter person can only touch a little bit.

Li Ke couldn't reach the bottom completely.

But I have to say that the good-looking eredar are also stunners.

However, when Li Ke woke up, he slapped Miss Eredar's plump thighs angrily, causing a wave and at the same time awakened the devil lady.

"You're really going too far, Sironas."

But the other party didn't show any shyness, instead showing a wicked expression.

"Why, isn't this what you asked for?"

She lifted Li Ke's chin, and kissed Li Ke with her black lips. Li Ke took advantage of the opportunity to pinch her thigh, and the full touch made him quite satisfied and nostalgic.

But what he wants to talk about is not the fact that the other party's flexibility is too good to linger, but other things.

"But you didn't lack any actions to absorb my evil energy. Not only that, you didn't say beforehand that your body fluids also contained evil energy. This is not within our agreement."

Li Ke patted and then complained.

Sironas did not lose his evil energy. As for the evil energy in the body fluids - this is unavoidable. Many organs in Sironas' body have been alienated, and evil energy is everywhere.

But because of this, her folds and bulges are too much.

Of course, if an ordinary person touches the other person's body, even if it is skin contact with the other person, or is spit on by the other person, it will basically be unlucky.

It is best to be attacked by evil energy, and then the body will start to dissolve, and all kinds of terrible symptoms of evil energy infection will appear. If the will is not firm, or if there is no other power in the body, it is basically dead.

Sironas smiled and grabbed Li Ke's hand, patted the place she was proud of with his hand, made a loud and crisp sound, and said 'Mum' before letting go Li Ke's hand, propped his head up, and looked at Li Ke's face.

"But don't you like it very much? You still call me a little pony...but I rode on you last night, who is the little pony among us? Besides, although I am not those lowly succubus , but there is a price to go to bed with me, evil energy, or your life is a very suitable price—besides, my dear, I am a devil."

She didn't feel anything wrong just because she slept with Li Ke the first time they met, and wantonly drained Li Ke's vitality.

She is the devil.

"Okay, but fortunately, I still have a lot of evil energy, which can always make you, a mare, willing to lie on my bed."

Li Ke patted again, if it wasn't for the many things to do today, otherwise he would really have to rub it again, and then talk about life ideals with the other party.

this ass...


"I hope you will always be able to do so with ease. After all, the last time I slept with someone, one accidentally burned the other's dick into charcoal, and I haven't lived such a life for thousands of years. But fortunately, I have Something more interesting."

Sironas chuckled lightly. She liked this feeling very much. Although it couldn't compare to the feeling of killing and absorbing evil energy, it was still there.

So she was really comfortable doing that kind of thing with Li Ke last night while absorbing evil energy.

Haven't been this comfortable in a long time.

If Li Ke was willing to do this while killing and torturing people like other normal warlocks, she would be happier, and hesitated for a second when attacking Li Ke.

"Evil energy and killing, right? You killed hundreds of millions of people yesterday, and you and my children."

Li Ke picked her chin with a smile, but his expression changed immediately, because after Xironas was stunned for a moment, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

"That's right! You're right, I did kill hundreds of millions of people yesterday!"

She was trembling with excitement, just thinking about killing her relatives with her own hands, and burning them into coke one by one, she couldn't help but feel joy and longing, which directly caused her body to tremble.

Li Ke's smile froze.


Seeing the trembling Sironas, Li Ke couldn't help covering his forehead.

The other party didn't show this way last night, just a word...

"So if you want to say that you are abnormal, you still have to look at you demons."

He has seen a lot of perverts in the past two days, and he wants to be quiet.

Fortunately, Sironas can be trusted by Kil'jaeden, which means she still has a rational side. After the excitement was over, she began to try to turn herself into a human being.

And Li Ke was also surprised to find that when Sironas restrained the evil energy on her body and was about to transform, her skin turned into the purple-white color common to Draenei.

Li Ke was very surprised. A ball of evil energy appeared on his fingers and pressed on Sironas' body, and then saw that Sironas' skin touched by the evil energy turned red again.


Xilonas ignored Li Ke's boring behavior, she just transformed silently, and then under Li Ke's gaze, she turned into a black-haired human being, then turned around and looked at Li Ke with a stern face.

"Then, my new master, what do you need our help for? If it's just to warm the bed, I'm afraid it's enough for me alone, after all..."

Sironas raised her eyebrows in mockery, but Li Ke didn't respond to the matter at all.

He didn't use energy to cheat, and the demon's tolerance for this kind of stimulation was really outrageous.

So he also started talking about business, he took out the parchment he had prepared earlier, and handed it to Sironas.

"I want you to help me collect taxes. People generally call tax officials demons, and you are real demons. You should be able to do this easily. After all, what I need is a group of cruel guys. You demons are very fits that."

It is impossible for the Eredar people to be illiterate and do not know how to count, so these things are just for them, and the Eredar people are demons, and the demons are cold-blooded and ruthless. When the time comes, it will not feel bad to kill them if they need someone to take the blame. Tax.

Xilonas took the parchment, looked at it for a while, then looked at Li Ke, tilted her head, and looked at the parchment again.

Finally, I couldn't help but ask out.

"Are you sincerely working with the Burning Legion? Taxes are so low? I have invaded so many worlds, and I can say that I have never seen such low taxes in the entire universe! No wonder you have such a strong holy light...but To be honest, a person like you who doesn’t even pay taxes can join us directly in the Burning Legion. [-]% tax... You can simply say that you are a living saint, the incarnation of the Holy Light. Seriously, you really are Is it necessary to entrust us to do it?"



(End of this chapter)

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