Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 352 Jaina's Letter

Chapter 352 Jaina's Letter

'Good day, dear, respected, the one who spreads the Holy Light, the savior of Andorhal, the one who is bright, and the one who believes, Mr. Li Ke.

Your brave pioneering reputation is known to everyone from Stormwind to Lordaeron. I am sincerely happy for your courage and wisdom.

Since we parted last time, I don't know if you and Ms. Jennifer are in good health, but under the light of the Holy Light, you and Ms. Jennifer must be living in a very healthy state on that land.

I have heard news of that land, so I am glad you are a noble paladin.

But please understand His Majesty Varian, he has a lot of difficulties, so sometimes, he will appear to be passive, and looks very stupid, but please believe me, he is definitely a respectable king.

I asked Mr. Heisenway to bring some of my gifts, which can help you, and if you have any needs for trade and safety at sea, you can also entrust Mr. Heiseway, who drives a siren The number can solve the problem of most sea.

However, he may not like to communicate with people other than Kul Tiras. After all, he was sent by my father to take care of me. Please treat him well. I will come to see you in person when I am done. , in fact, this is what I'm going to say next -

I have been investigating curses and undead things since I parted from you last time, and found that in many places in Lordaeron, poor people believe in an extremely evil thing called The cult of the Sect of the Damned, although I have told as much as possible to His Highness Tenaris and my mentor Antonidas about the evil and shameless deeds of these people, and the transformation of the dead into undead without permission, but they But still sent these dead to various workshops, and let them go to reclaim wasteland.

Their saying is 'the dead no longer fear wolves and beasts, nor feel tired, this is the best worker', and to my dismay, His Majesty Tenaris seems to have acquiesced in this happening, I There is a bad hunch, Li Ke ...

I don't know what kind of consideration His Royal Highness Tenaris made to make such a judgment, but there is still good news.

Baron Prestor splashed gold coins wantonly to buy various necessities of life, and distributed them to the original residents of Alterac for free.Although the price of food in Dalaran has been halved because of this incident, it is a good thing for the alliance. As long as it can survive this period of time, the alliance will be able to recover some vitality.

But what makes me angry is that many nobles and merchants hoarded food during this period, but His Highness Tenaris still didn’t intend to take care of it, which made me even more confused, so I write it here for you, thinking To see if you know why.

Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. The orcs we met before suddenly attacked South Sea Town, snatched a large number of ships, and left the territory of the alliance. Although there are still many orcs left, His Highness Tenaris It is also ready to summon the leaders of the alliance to hunt down these orcs.

And in order to fill the vacancy of soldiers caused by the orc attack, His Highness Tenaris had to start recruiting again. To be honest, I kind of hate this. Since those orcs no longer fight with us, why not live together in this world? ?While they are certainly brutal, they also value their companions and are not emotionless beasts, so I wanted to get in touch with them.

Next is the reason why I want to come to you, Li Ke, although Teacher Antonidas does not believe the prophecy we heard, but at my strong request, he is still willing to let some people follow me to leave.

I don't intend to go directly to Kalimdor. I want to bring these people to your territory. After all, before the real crisis comes, there are not many people who are willing to believe me, so I want to disturb you It's been a while.

Of course, I will go to Kalimdor to set up an outpost in the future, in case of emergency, and at the same time I can investigate the situation of the orcs.

I want to establish a certain connection with them. After all, they are not real beasts. We can join hands and help Arthas resist his fate.

That's all for the important things, let's talk about the next things later, you don't need to reply to this letter, because Adele knows that when I write to you again, her expression becomes very strange, and now it's even more A skeptical look—seriously, they are always like this, as soon as I get close to some young men, they feel that I like each other, can't these guys give me and Alsace a little trust?

But I can also understand, after all, Adele has always liked to match me and Alsace, but this is too strange...

But I am still worried that your reply will have a bad effect on their sensitive hearts, so I can only look forward to meeting you later.

A list of gifts follows.

May you be bathed in the holy light forever.

—Your friend, Jaina Plindlemoore. '

Li Ke's first reaction after reading this letter was that Jaina really didn't understand politics, and she didn't even understand her own political stance.

The second reaction is that Landlon can't hold it anymore.

Lordaeron's economic system is already very dangerous, but the social structure is relatively simple and primitive, so it is not so obvious. Normally, it will take more than ten years for problems to erupt.

But it doesn't affect Lordaeron's current strength, but the long-term support for orcs has seriously dragged down Lordaeron's finances, and the people's resentment is boiling.

Coupled with Thrall's constant robbing of the orcs in the orc sanctuary, his previous trick became a real trick. The reason why Lordaeron has not rebelled now is because Tenaris is holding the Knights of the Silver Hand And he has enough prestige.

However, he thinks that drastic reforms are impossible, and he can only live in compromise with the nobles.However, the overall strength is still there, and it can still push all other countries to the ground with one hand.

So as long as he can pass the crown to Alsace smoothly, then Lordaeron still has the ability to swallow the world.

Jaina's letter showed that old Tenaris was trying to solve financial problems. Whether it was tacitly allowing Arthas and the necromancer to get together, or letting the sect of the curse and the nobles collude to reclaim wasteland and produce, it was him Trying to save Lordaeron's economy.

"Tenaris still wants to leave a clean Lordaeron for Alsace. I think this is why everyone looks forward to Alsace-the world has suffered for Tenaris for a long time."

The orc invasion, as well as the alliance within the alliance, and the integration within Lordaeron, Tenaris has done extremely well, but the problem is that these operations are all derived from the national power of Lordaeron and the legacy of Stormwind City. .

Inheritance is consumed.

Not to mention that Tenaris also gave everyone a slow bleeding knife called 'Orc Sanctuary', so that everyone could bloodlet together.

After all, the Lordaeron family has a big business, so they can afford it.

And there is no doubt that it will always be the bottom that pays the price. When I was there, I already felt that the kingdom had actually begun to slump.

And at this time, if he pours a large number of cheap industrial products into Lordaeron, makes a large number of nobles and handicraft owners go bankrupt, and makes a large number of workers and farmers lose their income...

Will Lordaeron explode before the Scourge strikes?

In other words, how about actively embracing natural disasters?
Li Ke felt that he could rely on this thing to fool around——

—Find some investors.

(End of this chapter)

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