Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 358 Pulling in the transaction

Chapter 358 Pulling in the transaction
Telesta felt her scalp start to go numb.

Especially the guy behind her, after he found out that she had spotted him, he stopped acting at all and started licking the dagger directly!

The corners of Telesta's eyes looked at the lines on the dagger being licked by Grayson's tongue, as well as the unique material color, and the corners of her eyes twitched again.

Break the magic pattern!
The magic-breaking steel for arcane energy!

Didn't I just see some technology that already existed in the gnomes? !
Are you serious? !
Simply inexplicable!
But the situation was stronger than people, so she bit the bullet and spoke.

"They will arrive before I leave. But Li Ke, no matter how much discount I give you, the salary of the teachers who come to teach is absolutely unavoidable. You should know this. I'm serious. Can you see it? After all, what I promise can be done, not a blank promise... I shouldn’t have to go to Zul’Gurub anymore, right?”

Li Ke's killing intent disappeared completely in an instant, and Telesta also heaved a sigh of relief, because not only the killing intent from Li Ke's side disappeared, but the butler behind her also dissipated the spell countermeasures. Formation, and put away his dagger.

He, Li Ke, likes apprentices the most!
"Oh! Of course I know, Telesta, this is inevitable, you are worthy of being my best friend forever! But..."

Li Ke's words just made Telesta's heart ache again, because the butler behind her who gave her a great sense of pressure started counterspelling again!
"But what?"

Telesta asked carefully.

"But since you say that my technology is outdated by the dwarves, then... what advantage does your elf's technology have over the dwarf's technology?"

Li Ke looked at Telesta with a smile, and in his mind, he was also communicating with Grayson.

"So, we do have precedent for things like our lathes?"

"That's right, Master Li Ke, those little guys are indeed wonderful, but they have eliminated these things long ago, because the things produced by these things have no 'soul' and their performance is not high."

Li Ke was taken aback by Grayson's words. He often heard on Earth that things made by machines have no souls, and things made by humans have souls.

As a result, similar words can still be heard here.

But thinking about the mechanical chickens made by those people, although Li Ke was very upset, he still recognized it.

No way, the wholehearted handicrafts in this world will indeed produce souls...

But Grayson's words made Li Ke suddenly see the light.

"However, I am also very curious. Although this technology will not produce heart energy and soul on top of the machine, it can undoubtedly greatly reduce their burden. Those wonderful little guys are just abandoned. Using similar crafting on screws and some other stuff, not even magic...it really confuses me. After all, if they did, they wouldn't be so rare."


It turned out to be the case.

When handmade products are enough to meet everyone's needs, or when everyone is a craftsman, a certain degree of standardization and standardization will appear, but high-end customized boutiques will be sought after...

Most importantly, the population of gnomes is not industrialized enough.

Industrialization requires population and financial resources to support it.

And not everyone can understand that industrialization is an unstoppable wave like him.

The key is……

Gnome, I'm afraid there is no way to be self-sufficient in food, right?
Moreover, the terrain is extremely awkward. Once attacked, they will be besieged. Although they will not all starve to death or directly break into the main city, most of the dwarves will definitely not be able to survive.

That is, it cannot stimulate domestic demand, nor can it turn productivity into money, nor can it protect its own wealth. No wonder the wave of industrialization did not appear in dwarf cities in this era...

Li Ke roughly understood why the dwarves would 'eliminate' those lathes.

This is the sad thing about the country's small people. Even with advanced technology, there is still no way to transform it into combat power. If it is high and boundless, there may be a chance, but if it is only one or two generations, then even It can take advantage at the beginning, but it will end dismal in the end.

If the dwarves want to forcibly engage in industrialization like him, they must invade Stormwind City and other places, and then once they stop, or face Lordaeron, they will immediately fall into the ocean of people's war, and finally return to their own city in despair , and may not even have its own sovereignty.

But why do I feel this script is so familiar...

Li Ke touched his chin, feeling that the script was very familiar, as if a certain country had performed it in his history book.

It goes without saying that he was thinking wildly, but Telesta laughed.

"Because we can teach technology. Arcane magic is the thing that depends on people's understanding. As long as you teach the basics, then even if we and Dalaran monopolize some technologies for you, you can develop them yourself. What's more, since you If you are willing to give us a piece of land to build an elf city, then it means that you are with us. If we can support one Dalaran, we will naturally be able to support the second one. You know, Kael’thas is for those humans It was too kind, so there had to be some tough voices."


It turned out to be the case.

Li Ke nodded.

You said that in the end, you still want to open a sub-mine, and serve politics by the way.

Li Ke kept nodding, the elves are indeed old and cunning, at least these elderly elves still understand the matter of playing tricks and opening mines.

Obviously the elves are very concerned about the fact that Kael'thas' status in Dalaran is not very high, so they plan to start a new deterrent, and even don't need to invest too much, as long as they invest a little, then those mages in Dalaran will Must be in a hurry.

Now that the elf's tiger skin has not been peeled off, the elf is still mysterious and powerful, synonymous with powerful magic.

It's not yet the time when the great magister of the millennium yelled at Jaina that he was invincible.

"I see."

Li Ke nodded, but he still has a question, a question that has always existed and never disappeared since Telesta slept with him and revealed to him the idea of ​​the elves wanting to open a sub-mine here. Confuse.

"But I'm still curious, Telesta, you have to tell me one thing."

"Please speak."

"Why do you think that I will not fall to Tenaris, but to Lordaeron?"

He was really curious about it.

"Would a king like his queen to have an affair with a noble knight?"

Telesta gave him an ambiguous look, and glanced at the letter Jaina sent to Li Ke.

Li Ke: "..."

So why do you think I'm having an affair with Jaina!

Li Ke really wanted to ask.

But actually, Telesta wasn't telling the truth.

What really made her and Kael'thas make this judgment.

It is the 'arrogance' and 'frivolity' that Li Ke can't help showing.

There is also his unique trading philosophy that subconsciously feels that both parties must have long-term benefits to make a deal.

This one is really unique.

 Hmm... the next episode, Twilight will come out and finish things, and then I will speed up to make things happen.

  after all……

  I know neither industry nor agriculture.jpg.

  Just a humble, stupid Chinese medicine student.

(End of this chapter)

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