Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 362 The Action Logic of Twilight Believers

Li Ke really wanted to taste it.

But he does have work to do.

"Well, let's wait until later, and... well, madam, you do this..."

Li Ke has no psychological burden on sleeping with these elves, but he still cares about sleeping with married women. After all, he is a pure love party and he is determined not to engage in tauren.

"Haha, I'm not married, and I don't have any children. This is the effect of some alchemy potions and magic, which can not only make me bigger and charming, but even if you like it..."

The elf showed a smile, picked up a strawberry from the side and put it in his mouth.

"You can also taste the warm Strawberry Strawberry Milkshake directly, but the straw will be very short, but I don't think you will care, right? Master."

Li Ke's pupils were trembling, he was very curious how it was done!
He is really curious!
How far have these elves used magic and potions!To be able to be so extravagant!Use magic to make a strawberry smoothie!

But still the same.

"Not now, dear."

Li Ke looked at the female elf regretfully.

"But I'd be happy to discuss the style of jewelry with you tomorrow."

His words made the elf laugh, and he kissed his lips again, and then he stood up from Li Ke with a strong milky fragrance, and ran towards Telesta to deliver the message .

"Tsk tsk tsk, these elves really have completely forgotten the consequences of abusing magic. Such arrogance and arrogance are simply the most stupid idiots in the world."

Grayson suddenly appeared behind Li Ke, and spoke Li Ke's heart.

"Don't say that, at least they are not as perverted as succubus."

Li Ke interrupted Grayson's output. He was actually reading the information about the new demon written in the demon pamphlet, but he found that he still underestimated the race of this demon.

They also eat people.

And it is more professional than trolls. Whether it is taste or flavor, or what kind of eating method is suitable for which race, the quality of meat and various advantages are all introduced in detail.

These are quite cruel demons in the legion, and they are demons that specialize in slaughtering races.

Yes, some, more than one, and even these demons will devour other demons.

But they have detailed evaluations of all races in Azeroth.

Regardless of men, women, old and young, health and weakness, and even occupations, there are corresponding judgments, and they are quite detailed. If you don't know these things, the devil's recipe, it is even quite tempting.

To be honest, just by looking at those descriptions, Li Ke can know what kind of harm these people have caused to various races in this world.

And the succubus... was also among these demons.

That's right, succubus cannibalism is not only a description, but also a physical one.

"Although it is true, but their race does this, and they generally exist as interrogators. After all, our fear demon king is undoubtedly their superior replacement, so if we want a little bit of uniqueness, we can only do something out of the ordinary. It’s something different. It’s not quite the same as these elves who are purely for mental stimulation and physical desire... although it’s almost the same.”

Grayson shrugged proudly.

"After all, not everyone is as good as us."

Li Ke ignored Grayson's self-praise, but walked out directly, but just as he walked out, he saw the man named Ron wriggling on the ground with a serious face, and his hands were still in an inviting posture, as before. Nothing has changed.

"Ah...why are these geniuses so perverted?"

Li Ke covered his face, but still stopped the strange species.

"Ron...I remember your name was Ron, right?"

Ron, who was wriggling on the ground, froze for a moment, then immediately stood up from the ground, and while patting the dust on his body indifferently, he spoke in a very epic tone.

"I, my dear master, what's the matter with you coming to find your most valued and best servant? However, before that, I have to criticize you, because you are my greatest master, how can you personally Come to me? The servant you selected is too lazy and unprofessional, he should organize you and let me know!"

He proudly puffed up his chest, and looked at Grayson who was shocked by the other party's shameless remarks with righteous eyes.

"You're saying I'm not professional—"

Grayson tried to keep his smile on, but Ron cut him off.

"That's right! You shameless, shameless fellow, I, Ron, need to let you know what kind of servant can stand by our great master's side! You idiot!"

While speaking, he took out a sharp double-edged sword from his crotch, and the moment he pulled it out, Li Ke saw the double-edged sword cut his skin.

"That, Ron..."

Li Ke opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Ron again.

"It's okay, master! This little injury is nothing!"

Ron waved his hand boldly.

"A little blood will only make me more excited, and your greatest servant, Ron, doesn't care about this little injury at all, look! This is the vitality potion we researched! Just take it, Then the wound can be easily healed!"

As he spoke, he took out another bottle of red medicine from his trousers. The bright red liquid medicine was constantly shaking in the glass bottle, revealing a magnificent color and a strong breath of life.

Li Ke looked at this potion carefully, because it contained quite pure vitality!It can even be said to be liquid vitality!

He could clearly sense the vitality in this bottle.

Ron is right, as long as he can drink this bottle of potion, he can directly heal his wounds!

That is to say, the red medicine really exists? !
Li Ke can be said to be quite surprised.

Because of this, he didn't have time to stop Ron's actions.

Then, he saw Ron open his mouth wide open, and when he thought the other party was going to pull the plug out and drink the red liquid into his mouth, he—

Bite on the glass bottle.

The sound of glass shattering sounded, and Li Ke's eyes widened suddenly at this moment, too shocked to move, and could only stare blankly at Ron 'eating' the red medicine with his mouth full of blood, and in a burst of panic With sour teeth and painful chewing sounds, he took a large piece of broken glass out of his mouth.

The bright red color proves what he has done, and what happened to this glass shard, and the Dread Demon King once again spoke Li Ke's heart.

"You... what are you doing?!"

"Use life potion!"

"I know! But why are you eating the bottle together?!"

"Otherwise?! Otherwise, where do I put the empty bottle? Could it be in my backpack?!"



Grayson: "..."

Li Ke: "..."

Li Ke once again covered his forehead. He felt a little dizzy, but seeing Ron's wide-eyed eyes, with a serious look that should be taken for granted, he couldn't help but yelled in his heart.

Are you Twilight followers all this perverted? !

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