Chapter 369

"That's pretty much what it means."

Onyxia was noncommittal. For her, she now felt that she was in an invincible state.

Because she already has a child with Li Ke's power, as long as one or two hundred years pass, Li Ke will naturally lose the human heart and become a normal dragon.

She has a lot of confidence in it.

Because that's what's bound to happen.

But Nefarian can't do it. What he wants to do must be up to him.

As for whether Nefarian would lick Li Ke mindlessly.

That is still absolutely impossible.

Only those who are independent, independent, and have a chance to leave are the most meaningful people to be drawn.

On the contrary, those who are absolutely impossible to leave and have no ability to leave are the ones who don't need to care the least.

Nefarian isn't that stupid.

This is indeed the case, Nefarian's eyes moved, and then he smiled and spoke to his sister.

"Then, take me there, my sister, and let me see what I can do for our 'brother'. But before that, I need to bring some gadgets to our lord brother."

Nefarian didn't intend to just casually go to Li Ke's side, at least——

Could he be easily caught like his own sister.

These are the memories of Nefarian.

He thought he could talk to Li Ke calmly, and then discuss cooperation with him, but when he saw Li Ke and this human being, he still couldn't hold back his anger.

My younger sister was actually raped by such a guy——

But he still held back and smiled at Li Ke.

Of course, this was not because of the sudden surge of holy light elements around him, but simply because he had to take care of his sister's mood.

Of course, he also knows that his dragon scales can't stop Li Ke's abnormal holy light spear-his specially tuned test product that has improved resistance to holy light can't hold it, let alone Said him.

So he saluted with a smile.

"It seems that my sister has indeed found a handsome dance partner. Dear Mr. Li Ke, the holy light on your body is really dazzling... I have no malicious intentions in this trip, so can you relax a little?"

Li Ke waved his hand, and Grayson wisely opened a barrier, checked the windows and the door, and stood outside the door to prevent others from coming here.

He wasn't worried about Li Ke's strength. Although these two little dragon cubs had some strength, he didn't think they could be compared with Li Ke.

Li Ke didn't quite understand what Nefarian was doing here, so he stood up to greet Nefarian and asked.

"I think you are the one who undid one of my little tricks. Come to think of it, you should be the eldest son of Deathwing, the successor of the Black Dragon Legion, the leader of Blackrock Mountain, Mister Nefarian, right?"

Li Ke's natural posture made Nefarian frowned. He originally thought that Li Ke didn't know anything, but now it seems that he knows everything.

He glanced at his sister, and then his sister shook her head slightly.

"It wasn't me, he knew it from the beginning."

"Is that so..."

Nefarian looked at Li Ke, and held his hands together with Li Ke's. The next moment, two different black dragon forces collided.

The power of the black dragon synthesized by Li Ke collided with the power of the black dragon that Nefarian had been polluted by the shadow, and Nefarian's eyes unconsciously transformed into those of a dragon.

"It really is the pure power of the black dragon. It's unbelievable. My brother, how did you manage not to be attacked by the ancient gods?"

Feeling the difference in power, Nefarian looked at Li Ke with some doubts.

After being targeted by the ancient god, unless it is washed away by other equal forces, it is impossible to let yourself out of the control of the ancient god.

But why can Li Ke?
Is it Holy Light?

He doesn't understand.

"I'm not sure about that. All in all, I'm not a dragon."

Li Ke didn't bother to answer this question, would he talk nonsense that he could turn off other people's mics at will?

Yes yes yes, you are not a dragon, I am blind.

Sensing the earnestness in Li Ke's words, Nefarian was also a little speechless.

With such a powerful and pure power of the black dragon, 1 years ago, he would definitely worry about losing his position as the heir.

But the guy in front of him has identified himself as a human being...

To be honest, this is both reassuring and headache for Long.

Under Li Ke's guidance, Nefarian sat on the seat, watched Li Ke pour himself a glass of red wine, and spoke.

"Okay, since you think you are a human... then let's talk in a human way. How do you use Wald and the others? If it doesn't work, kill them, and I will replace you with a group of people , Guaranteed to be much better than them."

Nefarian spoke casually.

In his eyes, this is really nothing. If Wald hadn't been reused by Li Ke, he couldn't even remember the name of this idle guy.

"So, the purpose of your coming here is to kill my chief engineer? Mr. Nefarian, if this is the case, is it too unfriendly?"

Li Ke was really curious about what Nefarian was here for, and if it was serious business, why he was so angry.

If it's something else, why don't you start fighting now?

He didn't forget that it was the giant dragon sent by the opponent to attack him.

"I'm here to help you... Don't be so surprised, we are brothers. Although the black dragons can kill each other fiercely, you are undoubtedly on our side."

Nefarian sighed, and then spoke in an indifferent manner.

"So tell me, what do you need here?"

His charitable attitude and tone made Onyxia sigh and covered her face. She could already foresee the scene of her brother fighting with her husband.

Her brother Nefarian is really not very eloquent and communicative.

"Sorry, but I don't like to accept unwarranted gifts from others."

Li Ke is a little speechless, why does he feel that Nefarian's character is very similar to Tony Stark?

That is, the lack of flat energy is very similar.

But just after he finished speaking, Nefarian smiled disdainfully.

"Come on, my unknown brother, it's useless for you to stick to human strength. If you want me to say, you should focus on our own strength."

Nefarian spread his hands.

"After all, you just want to make money. To be honest, this pursuit is really..."

His expression turned into a very natural mockery.

"...It's too low-level. You are a black dragon. If you think about making money all day long, you are really too low-level and have no pursuit."

Is this person here for a fight?
Li Ke squeezed his palm.

(End of this chapter)

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