Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 375 Black Dragon's Trading Concept

Chapter 375 Black Dragon's Trading Concept

"This is no problem, but I need corresponding compensation."

Li Ke spoke decisively, and Nefarian raised the corner of his eyes. He finally understood why Li Ke had to draw a line with him, because this was to make his brothers settle accounts clearly.

But he was very curious, wondering why Li Ke didn't force himself to do these things with his own strength?

It's perfectly possible to do that with his powers, but why not?

Nefarian found Li Ke more and more interesting.

But he didn't ask.

So Li Ke spoke again.

"I know that you and Ragnaros are deadly enemies and have a lot of filth with him. I can help you unify Blackrock Mountain, which is good for you, but I must also be good for you, Nefarian. You must be clear, As long as I help you eliminate Ragnaros, you will not only get a large number of servants of the Dark Iron Dwarves, but also a fertile plain, volcanic ash is a good thing, and it can double the food supply several times."

"But what use is fertile land to me?"

"Although you don't need it, your subordinates also need it, right? It's possible to attract people with ulterior motives, right? Both dwarves and orcs need to eat. Are you going to let them fight a war without supplies?"

"Hahaha... They are just tools, Li Ke, they are nothing compared to the power of the dragon clan, do you care about the life and death of a group of tools?"

"is it?"

Li Ke took a deep breath and looked at Nefarian in front of him. Of course, he could use his own strength to force Nefarian to give everything to him.

But he doesn't like this, and he has always felt that if there is no win-win situation in long-term cooperation and transactions, there will be no stability at all.

Most importantly, Nefarian is not without 'needs'.

"Then I defeated you with the power of the dragon clan? Nefarian, can you resist the entire Stormwind Kingdom alone? Besides, since you despise the power of those orcs, why did you recruit them?"

Nefarian was stunned for a moment, and then spread out his palm gracefully again.

"Well, I have my own considerations."

Onyxia didn't even want to talk about her brother, this kind of talk was too strange, and it simply didn't hold water.

"So you have it, right? Can I think that you are actually very short of manpower, so short that no matter whether it is your real own people or not, you will recruit whoever you can? Or, the mighty Nefarian , even a small elemental lord can't be defeated by his own strength?"

Li Ke directly poked Nefarian's lung tube with a word.

This is the case in the original plot. Deathwing can even steal the dragon eggs, and then use his own power to pollute the dragon eggs, and even give the artifact to other people, so that they can control the Red Dragon Queen to continue to have children.

Even all kinds of robbing people and pulling allies, Nefarian is constantly cultivating young dragons to be used as weapons of war.Onyxia is constantly developing forces, disrupting Stormwind City, and destroying the only remaining, 'intact' human kingdom at that time.

It can be said that the black dragon has used countless methods to split human power and develop its own power.

Although he was still hit and killed by the Dianka Gods of War with a dump truck.But there is no doubt that the conspiracy of the Black Dragon Legion is much more clever than any warden or N'Zoth.

Nefarian felt that Li Ke hated him even more.

Because the truth is, he can't do anything to Ragnaros, and Ragnaros can't do anything to him.The orcs are barely an advantage against the dwarves, but it is a pity that there are too few orcs.But without the orcs, he and Ragnaros would have nothing to fight.

Moreover, there are indeed few people in the Black Dragon Legion now. There are not many decent black dragons who can stand on their own. It is absolutely impossible for those Blackrock orcs to risk their lives.

After all, there is no choice for Blackstone orcs, and as long as he doesn't offend other dragon legions too hard and acts in a high-profile manner, he won't have any trouble.

Even after Deathwing died, and then came out with "I was coerced", "forced by Deathwing", "I want to listen to the Dragon King" and so on, and then surrendered, except for the blue dragon king whose wife died, basically The other dragon legions on the Internet will pinch their noses and recognize it.

In fact, he and Onyxia also had this idea in mind to make friends with Li Ke.

The pure power of the black dragon is really a life-saving talisman.

Thinking of this, Nefarian sighed a little.

No matter what Onyxia does, she is the only one in the Black Dragon Legion who can give birth to a giant dragon. Kexia took a life, and then violently output to her, causing her to give birth to a blue dragon.

As for Onyxia being killed by a mortal...

Hahahahaha impossible!
It is even more possible for Varian to become the co-lord of the alliance!

Unless my father can't bear to take everyone to die together, otherwise this kind of thing is impossible!
"Okay, okay, I really need the power of mortals, so it seems that we need to discuss carefully?"


Li Ke nodded.

"But you send the workers over first."

"You mean my men?"

"No, it's my subordinate."

"You are the boss, but... I heard from my sister that you can use the power of the black dragon, I mean the pure one, as a reward?"

"want to?"

"of course."


Van Cleef feels that he has been very busy recently, and he has returned to the time when he was building the wild west, but now he has to go out at night from time to time, and then leave all kinds of things for the robbers and thieves who left in the dead mine. The news and arrangements made them continue to form small groups of troops to harass the troops sent by Stormwind, so that they always thought that their large troops were still in the death mines.

To be honest, it was a bit difficult, but fortunately there was enough money and food, and those thieves and robbers didn't bother to think about other things.

But just as he was looking at the drawings of the chicken coop and was about to draw new drawings according to the requirements prepared by those weird-looking zoologists under Li Ke, his old buddy Joseph rushed in, making him subconsciously He pulled out his machete, and then slashed across it.

"Old Fan! It's me!"

Joseph hurriedly opened his mouth, causing Van Cleef to withdraw his knife speechlessly.

"You shouldn't bother me at this time."

Usually at this time, there will be people from the fraternity coming here, so they must be careful not to let the brothers who have gone ashore go into the water again.

"I know, but...something happened in town."

Joseph carefully glanced around, and then quickly moved to Van Cleef's side.

"But what happened?"

Van Cleef frowned, and Joseph spoke in a worried tone.

"There are new immigrants, and they are not our people, they claim to be new construction workers and engineers, but we don't know any of them."

Van Cleef's eyes became sharp.

Because before Joseph told him, he had no news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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