Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 381 Canteen and Factory

Both Grayson and Lagertha recorded Li Ke's orders, and then Li Ke visited the two cafeterias again.

A cafeteria is around the staff dormitory, that is, a distance of 30 meters. Li Ke can see many children and women are still eating in the cafeteria, and the kitchen is also cooking and chopping meat uninterruptedly. It is obvious It's getting ready for lunch.

The restaurant is not very big, because of the limitation of materials, so the canteen is not very big, but a wooden house and a shed one by one, and a small square with tables and stools.

Diners can choose to eat in the shed, square, or house.

The food served in Li Ke's cafeteria is actually the general taste, including meat, vegetables, potatoes, corn and bread, and nothing more.

The cook he hired was either someone, or the chef Nomi who had the same name as the Burning Pandaren.

This guy's cooking skills can't be said to be devoid of conscience, but it can also be said to be crying. Although the taste is not bad, but if you want him to cook more, it is really hopeless.

He knows three special dishes.

Potato ragout.

Potato ragout with sausage.

Potato Sausage Butter Cheese Omelette.

At most, I will cook you a pate. The pies are all up to the chef in this town. Li Ke thinks his best dish should be Indian food.

Because this guy is extremely good at cooking things into mush!
As for the cakes—sorry, those chefs were taken away from the castle by Li Ke and Jennifer. These chefs learned Li Ke's skills, and Jennifer, the hostess, would never let them go.

Other boiled potatoes and corn can be done with hands, so I won’t talk about such things.

But he is still very popular, and the reason is very simple.

The miners who work in the mines, the workers in the logging camps, and the construction workers, they eat this.

High-calorie, large cuts of meat and stews, and thick soups that make bread moist and delicious, have a bottle of this after work, and then drink mint water or lemonade-of course Ale, that's totally a perfect feast.

It is also very simple to prepare meals in the cafeteria. Lagertha is very talented in management. She got some signs and handed them over to the miners, letting them eat with the signs, but there is no limit.And recruited two locals and two relatives of Defias stonemasons to guard the gate to prevent unrelated people from entering it.

Of course, although the order stipulates that other townspeople cannot come in, if someone with a sign brings them in, it depends on what to say, but it is obvious that Li Ke doesn't care about this.

Just how much people can eat now, how much money can they eat?Just stop the real rogues.

These people don't produce food after eating, and they disturb the law and order. What Li Ke hates most is this group of things.

Li Ke visited the back kitchen of the cafeteria and their working environment, and nodded after tasting some stew and bread under the watchful eyes of these citizens.

“Restaurant is ok.”

But he didn't comment on the dishes, which disappointed the confident Nomi.

After leaving the cafeteria, Li Ke went to look at other places, especially the bakery and mill. With the help of the stonemason, the restoration here was very fast, and they were all brand new, and the materials used were all made by Li Ke's factory. The castings produced can be said to be quite stable.

However, Li Ke didn't care much about these places, especially the mill, because it could be eliminated soon.

So he just took a few glances, and after confirming that it was running normally, he led people to check the factories outside the town.

Walking on the road, Li Ke smelled a large smell of coal. He didn't pay attention, thinking about the machines he saw at the mill just now, he turned his head and glanced at Wald.

"Speaking of those corn threshers and wheat threshers, have you done them all?"

After Li Ke asked, he was often forced to repair these things, so he had a good understanding of the structure, and even reserved a place for a small engine so that the hand-cranked device could be removed later and replaced with an electric one.

The corn thresher is an old-fashioned rural hand thresher, which Li Ke has also repaired...

No way, handmade bloggers living in rural areas, it is impossible to think about this.

"Well, it's already done, but I haven't prepared the lathe that specializes in producing parts for this thing, and because of some of the accessories we are producing now, it will be slightly larger in size."

Wald nodded and reported some problems by the way.

Because there are many parts of the harvester, Li Ke asked to make a lathe instead of knocking it out by hand, so they made a lot of various lathes during this period. In order to save time and not waste, Li Ke drew a lot of design drawings, He directly changed the size so that he could use those common parts for production.

Although there may be some problems and it will look ugly, there is absolutely no problem with normal operation.

"That's good, just send a few machines to the threshing ground for them to use, and sell them at the same time... The cost price is five times the cost after the labor is counted. One-fifth is used as a bonus and will be distributed on the [-]st of next month. Also, Lagertha, you find some people to sell these things, I don’t care how much they sell, but this is the price on my side.”

Li Ke vaguely remembered that the cost of this thing was not high. After all, it was just chains and gears that were more troublesome, and the rest was iron and labor costs.


La Gesha responded to Li Ke with some excitement. This is the reason why so many people are following the trend. The big man may leak something out of his hand at any time and let people eat it. Although he may not earn much, there is no doubt that , Such opportunities are endless!
Grayson dedicatedly memorized everything Li Ke said, and when Li Ke explained some things about La Gesha, he finally came to his factory, and then——

"Too crude."

This was Li Ke's only thought.

The factory in front of him looks like a high-walled compound from the outside, but in fact it is just a yard and a shed, most of which are open to the air.

He also visited it once before. At that time, he said that he would build more decent houses, but he didn't expect it to be like this now. At most, there are some more wooden boards to block it when it rains.

Li Ke immediately turned his head to look at Walder, but he provides unlimited funds in this regard!That is to say, the manpower is a bit short, but it is also the most given!

"Wald, why not build a closed factory?"

Then, Wald gave Li Ke a question that he completely ignored.

"Because we need sunlight for light, my lord. There are no electric lights or generators here, and that's all we can do."

Li Ke: "..."

Oh shit!Why is this missing?

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