Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 396 Varian is Governing the Country

Chapter 396 Varian is Governing the Country
"The tax has actually increased. It seems that the harvest in this area is still very good this year."

Varian looked at the report and heaved a sigh of relief. This is the taxation of a small town in Elwynn Forest near Lakeside Town. The taxation there is very prominent when other places this year are not so good.

But looking at the high business tax in other places, Varian didn't know what to say, because the tax ratio became strange.

"It's just why the business tax in other places is so high. Woolen cloth...huh? There are a lot of sheep this year? It can't be that the farmers are selling sheep on a large scale again?"

He asked his Grand Duke Bolvar.

"Well, there has indeed been a lot of wool cloth on the market recently, but the reason and source seem to come from the wild west."

Bolvar doesn't quite understand this aspect.

"Mr. Li Ke suggested that Ms. Jennifer use wool to replace food taxes, so that people in the western wilderness can eat enough, so he has a lot of wool there, so he opened a textile factory. Recently, many businessmen have come to him to buy goods , His purchase price is very low, which is why Shangshui is so high, I calculated it, and it is basically operating at a loss."

Ms. Prestor spoke now, and the black dragon princess, disguised as a human, began her own show.

"This is his plan to buy people's hearts. After all, no matter how poor the people in the West Wilderness are, they will sell sheep and slaughter livestock on a large scale. It will be disastrous for the economic and administrative systems there."

Modern people may not be able to understand why a region collapsed when farmers had to kill livestock such as cattle and sheep.

Because the cotton sheep here can produce wool and goat milk. Although the milk is relatively small, it is also a ration.Cows used to plow the land do not have as much milk, but they do have a small amount of milk.

These things are things that can be used for sustainable fishing, especially cattle. When there is no cultivator, no cattle is a disaster. If you are busy until the end of spring plowing, you will not be able to level all the land, let alone It is to increase food production.

Therefore, in many places in ancient times, it was forbidden to kill cattle.

Of course, the exception is pasture cattle, which are raised specifically for meat.Ordinary farmers do not have such a large margin and financial resources, that is to say, farmers can afford it.

"Is that so..."

Varian dispelled his doubts, because his common sense told him that this was what a responsible lord would do.

But it is a pity that his thinking seems a bit out of place in the entire Stormwind Kingdom.

Therefore, he was very happy to see Li Ke 'losing money' to make farmers earn money and reduce taxes.

But he is a good man, so he asked tentatively.

"On his side, do you need me to reduce the business tax a little bit? For example, some tax exemption for merchants who buy from the West Wilderness or something."

His speech came from the heart, but Bovar on one side was about to feel suffocated.

Because Varian had already exempted Li Ke from most of the taxes for the past three years!
But he also knew that Li Ke's Western Wilderness was almost a piece of white land. If he didn't support it sooner, the economy of the Western Wilderness would never recover.

Varian's policy can greatly stimulate the economic recovery and reconstruction of Westfall, as long as the Lord is not a greedy and stupid person, it will be fine for a long time.

But is Li Ke a greedy person?
Bovar immediately thought of the suffocating holy light on Li Ke.

So he had no desire to object.

If it is just a person who knows a little bit of holy light, what he said is not completely credible.

But that kind of guy who is almost equal to the incarnation of the Holy Light...

Coupled with Li Ke's good reputation, if someone told him that Li Ke would do bad things, Bovar could laugh at that person for the rest of his life.

"Well, this is a good idea, but it's not good if the range is too high. After all, they have killed a lot of nobles recently. If they reduce business taxes on a large scale, they will be dissatisfied, so the amount needs to be paid by you. decision."

After Onyxia finished speaking, she continued to speak.

"After all, I am just a humble social tool. Serving the nobles and you, advising you, and ensuring the interests of the nobles are my first mission. But regarding the country's policies and development projects, as well as the overall general direction, I have no idea. I have no obligation, ability or qualification to speak and judge. Therefore, according to common sense, practice, and customary rules, I cannot make any statement to the king on such policy changes that may affect the operation of the country and social relations. The possible speech of any change in the direction of the wind will lead to the emergence of illegal embarrassments that we do not want to see, which will lead to the collapse of society and the possibility of the catastrophe of the loss of kingship."

Varian rubbed his temple in pain, sighed, if only he knew how to make a decision, so he looked at Bolvar again.

Then, he tapped the table lightly, nine times.

Bolvar felt himself suffocating again, but this time because of Varian, so he considered it.

"Eighty percent?"

Li Ke's suffocating holy light was still in Bovar's mind.

"Impossible. In this case, all the merchants in the Stormwind Kingdom will go to Westfall to do business, and the kingdom's economy will collapse."

Onyxia immediately refuted that Bolvar was just joking, because it meant that it was absolutely impossible, even with her help.

"Okay, what about [-]%?"

Bovar still wanted to help Li Ke. In his opinion, these things can be changed in the future.

The main purpose now is to quickly develop the West Wilderness.

"Then you will see the nobles impeach you, and start looking for a new possible Duke of Stormwind."

Onyxia took a sip of tea quietly, the amount of Bolvar was as outrageous as before.

"Sixty percent? In this case, the interests of the nobles will not be damaged."

Bovar once again proposed that because some industries of these nobles also have so many tax exemptions.

"It's more profitable than smuggling, so it's impossible. Westfall will be full of smugglers, and Defias thieves will be strengthened like never before."

Onyxia said something that made Bolvar scratch his head.

Just kidding, [-]%, [-]% Li Ke will go on a killing spree to kill those who have evil intentions. The most dangerous people in this world are businessmen. If it is [-]% really, Li Ke will be full of businessmen from all over the world , how can he control that little person?

It will be possible later.

"Then fifty percent?"

"Western Wilderness will achieve unprecedented development, Your Majesty. But Mr. Li Ke may have to bear some criticism. Moreover, this will not cause too much impact on other parts of the kingdom, and it will also allow a large amount of funds and businessmen to flow into Stormwind City , to boost the economy, if I were His Majesty Varian, I would do this. But unfortunately, it is impossible for me to propose such a proposal to His Majesty Varian that may endanger the interests of the nobles."

Onyxia nodded slightly and smiled at Varian.

"Very well, I have decided, then [-]%, I have decided to exempt [-]% of the tax for merchants who purchase from the West Wilderness."

Varian nodded, making his own decision without anyone's intervention.

So today, His Majesty Varian ruled the country again.

 It is being modified to see if the previous one can be lifted...

(End of this chapter)

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