Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 403 The Beginning of the Food Disaster

Chapter 403 The Beginning of the Food Disaster

The merchants in Kul Tiras are a very powerful group of people. It has been less than a month since Li Ke placed the order. He had just watched his workers install electric motors on their textile machines, and he had managed to teach these workers how to When the motors were used, the merchants of Kul Tiras came with a lot of people.

Not only a large number of raw materials, but also many craftsmen who can't get along in Stormwind City, Lordaeron, or other places.

These craftsmen came here desperately after hearing about Li Ke's treatment here, and Li Ke naturally did not disappoint them, and quickly established factories and workshops one after another.

But not only the arrival of these people, more people also arrived in Li Ke's territory.

"The trade of goblins is just for fun, but the real trade depends on Kul Tiras."

Li Ke looked at the list of goods in front of him and couldn't help but be speechless.

These Kul Tirans brought not only the raw materials he needed, but also the wool and cotton they had acquired from Stormwind and Lordaeron.

Some of these businessmen were the ones that Heisenway had mentioned before, while some of them came here quickly after they sensed the business opportunity.

The raw materials they brought were enough for Li Ke's factory to run at full capacity for a month, and with a lot of raw materials, other projects could also start.

When the caravans of the dwarfs arrive, they will probably come back again, which is just enough for Li Ke to build up his chemical system in one go.

"The wool weighs more than 300 tons. Master Li Ke, although we can eat the wool without any problem, if we continue to do so, the wool cloth will directly impact the entire human world. Isn't it too early? "

Grayson looked at the product list and asked.

For Li Ke who took away Nefarian's treasury, these commodities only need to spend one-thirtieth of the gold coins, and other equipment and treasures do not need to be touched.

But the problem is that Li Ke may seem a little irrational for wantonly disrupting the market now.

"How much food did we collect in the West Wilderness?"

Li Ke asked casually, how did he really pay attention to this.

"Except for those purchased by the Gnome Caravan and the Kul Tiras Caravan, basically all the remaining grain has been purchased by us at a price that is 400% higher than the market price, so at present, we only have [-] million catties of grain here. "

400 catties?

If Li Ke remembered it correctly, Lagertha said that the West Wilderness is at most 300 million catties of grain, and the goblin will only reimburse 70 catties.

Although at that time they couldn't collect taxes in the area where Defias was located, now that the Defias thieves have almost disappeared, there are many more places where taxes can be collected, and it can be seen how corrupt the bastards goblins are.

"Get ready, let the convoy prepare 200 million catties of grain, [-] cattle and [-] sheep, and buy them if there is not enough. Let's give Varian a little shock. If there is any turmoil, he will not trouble me."

Li Ke's words made Grayson raise his eyebrows. He thought that Li Ke would keep the food in his hands for expansion.

After all, 200 million catties of grain is almost [-] tons, and [-] cows and [-] sheep...

Seriously, this money is enough for Li Ke to organize an army to attack Stormwind City.

"But, is Varian worth it for you? Master Li Ke?"

Grayson didn't understand. He had known Varian before. Although he was a good man, being a king was a mess.

"He's a nice guy, Grayson."

Li Ke spread his hands.

"You are ready.

He didn't care about this at all. What he wanted was simply to have Varian on his side. After all, Varian was really a good person.

Li Ke's words were quickly carried out, the demon civil servants didn't care, and the human civil servants were puzzled but dared not speak.

The dragon people didn't think there was a problem with Li Ke's operation, so his orders were executed quite quickly.

And when he was preparing food to pay taxes, someone in Stormwind City had already opened champagne.


"What should we do now?"

Halson looked at the grain price and couldn't help covering his head.

"Food prices have risen again, and bread is getting more expensive."

Halsen took a bite with the bread in his hand, and the next moment, he felt that his teeth had bitten a hard object, and he calmly spit out the hard object when the children were not paying attention, His wife couldn't help shaking her head.

"You guy."

His wife looked at her husband who was pretending not to be in pain, and knew that if the other party didn't buy jewelry for him, and she didn't buy him sword ornaments, she wouldn't let her husband eat black bread.

"It's okay, I just choked, um."

Halson was a little embarrassed, even a little ashamed. If he worked harder, his wife wouldn't have to worry about him.

However, although the tax officer made a lot of money in everyone's impression, because Halson didn't take bribes very much, his family conditions were average in the society of Stormwind City.

So he was embarrassed because his wife was also eating black bread and only their kids were eating white bread.

After all, children's stomachs are weaker.

This made him feel that he was not fulfilling his responsibility as the head of the family.

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. I married you because I like you and your justice and corruption. I only look down on you because you exploit the common people. I can't look down on you because I have to eat two meals of black bread. You, dear."

His wife looked angrily at the head of the family with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Well, I was just, uh... well, honey."

Halson was very embarrassed. Under the teasing eyes of the children, he danced and danced twice, and then sighed helplessly.

"I'm just worried about food prices. Food is getting more and more expensive, and there are fewer and fewer food merchants."

His face was full of concern.

Although their family will never be reduced to the point where they can’t afford food, and the reason why they eat black bread is simply because he has a lot of expenses recently, but as a tax official with a bit of conscience and an overall view, he still can’t help complaining stand up.

"The price of food has almost doubled now, my dear, I really can't imagine how those farmers who don't pay taxes this year will live."

Her wife froze for a moment.

"Didn't you help them recalculate their taxes? How could they not survive?"

She remembered that her husband recalculated the taxes for those farmers, so that they could avoid paying a large amount of taxes, but why didn't they work?
"Because they have no more food in their hands."

Howlson sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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