Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 406 The Burned Grain Ship

Chapter 406 The Burned Grain Ship
"You work for His Highness Tenaris, and Prince Arthas respects you so much, you can't let them down."

Tiffin looked at her husband with some anxiety. Others didn't know, but she knew how much her husband liked the battlefield and playing, which made her a little worried every day.

"Ah, don't worry, I will definitely not rush in alone this time and fight the orcs one-on-one again."

Varian looked at Tiffin's worried face, couldn't help scratching his cheeks, and his eyes were a little wandering.


Tiffin stared at her husband seriously, which made Varian feel more guilty, so he scratched his cheek again and spoke.

"At most once?"


"Well, three times."


Tiffin slapped the table angrily, scaring Varian and his son with their mouths wide open. Varian even saw his son's milk flow out of his mouth because of shock and fright.


Seeing Varian's eyes, Tiffin blushed again, and then hugged Anduin again and began to nurse.

"Anyway, I don't want to be a rich widow, Varian, and if you don't want your best brother to sleep with your wife on Anduin, you'd better be honest with me and don't go to another People are rushing!"


Varian gave a military salute to his wife, quickly wiped the bread on the plate, stuck the last bit of soup on the bread, and stuffed it into his mouth.


"Follow me!!"

Holding two swords, Varian rushed into the orc camp first. He laughed and fought with the swarming orcs one by one. Every time he swung his sword, he could easily kill an orc.

The fight made him feel excited, and while other people watched, there was not much difference between the red-eyed Varian and the orcs.

But this greatly boosted morale, the human army overwhelmed these orcs at once, and the guards protecting the town smashed through those orcs who only knew how to plunder and kill, and once again resisted the danger. outside the town.

And Varian also laughed and watched the guards burn the totems left by the orcs, as well as the waste.

It's just that when he saw Bovar looking at him seriously, his smile froze.

This is his deputy and his wife's most loyal prosecutor.


Bolvar looked at Varian seriously and called out his name.

"Bovar, listen to my explanation."

Immediately remembering that he was rushing forward again with blood on his back, Varian was so frightened that he backed up. In his eyes now, Bolvar was much more terrifying than Black Hand and Orgrim. He kept wanting to retreat, but only In a trance, Bolvar appeared in front of him, with his hands on his shoulders.

"Varian Wrynn!"

Bovar's voice became clearer, and his big face that was not cute at all appeared in front of Varian.

"Okay, Bolvar, I know Tiffin asked you to come, I just..."

Varian quickly waved his hand, he wanted to explain, after all, if Bolvar really told his wife Tiffin that he was fighting again today, then he would not even think about getting into Tiffin's bed today, and he would probably hug him again. and begged her at Tiffin's feet.

That's a shame, once is enough.

But Tiffin's feet...

Varian thought of the picture of himself holding the sole of his wife's foot in a trance, but the next moment, the violent shaking caused his world to fall into chaos, and Bolvar also showed two pictures.

One is Bovar who is wearing the costumes of town officials and a buckskin leather armor, and the other is Bovar who is wearing plate armor with a serious and anxious face.

"Wake up! Varian! The food ship is on fire!"

Food ship?

This keyword made Varian's world quickly wake up from the cozy and warm world. Varian could clearly feel that his world was rapidly becoming cold and strange. He blinked his eyes in a trance and looked at the Looking at the anxious and much older Bovar in front of him, he couldn't help asking.


Bovar took a deep breath, and his king finally woke up from the illusion.

He didn't really care about Varian's use of this kind of flakes. After all, Varian had only used three slices for so long, and even seldom drank wine because of this.

And after using these flakes, I am willing to talk more with others.

He knew it was not a good thing, but he felt that Varian would be able to come out after all.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I am right here."

"What happened to the grain ship? I heard you say he was burned?"

Varian didn't talk nonsense, and directly talked about what he had heard before.

Bovar's face became even more serious.

"That's right, it was burned. A group of goblins attacked our port and wanted to steal our food. Although my men captured them, the food ship was still burned amidst the chaos."

"How much is left?"

"It's all gone."

The sudden news shook Varian's body a little. Without this food, the ordinary people who migrated from the western wilderness would starve, at least thousands of people would starve to death.

He braced himself to cheer himself up, and then asked what he cared about the most.

“How much money can we mobilize right now?”

But after he finished speaking, he felt a burst of despair.

It is no longer possible for His Highness Tenaris to sell them low-priced food.

This year the Kingdom of Lordaeron is not going well either. The rebellion of the orcs directly caused a lot of losses, and it also caused the Kingdom of Lordaeron to mobilize its troops frantically.

So their food is not enough, the previous batch is already the limit, if not for the kindness of His Highness Tenaris, he would not be able to buy it at all.

"Not much, Your Majesty, we can buy at most two more shipments of food, otherwise..."

Bolvar didn't go on, because if he bought more, Varian wouldn't even be able to pay the salary of his own guards.

"Damn... why are those goblins coming to attack us? Are they crazy?"

Varian couldn't understand this matter, because although the goblins were not in the alliance, they also knew who dared to provoke and who could not!
Why would these bastards even think about attacking their port?

"I live to say that they spent money to buy this batch of grain, so they did it to protect their property. I even saw the official document, although they may be forged, but—"

Bolvar paused before speaking.

"But the goblins are sure that they were not the ones who burned the boat."

Varian clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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