Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 409 A Sudden Visit

Li Ke must be very happy, right?

Onyxia looked at the relieved Varian, and couldn't help but think of Li Ke's happy face.

Although these so-called opportunities for tax cuts are meaningless to her, gold coins are meaningless to her after all.

But Li Ke cares about these, so Onyxia also cares about these.

Serving and respecting the hobbies of the strong is the basic etiquette of the Dragon Clan.

However, just when Onyxia returned to her mansion from the outside, changed into a loose robe casually, hummed a song, and was about to look at her future dragon daughter, an uninvited guest appeared in her before.

"It seems that your brother didn't deceive me. This is indeed the pure power of the dragon, and there is indeed my blood in it."

A gentle black-haired man appeared in front of Onyxia, with a smile on his mouth, and if Li Ke was here, he would recognize it. This is the black dragon Neltharion, who was previously identified as a human being. Death Wings, Ser Prestor.

He looked at his daughter with a smile, as if his daughter was a very naughty person.

"But you didn't tell me, Onyxia, it seems that you are not very good."

His light words made Miss Onyxia, whose smile gradually faded, froze in place, filling her heart with great fear.

This fear does not come from other things, but the fear that I have deceived someone who is stronger than myself. Although my father's body is still in Deep Rock Continent, if the secret technique he masters wants to deal with him, it is still easy .

"I, Father, I just thought you knew."

Onyxia really thinks so, whether it is a pure black dragon or something else, her father knows it, she thinks so.

"I do not know."

Deathwing shook his head.

"So you lied to me, my daughter."

His smile made Onyxia more and more uneasy.


"Tax cut?"

Li looked at Onyxia and couldn't help scratching his head.

Anyway, this matter is a bit outrageous, I didn't do anything on my side, and Varian's side is a series of good news for me.

It has to be said that Onyxia is really capable.

"That's right, but what you want to pay is 50 catties of grain, can you make it all together?"

Onyxia looked over curiously, [-]% of the tax, she was curious how much Li Ke could get.

"I have more food than I thought."

Li Ke didn't mean to say it carefully, because after the devil's audit, some things became quite interesting, not only that, but he also found a lot of things.

The real output of the wild west, and the household registration hidden by the nobles and the like.In addition, he has such a low tax and so much food, which is also the reason why some places could not collect taxes because of the rampant Defias thieves, but now they can.

It's just that these are small things, Li Ke doesn't care, and no one cares.

After all, it's impossible to really pull people up and kill them again, isn't it?
"This is a small problem, but Onyxia, how did you do it?"

Li Ke really didn't understand how Onyxia managed to exempt Varian from the Westfall business tax.

"A little trick, but you, don't think Tenaris will be so easy to fool. He will probably tax your woolen cloth. My father is not very easy to operate there. Tenaris has a lot on his kingdom. It's been really good to have control, and while my dad is in his element there, things can change."

Onyxia spoke lazily. Here, she covers the sky with one hand. No matter what happens to Li Ke, as long as Li Ke pays the taxes on time, she can make good things for the other party, and she doesn't need to contribute much.

"If this is the case, you don't have to worry about it."

Li Ke smiled, as long as there is enough profit, those businessmen will follow the laws of Lordaeron, but in terms of Stormwind City, he really did not expect that Varian is more of a puppet than he imagined.

I don't know if I should say it's sad, or something else, all in all...

"I know the matter, how is the preparation on Nefarian's side?"

Li Ke asked another thing he was more concerned about, that is, in the past few days, the caravan of dwarves has also come, bringing a lot of raw materials and chemical materials. Produce most of what you need.But things like rubber and plastic still need to be imported.

There is no way to do this, after all, no matter how fast he is, his foundation is still too weak.

"He'll let you know when he's ready, so don't worry, he wants to clear Ragnaros of Blackrock Mountain more than you do."

Onyxia smiled slightly, and then said what she wanted to say the most during this trip.

"However, how is your strength? It won't be without growth, right?"

She cares a lot about it.

Li Ke was a little puzzled, he thought that Onyxia came here specially to talk about something important, but why did he suddenly mention his strength now?

"Although there is no significant improvement, there is also an increase. What's wrong?"

He answered it casually, and the fact is the same. During this period of time, he has introduced arcane spells. Although he is not very proficient, he still needs to be calculated. Understand what the arcane book is.

Although the overall strength hasn't changed much, after all, I haven't done much work during this period of time, so the bosses naturally didn't give any rewards.

And he has indeed reached a bottleneck period now.

But what does Onyxia care about his strength so much?
Onyxia nodded. She didn't care whether Li Ke was telling lies again, as long as Li Ke really worked hard for his strength.

"It's just that we may not be lurking in the human world for too long. At that time, although we will not deliberately expose your identity, but at that time, if your strength prevents you from continuing to I would be very sad if I lived."

Her words were full of strange feelings, but for the Dragon Clan, this was already a great concern.

"Do you have a new plan?"

Li Ke was very curious about Onyxia's abrupt attitude, so when he picked up the coffee, he asked casually.This calm gesture made Onyxia stunned for a moment, but she nodded immediately.

"My father intends for you to put the princess of Lordaeron to sleep."

Coffee spurted out of Li Ke's mouth.

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