Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 506 Li Ke, Longing for Investment 4k

I see……

But it's normal.

Li Ke used to think that Ragnaros's situation was very strange, because in the correct timeline, he would join hands with the completely crazy Deathwing to destroy the world in the future.

Although there was a reason for the same goal at that time, it is absolutely impossible to say that he has no opinion on the ancient gods who once enslaved him, and the ancient gods have no opinion on this original younger brother who betrayed him. impossible.

It's nothing more than the fact that Ragnaros' strength is not enough to destroy the entire world, and the Old God cannot come out of the seal. Both sides have nothing to do with each other.

And now that he intends to deal with these elemental beings, it is not a problem at all for the ancient gods who think that he will stand on their side.

"Then I understand, thank you, the existence of darkness. I will try my best to help you spread darkness."

Li Ke smiled, and so did the existence of darkness.

"Of course, if you need anything, you can contact me at any time, I can help."

"Then it's settled."

After Li Ke finished speaking, he hung up the phone, letting that dark existence feel the same taste and formula.

"This guy is quite easy to talk to."

After weighing the black gem in his hand, Li Ke can be sure that these energies are definitely not simple, because compared with the power of shadow he collected himself, the concentration is too high, and the intensity is much higher.

If you use this gemstone to release illusion, it can directly cover the entire Stormwind City, causing everyone in Stormwind City to fall into hallucinations for a whole day, except for those mages with strong spells and those who are determined, otherwise, without external force, No one will find out.

It is not directly proportional to the work Li Ke is doing. He suspects that the other party is completely using him.

So if it is said that there is nothing tricky in it, Li Ke will never believe it.

In view of the fact that these energies are given by the other party, and most of the time I use illusion to release them, the dark being N'Zoth who traded with me probably wants to use his own power to escape the seal, bit by bit. Playing sausage tactics - it is a game of cutting five cities today and [-]% tomorrow, a little bit of smuggling.

It has to be said that this is basically a conspiracy, but Li Ke doesn't care about it.

Because it is definitely not the only one who plays like this.

If Li Ke couldn't find other ancient gods now, or couldn't find a way to break through the trade between Enzos and other ancient gods, he would let Enzos understand what competition is.

Those naaru may not be able to play like this.

Li Ke was very clear in his heart.

It's just that the energy coming out of his hands will be perfectly controlled by him, so he doesn't worry much.

These creatures with pure energy bodies were restrained from playing like this.

"Okay, now it's time to ask the demons for wages."

Li Ke took out his demon book. As he became more familiar with evil energy and emotional power, he could feel more and more the pain contained in this book, and the pain that was about to be overwhelmed by the pain. soul.

But no matter what the considerations are, Li Ke cannot do without this book now, because it is not only a spell encyclopedia, but also a communicator to contact the Burning Legion.

Kil'jaeden did not give him the means to communicate with each other.

So I can only use this connection.

According to the method written in the book, Li Ke released the signal that he wants to see Kil'jaeden, but Kil'jaeden is not as good as the existence of darkness. Li Ke waited for a long time before he heard a cold voice .

"Humble mortal, what are you looking for Lord Kil'jaeden?"

This voice is undoubtedly not Kil'jaeden himself, so Li Ke's tone is relatively flat.

"Well, my lord, I just completed Kil'jaeden's mission and successfully guided that prince, so I came to ask for a reward."

The demon who heard Li Ke's message sneered.

"I thought it was something. You actually want to bother Lord Kil'jaeden with such a trivial matter. You really don't know your life."

His tone was full of disdain. The demons always used and discarded the objects they used. As for the reward?
Just kidding, they have always been the Burning Legion who prostitute human beings for free. When will someone come to them to prostitute the Burning Legion for free?
"No way. For me, no matter how much effort I put in and how many sacrifices I make, I should naturally be rewarded. Even the Burning Legion should have a complete internal reward and punishment mechanism, right?"

"It's ridiculous, Asura Natkar, Tatarona!"

After the devil finished speaking, he planned to hang up the communication, but the next moment, Sironas, who had been ignored by Li Ke, opened her eyes, stood up abruptly, and did not communicate with the other party in Eredar language, directly He spoke the common language.

Not only that, her human image was instantly annihilated, revealing the image of her eredar, and the fel flames on her body burned automatically, forming a set of armor on her body, and the expensive carpet under her feet was even more Under Li Ke's distressed gaze, it caught fire and turned into ashes.

And she was not polite, and rushed directly to Li Ke's side, grabbed the communication spell that was about to be cut off, and sprayed it directly on the opposite side.

"Pay attention to your words, idiot! I will report your offense to Lord Kil'jaeden, Urul. Lord Li Ke is a talent that Lord Kil'jaeden likes, and sending me this time also makes me his Subordinate, who do you think you are talking to?!"

Her tone was full of anger and dissatisfaction, and immediately made the demon on the opposite side stunned.

"Sorry! Lord Sironas! I, I don't know—"

His voice became stammered, but the next moment, Sironas interrupted him directly.

"Get your eyes out."

Her voice was quite cold, but the request she made was unacceptable to the demon opposite.

"This! I, but..."

From the devil's words, Li Ke heard guilt, timidity, and unwillingness, but there was no anger, and Sironas continued to speak in that indifferent tone.

"Are you going to let me do it?"

After she finished speaking, a symbol of evil energy that Li Ke couldn't understand burned on her hand, and the next moment, the demon Li Ke hadn't seen let out a scream.

"No, no! Don't dare, I'll do it now..."

Afterwards, the demon opposite fell silent, and not long after, a magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Li Ke, and a bloody eyeball burning with evil energy flames appeared in the center of the ashes of the carpet.

This eyeball is about the size of a washbasin, exuding terrifying power, but it is full of blood, and even the nerves above it are still twitching, and judging from the section, this eyeball was forcibly torn off!

"Sorry, master, I offended you by those things that don't have eyes. Fortunately, his eyes are very useful. They can see through some illusions and prevent the weak individual being watched from lying. It's barely an apology."

Sironas knelt beside Li Ke, kissed Li Ke's cheek lightly, and put her head in Li Ke's hand obediently - she knew that Li Ke liked to play with her horns, and she played with her horns like this Her head was kept quite low, trying to satisfy Li Ke.


Li Ke didn't know what to say, but he knew very well that the reason why Sironas was so submissive was entirely because he could bring benefits to the other party, and the other party couldn't beat him.

But Li Ke was even more curious, what did the demon curse to make Sironas do this.

"What did it scold?"

But Sironas shook her head.

"do not know."

"do not know?"

"Yes, I am not proficient in all languages, but it must not be a good word, but since I said something bad to you, I must suffer forever. Please rest assured that Lord Kil'jaeden will definitely be willing to see you, just It may take a while."

"What happened to that demon?"

"Maybe it will be thrown into the soul furnace? After all, it is already a waste."

This is one of the conveniences of having power in a world where the jungle preys on the weak, but the Burning Legion is worthy of being a villain organization, and Li Ke really doesn't like this kind of behavior.

But he didn't expect that Xilonas' status was quite high.

But such a high-status Eredar was extremely excited by his not-so-sophisticated plans and methods...

Burning Legion...

Li Ke resisted his intention to sigh, but waited while stroking Xilonas' cheek.

Another two hours passed, and just when Li Ke's hand reached the place where it would not change, finally, Kil'jaeden's figure appeared in the unfolded magic circle.

Sironas immediately broke away from Li Ke's palm, knelt down in front of Kil'jaeden, and said something in Devil's language, but Kil'jaeden just nodded and didn't say much.

Then, he looked at Li Ke who was still sitting on the stool with his old god.

"Sironas speaks highly of you, paladin, she told me that you are very good at grasping people's hearts, and you can make a person continue to fall while doing good deeds, and you don't even have to show up."

Kil'jaeden looked at the holy light on Li Ke, and found it very interesting, and glanced at the power of shadow that Li Ke kept playing with.

Such a hodgepodge is rare even in the entire universe, but Li Ke has no problems at all, which really makes him feel interesting.

Being interesting is valuable, and a valuable person deserves his presence.

Not to mention that Li Ke has an extraordinary interest in Eredar. Among the things Sironas just reported, how many times Li Ke has done with her, he is more interested in Eredar's body. And things like your usual preferences.

After all, Kiljaeden has been the chief of Sironas since they were not demons. Although Sironas admires Li Ke's ability and is often spanked by Li Ke, but when it's time to sit down, Her ass was still in the Burning Legion.

The most important thing is that Li Ke also knows a lot of devil language, and he has learned a lot during this time.

"You are very suitable to be a part of the legion, but it seems that you don't really understand how powerful the legion is, and you are still immersed in those boring interests."

Li Ke pretended not to hear this.

What a joke, if the Burning Legion is about to be completely successful now, he naturally expected to be a part of the Burning Legion since he was a child, but the problem is that the Burning Legion is not like this now.

"After all, people are driven by profit. Lord Kil'jaeden, maybe one day, I will regard simple destruction and destruction as the ultimate pursuit of life, but now, I still like more things. Not just power."

Li Ke gave his own explanation.

"Ha, stupid mortal."

Kil'jaeden shook his head. He saw many people like this. He just felt sorry for a person who liked the eredar and gave up the chance to get real power.

Lord Ai Rui is the main force of the legion, but because of this, there are many people who seem to be in harmony with each other, so he really needs some simple-minded people, or people who simply like eredar.

But the problem is, this kind of person is almost rarer than living planets, and it is not so easy to find.

"Tell me, what kind of rewards do you like, but you have to remember, Li Ke, you have already got a lot of things, it's best not to be greedy."

"Spells and fel energy?"

"Are you trying to make me think of you as an idiot?"

Kil'jaeden looked at Li Ke and sneered.

The soul furnace is about to be built, as well as the fel spells and knowledge in Metis' head, as for more?
Li Ke is not worthy yet.

Kil'jaeden's expectation of him is simply to ask him to help corrupt Arthas, if it weren't for Sironas who thinks that Li Ke gets along well with her, and Li Ke's talent is considered excellent among fel energy users Yes, he won't show up.

Li Ke was mentally prepared for this. After all, the advance payment was given, and it was impossible to have too generous a reward.

But he just wanted to see Kil'jaeden.

"Well, how about a virgin succubus? And more demon summoning authority? Your men are quite easy to use, they are almost perfect civil servants."

Cold, efficient, without extra emotion, a faithful enforcer of laws and rules, fearless of life and death, and will not be corrupt.

There were no better men for medieval tax collectors and sheriffs than these.

"What a weird request, are you not afraid that I will take away your rights?"

Kil'jaeden didn't feel that except for Li Ke's request, there were too many similar requests.

"Aren't I a member of the Burning Legion? Everything I have is given by the Burning Legion. Am I not a member of the Legion? The Legion is my reborn parents. I have great respect for Lord Sargeras and Lord Kil'jaeden , and Lord Archimonde, they are all treated as my fathers. So if you need my rights and influence, I will give it to you. Of course, a little compensation is still needed."

Li Ke picked up his demon spell book and looked at Kil'jaeden with a smile.

To be honest, isn't he working for the devil all the time?

It's just that the means are different, and there are more places to receive wages.

His heart will always belong to the Legion.

Of course, the body belongs to the holy light, life, and arcane arts, while the spirit is loyal to the shadows, and forms a gang with death.

But none of this prevents his heart from belonging to the Legion forever.

"Interesting statement."

Kil'jaeden looked at Li Ke and found him more interesting.

"You will be satisfied, so not only the succubus, I will give you more things, Li Ke. Xilonas, please help Li Ke, he is an interesting guy."

After speaking, Kil'jaeden planned to leave, but Li Ke spoke at this moment.

"By the way, Lord Kil'jaeden, are you interested in recruiting elemental lords and original guardian dragons locally?"

Kil'jaeden hung up the hand of the communication and stopped.

The reason why Li Ke said this is also very simple.

He is eager for additional investment from shareholders.

Two chapters 8300, merged for the sake of the senses, don't say I didn't have a third watch!

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