Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 509 The War Strategy of the Burning Legion

Chapter 509 The War Strategy of the Burning Legion

Onyxia felt dizzy. No matter how she thought about it, she and her father had nothing to do with the Burning Legion, right? !
They defected to the power of shadow, thinking that they would rule the whole world with the power of shadow.

As for the Burning Legion, based on the information they have seen so far, they don't like the local natives very much. Although they have the experience of negotiating with Queen Azshara, it is absolutely impossible for you to say that Azshara does not regret it.

It's just that this person will never show it.

And most importantly, what they think is that they will control the entire world in the future, but if the Burning Legion comes, who will control the world?
Burning Legion or their black dragon?

After the Burning Legion comes in completely, will they control Azeroth, or will the black dragon control Azeroth?
No one knows.

That's right, for Onyxia, her cholera human world is not a simple matter because she likes this kind of thing, more because they actually have the ambition to rule the world.

But it is a pity that there are too many powerful creatures and forces in this world.

"In short, you just need to inform, Onyxia, believe me, everyone will have a satisfactory result."

Li Ke just replied to Onyxia calmly, because the cooperation between the two parties is possible.

A long time ago, the black dragon cooperated with the orcs, but it was not about controlling Alexstrasza, but about going to Draenor. Unannounced cooperation twice.

It is not too abrupt for the third cooperation to be upgraded to a formal cooperation.

"Okay, but I'm only responsible for spreading the word, not whether my father will actually agree to communicate."

Onyxia sighed, and then another gemstone in her hand began to shine. Not long after, Lord Prestor's gentle and extremely confident voice sounded.

"My daughter, what's the matter with you?"

Onyxia paused for a moment. Li Ke's damn request really made him at a loss for what to say, but he still endured the strange thoughts in his heart and told his father.

"Li Ke would like to ask you to chat with Kil'jaeden of the Burning Legion...well, about the invasion of Azeroth."

She thought of a lot of words but couldn't think of how to describe this matter, so she chose to describe it as aggression.

After all, what the Burning Legion is doing is invading their planet. From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with the vocabulary she said.

A series of question marks instantly appeared on Deathwing's forehead. Li Ke had a good time with the Burning Legion. He recruited Li Ke to help him complete the mission of the Burning Legion, and used this to gain more control over Li Ke's power and weaken the power of the Burning Legion. The human power of the world, these things are natural, and he has no opinion.

The interests of the Burning Legion were similar to his, so he just turned a blind eye.

Anyway, there are only a few demons in Li Ke's territory, and the main ones are Dragonmen and various Twilight Cultists. Li Ke's foundation is rounded up and it is his foundation. Would he talk nonsense about such things?
Otherwise, if he is crazy to support Li Ke like this, even if it is the task of the ancient gods, it must be in his interest, so he will agree to carry it out now.

"No... daughter, can't you stop him from going crazy?"

Deathwing only felt his head buzzing.

He knows that Li Ke's thoughts are all kinds of wild and unconstrained ideas, but such unconstrained style is no longer a matter of whether he can understand it, but a completely outrageous thing.

Let him talk to the people of the Burning Legion?

What the hell is it! ?
It's outrageous to think about it!

"I think this matter shouldn't be so difficult to accept, isn't it? After all, our purpose is to make Azeroth mess up. Now that the Burning Legion can't enter Azeroth on a large scale, we can use their power It’s not too dangerous, is it? After all, it’s impossible for the Burning Legion to hit Mount Hyjal directly, right?”

Li Ke opened his mouth in front of Kil'jaeden and flickered, causing Kil'jaeden who was watching the ppt to suddenly raise his head, and for the first time an expression of astonishment appeared on Gu Bo's calm face.

Although his behavior of deceiving Deathwing face to face was considered outrageous among demons, Kil'jaeden was still surprised by the fact that he directly explained their plan.

Because their plan is to raid!

Use Frostmourne and necromancy to raise a terrible army in this world, and then let this army shoulder the actions of war and weakening the power of local races.

They are well aware of the power of humans in this world, especially the power of the woman named Aegwynn, so for them, the undead with human powerhouses should be able to easily crush the power of most mortals. broken.

And when the undead invaded, those night elves would only think that the human race had finally challenged their world's number one overlord, so they would definitely not summon the Guardian Dragon and those powerful demigods of the wilderness.

These existences will never pay attention to such a war. As long as the Lich King's brain is not convulsed, it will never trigger the anger of those wild gods and the attacks of their dependents.

After all, although the strength of these beasts cannot be compared with them, there is really no way to face the united Azeroth with the poor military discipline of the Burning Legion.

So their plan is to feint the undead, and quietly summon enough demons while feinting. In this plan, Silvermoon City must also be breached by the undead, and they must not expose the demons before heading to Mount Hyjal Otherwise, they will scare the snakes, and they must be made to think that humans are attacking them!

And when Archimonde appeared before Mount Hyjal in person and attacked with his elite force, no one knew that the devil would be elected.

In this case, once Archimonde launches an attack, even if the night elves are a race of gods, their strength cannot be compared with the elite under Archimonde's command. Without enough guardian dragons, their most powerful Definitely not Archimonde's opponent!

At this point, Azeroth will completely fall into their hands!
Because of this, this plan is quite confidential, and Li Ke is a smart person. He said this in front of himself, and he definitely did not think about it.

Kil'jaeden also wanted himself to think that Li Ke was guessing, but looking at the plan in his hand, he really couldn't imagine that Li Ke was an idiot who couldn't think of this.

This guy……

Kil'jaeden narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Ke carefully.

It is necessary to give him a higher status in the legion!

(End of this chapter)

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