Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 516 The Durnholde Drama

Chapter 516 The Durnholde Drama
Regarding Thrall's request, Luo Ning planned to fulfill it selectively.

But when he got along with Thrall, he felt more and more that something was wrong with this orc.

This orc is really too similar to a human.

His way of talking and dealing with people is completely human. Although there are many orcs in his behavior, it feels to Ronin that Thrall doesn't have those rude feelings at all, just like treating a mage who failed to transform because of a spell failure. Although he has the accent and habits of his hometown, as well as his hideous appearance, he is a human!

Other orcs didn't give him such a feeling!
Although these orcs are taciturn and don't talk much, when he sees them, he can still feel the oppressive feeling, the oppressive feeling that is like a wild beast, constantly suppressing anger and anger.

But their doctor...

Ronin prefers to use witch doctors and shamans to describe these people's doctors. Their herbs and antidotes are filled with a lot of weird things, but when these green ointments were applied to Krasus's body and he fed him a bottle of potion, Krasus's poisonous wounds began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, although those witch doctors, or shamans, were dissatisfied with Ronin's inspection of Krasus's body, they still let Ronin check it.

Because of this, Ronin was finally willing to trust Thrall.


"I still want to know what you plan to do to the people in Dunholde Castle."

Although Luo Ning had seen that Thrall really wanted to make a deal with him and take away the girl named Taresa, he still wanted to know what Thrall planned to do to the people in this castle.

"Don't worry, I don't have any thoughts about fighting humans. When Blackmoore knows that Taresa is in my hands, he will no longer have the courage to fight me. At that time, I will take my compatriots and feel that I will not harm your fellow humans. After all... I must be accelerated to leave this land."

Ronin frowned, he finally realized that Thrall seemed to be in a hurry to leave here, so he asked why.

"Because of that prophecy?"

"Yes, that prophecy."

Sal nodded seriously.

"But it's not just because of the prophecy, there's also the reason why humans in this world can't accept us."

Thrall sighed, but he didn't intend to leave this place if possible.

Before practicing with Li Ke, I also wanted to see if it was possible to save Lordaeron with Li Ke, so as to restore the reputation of some orcs and stay in the Eastern Kingdom.

After all, Kalimdor mentioned in the prophecy is too far away. Although the sea chart and route are extremely clear in my heart, and many things have been verified, the risk still exists.

However, once human beings free their hands, they will be wiped out immediately, and there is no hope at all.

So unless Ronin can let them stay in the Eastern Kingdom, then this prophecy must be true. No matter who asks, he will firmly tell the other party that the prophecy is true, and he will lead the orcs to find a new home.

Otherwise, the team will be disbanded!

Orcs are really hopeless.

"Even you believe in that prophecy, aren't you afraid that it's Medivh's lie again?"

But Thrall just smiled, there are many things, he can see that Luo Ning doesn't understand very well.

He chose to obey Medivh's words, which actually had another meaning.

If, he meant if, Medivh was still controlled by Sargeras, and the Human Empire was once again targeted by the Burning Legion, and they were powerless to resist...

He must have a choice, otherwise the orcs will definitely perish in his hands.

And it's better to be an accomplice than a victim.

But this is the last path, because the orcs have been deceived too much by the Burning Legion, and he will not choose this path until the orcs are completely extinct.

But this kind of thing is of course needless to say.

After all, he is just an orc, an orc who wants to live with his people.

"I saw him, he was full of guilt towards the world, so I would like to believe him, just like you saw an eloquent orc, people can be changed."

He smiled and explained his reasons.

Ronin nodded, and now his psychological pressure was even heavier. According to the prophecy, once Arthas raised the sword of disaster, it would directly lead to the demise of Lordaeron and the disaster of the entire human world.

Deathwing probably wanted to induce Arthas to do this!

If this is true, their best solution is not to convince Arthas and Terenas, but to take the sword away and seal it under the guidance of Dalaran.

Or hand it over to the Red Dragon Legion for safekeeping.

Only in this way can we ensure nothing goes wrong.

But now, he has no choice but to choose to trust this orc.

"I hope you will do what you say, or I will make you pay the price."

He shook the compass in his hand at Sal, and then strode outside.

"I wish you all the best, Mr. Ronin."

Thrall quickly followed and gave his instructions.

But Luo Ning just waved his hand and didn't pay much attention.

This kind of behavior made him feel like betraying his compatriots, but he also had to admit that if things were successful, it would not only save a lot of people from dying, but also make things easier.

He can only do it.

And Vereesa, who had never entered the orc camp, also followed in the footsteps of Ronin and headed towards Durnholde Castle.

And at this very moment...

"I understand, all the guests from Dalaran, please go to rest, I will send people to search."

Aedelas Blackmoore, the lord of Dunholde Castle, a noble lord of mixed blood of Lordaeron nobles and Alterac nobles, but choosing it is definitely not the worst decision for Terenas, but it is not a good decision, even Terenas himself thinks so.

Because his ambition is very huge.

The mages of Dalaran nodded. They didn't want to talk to this arrogant lord. It was enough for them to fulfill Prince Arthas' request.

But after they left, Blackmoore took a sip of wine, looked at their backs, and spat in disdain.

"Isn't it just a trick? Look at their haughty looks."

Nobody pandered to his words, because he had no friends at all.

But he didn't care about these, but looked at Sir Prestor who came with him, who might become his king.

"Sir Prestor, you didn't come just for that man named Ronin, did you? Your spies have been looking for me for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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