Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 520 A Wonderful Corner of History

Chapter 520 A Wonderful Corner of History

Rhonin now feels that he must act now, because once the prince has sufficient funds, he will definitely go!
He has many advantages over himself!

And for a prince, if he has already talked about this matter with his partner, it means that he will definitely go!

After Luo Ning calmed down a bit, he kept thinking about dissuading Alsace in his mind, whether it was possible to prevent Alsace from going to Northrend.

But he discovered a very sad thing. Now that Prestor, that is, Deathwing is close to Alsace, it is not so possible for him to get close to Alsace.

Under such circumstances, it was impossible for him to convince Alsace.

In other words, he has only one way to go from the very beginning!
Because of this, his expression is constantly changing, making him appear extremely exciting.

Taressa looked at Luo Ning worriedly, worried that the mage would suddenly become angry and burn her house down.

"Mr. Ronin?"

She couldn't help calling out to Luo Ning, and Luo Ning also took a deep breath.

"I understand, Miss Taresa, but are you really not going to leave with us? I can see that those orcs are probably coming to attack here."

Luo Ning said the fact that he least wanted to face, that is, the orcs who cooperated with him were coming to attack the castle. As a human mage, he was supposed to help the humans here to defend against these orcs.

But he also understood that relying on his own strength, it was impossible to stop those orcs no matter what.

The army of those orcs is far beyond what the defenders here can resist!

"No, I can't leave..."

Taresa sighed, if Thrall had come earlier, perhaps their fate would have been different, even one day earlier.

But unfortunately, there is no if.

However, she took out her necklace, which had a portrait of Thrall on it.

Her feelings for Sal are very complicated. Most of the time, she regards Sal as her younger brother, but sometimes, she will also mix some other feelings. She is also very clear, Blackmore Why take her by force.

Because as long as he considers himself Sal's father, and her words, the composition is a little more complicated.

It was hard for Thrall not to think of her as mother, sister, and...


It's only natural when everyone around you treats you like an object, a monster, a good-looking woman who treats you tenderly and treats you like a family member.Then any man would not have the slightest liking for the other party, let alone a strong guy like Thrall.

Taresa couldn't help laughing when she thought of the problems Thrall encountered in adolescence.

She really regarded Sal as her younger brother, because when Sal came, it happened to be when her own brother died, and her mother also walked out of the pain of losing her son because of raising Sal. .

Because of this, she knew that it would be difficult for her to refuse some requests from Sal, that was her younger brother, but...

She is more rational and knows what she can and cannot do.

If it wasn't for Blackmoore and these encounters, maybe she would really be with Thrall, but now, this is impossible, and Thrall will only be her younger brother forever.

"But I won't make it difficult for you. Bring this to him, and then tell him to promise me not to attack the civilians here, otherwise... I will never have him as a brother."

Taressa knew that she couldn't stop Thrall from rescuing her compatriots. Although Thrall was her family in her own eyes, in the eyes of orcs and humans, he was an orc.

In the eyes of humans, he is an orc, and in the eyes of orcs, he is also an orc. Only in his own home, Thrall is not an orc, but a human.

Therefore, she knew that Sal would not reject her.

"I understand, thank you, Ms. Teresa, what you told me is very important, although I don't know what the outcome will be, but there is no doubt that hundreds of thousands of people will be saved because of your kindness .”

Luo Ning didn't know the entanglement between the two, but based on the lover Sal mentioned, the younger brother Taresa mentioned, and what he had learned so far, he could guess a lot.

He's just not very sharp sometimes, and has his own opinions, not dull.

"Thank you too, Mr. Luo Ning. Please wait a moment, I will write a letter to explain."

Taressa took the compass that Luo Ning handed her, and couldn't help sighing, but she immediately remembered that she still had some letter paper at home, so...

She was going to write something special.

Luo Ning nodded, waited for Taresa for half an hour, then got a sealed letter from Taresa, and left quickly.

He couldn't stay any longer, because Vereesa had already seen someone coming.

Not long after Rhonin and Vereesa left, a group of knights arrived, led by Blackmoore and Sir Prestor, or rather, Deathwing.

Deathwing glanced at Taretha's house, and instantly smelled a mage and an elf, and a smile appeared on his face immediately.

Although he didn't know what happened, his cute little mage really came here.

Seeing the large group of people coming, Taresa's parents also quickly returned here, looking at the two lords nervously.

Blackmore spoke impatiently. Since he had already decided to send Talisa away, he didn't bother to see this woman anymore. He waved his palm casually and irritably, and pronounced Talisa's fate.

"Alright, Taresa, you should have finished packing your things, so follow Sir Prestor and leave!"

From the beginning to the end, Blackmore did not show the slightest bit of reluctance, which made Taresa's heart even more desolate.

But she could only nod.


Deathwing raised his hand with a smile. He could tell that Taresa was pregnant, but this did not prevent him from having fun, and even having more fun.So he didn't speak, but directly let the mages in his team start opening the portal.

Blackmoore looked at his behavior with envy. The money needed to open the portal was enough to buy a dozen Taresas, but the man in front of him...

He clenched his fist unwillingly, but soon, his body paralyzed by alcohol made him give up some unrealistic thoughts.

No way, without Thrall, he really doesn't know how to lead the orcs.

But now, the threat of orcs is great.

So, when Taretha's family walked into the portal, he looked eagerly at the breath of death.

"So, my lord, the weaponry you promised."

He needs these very much.

"Soon to be delivered."

Deathwing chuckled.

"Come with the first shipment."

Blackmoore laughed too, because he couldn't afford to wait!
At this point of time, he is still sure!

(End of this chapter)

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