Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 524 The Situation of Ragnaros

Chapter 524 The Situation of Ragnaros
Seeing the suddenly stagnant water flow, Li Ke froze for a moment.

But immediately laughed out.

"Will they still be unanimous?"

Among the water and fire elemental lords, it cannot be said to be a rival, but it is almost the same.It is impossible if there is no contradiction between the two sides.

Ragnaros definitely wants Neptulon to die more than anyone else. Correspondingly, Neptulon will definitely kill Ragnaros as long as he has the opportunity.

But there is a premise.

It's their own elemental infighting.

These elemental lords are not stupid. Although most of the elements are well-manipulated guys, few elements can think like humans, but they are indeed intelligent creatures.

And the more powerful the elemental beings, the smarter they are.

Of course, being smart doesn't mean they won't be cheated.

And these elemental lords have survived for tens of thousands of years. They are undoubtedly the smartest group of people among the elements. Of course they understand a truth.

Foreign enemies are always more hateful than internal enemies.

Although they both want to kill each other, they are in the same camp after all, but Li Ke is not.

Li Ke's means of enslaving the elements made them naturally think of those ancient gods. Although they were as obedient as quails in front of the ancient gods, after the ancient gods were sealed by the titan guardians, these elements immediately And decisively cut with the ancient gods, and there is no one who hates the ancient gods more than them.

Unless the power of the ancient gods reappears and threatens them again, whoever mentions this will die.

It's normal for them to fight against him, an outsider, after all...

"The earth is trembling too? Why is the earth element..."

Nefarian felt in astonishment that the earth element was angry, and in the magic circle he arranged, the arrangement related to the earth element was completely invalid!
And the earth, rocks and steam washed down from Ragnaros' body also took shape quickly under an inexplicable force, and looked at Li Ke beside him full of hostility.

In the door to the world of water elements opened by Li Ke, a huge arm made of pure water core appeared.

"These guys react really fast."

Li Ke snorted coldly, but didn't take this matter to heart.

Because it has not exceeded his expectations.

The portal he opened is the gate deep in the world of water elements. The concentration of water elements here is quite high, and it can even be said to be close to a solid state. These water flows have escaped from the raga of the world of fire elements under the pressure of hundreds of millions of tons. Naros is absolutely unbearable, which is why he is confident in suppressing Ragnaros.

Ragnaros is very strong, the lord of the fire element, the absolute ruler of the fire element world.


He is not the deity of the fire elemental world.

For the fire elemental world, Ragnaros is just the leader of a region.

That's right, the leader of a region manages one-third of an acre of Azeroth.

Although powerful, it cannot represent the world of the fire element.

If it stayed honestly in the world of fire elements, then Li Ke would never provoke him, because that would be courting death, unless he fully accepted the power of the elements, otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat Ragnaros!
But this is in the real world!Not the elemental world!
Ragnaros, who can dominate in his own world, does not have the power of a real fire elemental lord in the real world!
No matter how much Azeroth is packaged like a world of fire elements, it is still not here. The elements of earth, water, and wind will attack him constantly, making him unable to complete his expansion, so that his power is not in the world of fire elements. so terrible.

At this time, it is nothing more than a large fire element!
The biggest threat now is Neptulon behind the gate of the water element world he opened,

The magic circle he drew was on the ground, and it was specially designed to cut off the connection between Ragnaros and the fire elemental world, and cut off the source of his power.

So for Ragnaros, who was completely unprepared for this, he just wanted to use his power as a fire elemental lord to fight against the entire water elemental world.

However, now that Neptulon has intervened, things have been reversed.

If this door is not closed, it will become the biggest threat to his actions. Ragnaros cannot withstand the impact of the billions of tons of water pressure, and it is even more impossible for Li Ke to withstand it.

It's just that for Li Ke, he doesn't care.

Ordinary mages are absolutely unable to close the door from which water elements are constantly gushing out, but Li Ke can. He forcibly cut off the magic circle that he opened about the door to the world of water elements, completely cutting off the flow of water.

However, at this time, the help of the earth element has arrived, and a hole is directly cracked at the bottom of the Black Rock Mountain. The power of the fire element world cut off by Li Ke is linked by Ragnaros again, and those who are broken by the water flow The water vapor that appeared formed gusts of wind, entangled Ragnaros, like adding fuel to a fire, making his body even more domineering and vigorous!
The terrible gust brought visible heat waves and flames to all directions, completely destroying Nefarian's magic circle!

Li Ke could feel that the power of Ragnaros' flames became stronger!And Nefarian's complexion also became quite ugly.

Now Ragnaros obviously got the help of the remaining three elemental lords, and things have become quite ugly.

"Li Ke, are you really alright?"

He looked at Li Ke, if he made a move, the problem of the earth element would not be a big problem, but he didn't want to fight against the lord of the earth element because of this.

"It's just a trivial matter, it's just a chicken and a dog."

Li Ke looked at Ragnaros who stood up again, but didn't feel anything.

Elemental creatures are so annoying, as long as their bodies are supplemented with enough elements, they can easily recover, and therefore, elemental creatures are so troublesome.


What if his injury limit is hit at one time?

"You always say that I don't use the power of the dragon properly, Nefarian. But—"

Li Ke's eyes opened again, and his eyes had become the eyes of a dragon.

"You are obviously wrong!"

As Li Ke's voice fell, his body suddenly began to swell.The fel gems, holy light gems, and even shadow gems on his body shattered instantly, and the huge energy was continuously transformed into a part of his body under Li Ke's manipulation.

A ferocious black dragon then appeared inside the Black Stone Mountain.

However, Nefarian couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Compared with the last time, Li Ke's dragon body is bigger and more incredible this time!

His limbs became even thicker, his horns shone with golden light, and above his limbs, there were even more terrifying black flames that distorted the air.

And above his claws, the golden and black flames were constantly twisting, but they were covered by a layer of evil flames!

His wings and scales were black gold, and his eyes were a golden light.

It's really hard for him to describe such a creature as a dragon!

However, he couldn't find any adjectives other than giant dragon!
(End of this chapter)

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