He must slaughter the city.

To massacre a city, there must be a troop that completely belongs to him!
When Arthas realized this, his heart was bleeding.

He had read in Kel'Thuzad's book that those dark necromancers would force their will on the undead, and one person could command hundreds of undead!

Or let these undead ignore some things, let them not think about certain things.

Those spells were difficult and inhuman, but Arthas knew he had to.

If he hadn't encountered that monster, he could still figure it out slowly, without directly attacking these nobles, and without taking the risk of exposing his purpose, but now he can't.

If he wants to ensure that his plan will not be leaked, he cannot imagine that the demon will not tell his plan, but it is even more impossible for him to give up his plan. Li Ke's description, hundreds of years, thousands of years His path of change is too long, and it is prone to accidents. It is impossible for him, a mortal with a lifespan of only a hundred years, to accept it!

So he must use the power of the undead!
So he can't just kill some Stratholme-age civilians!He must kill everyone in Stratholme!To verify your determination!And bust the rumors unleashed by that bastard!

Only by standing firmly on the front line of resisting the natural disasters of the undead and sympathizing with your own people, can you not be afraid of any slander!

But the price is... I have to kill most of the people, even all the people in Stratholme.


Just when Alsace was in pain, a thought suddenly occurred to him to relax him.

"The transformation of these people can speed up the kingdom's attitude towards the undead? And my plan?"

He couldn't help thinking that if he killed some humans controlled by necromancers, and sheltered those undead who were not manipulated, and humans who did not die, then...

His plan will not be imperfect!

That monster's slander won't affect him!

He thought of that almost immediately, if only he acted aggressively enough and showed mercy afterwards!No one will believe that he did it!Not even his father would doubt him!

The young prince couldn't help thinking this way, he decided on this matter almost without thinking.

and so…

"There is nothing to hesitate... This is the last drop of blood before dawn..."

He murmured such words, waiting for his subordinates to arrive, and during this time, he kept looking at the defense map and a list in front of him.

When he looked at these defense maps and had already thought clearly, Farik's body suddenly stiffened, and then a human mage appeared here.

Seeing his figure, Alsace couldn't help but frowned. He really couldn't like the other party's random manipulation of Farric's behavior.

However, he also knew that the other party did not trust Farric, not even anyone here.

"Farric is mine."

He directly expressed his dissatisfaction.

"I know, but he doesn't know our situation, Your Highness... But, are you really doing that? Is this too radical?"

First Vesper's face emerged from the shadows, and he looked at Alsace suspiciously.

"Contaminate Stratholme with the plague, create more undead, and let a just and suffering-free world come earlier. It is indeed our wish, but how do we know, don't you want to use our corpses to show your loyalty?"

Although he was ready to slaughter his own people, Alsace showed his sincerity as much as possible when facing Kel'Thuzad's old troops, because Kel'Thuzad treated himself sincerely like this.

Moreover, he knew that it was normal for First Vespal to be suspicious. This subordinate of Kel'Thuzad knew what he was going to do, but he still had doubts about himself. Although they were not afraid of death, they were even fanatical. Want to become undead, but in my plan, it is indeed necessary to destroy some of them.

So it's normal to have doubts.

But he has ways to help each other.

"It's very simple. I will let you kill half of my army first and enslave a quarter of them."

Alsace said these words calmly, he found that when he said these words, his heart didn't hurt so much, and the feeling of throat congestion disappeared a lot.

Apparently, he—

Grow up.

First Vespal looked at the prince in front of him in astonishment, with an expression of disbelief on his face, which was not beyond Alsace's expectations. He didn't show much expression, but just looked at him indifferently. looking at each other.

"I can give you five hundred undead under my command. These people can be great nobles. In this way, you will have enough troops to prevent me from killing you all. Even if I change my mind, you will still have time to withdraw... this time Can you trust me?"

First Vesper looked at his prince with the eyes of seeing Alsace for the first time, this eyes slightly angered Alsace, but he still didn't express anything.

"Is this really... are you serious? This is a bit...too extreme?"

For the servants of Kel'Thuzad, this suggestion is quite incredible.

So he never looked at Alsace in disbelief.

"Am I the one who jokes about this kind of thing? If you continue to ask such things, I will doubt Kel'Thuzad's vision of choosing people."

Alsace looked at First Vesper coldly, let the other party cough lightly in embarrassment, and forced himself to hold back his ecstasy.

The bodies of hundreds of well-trained human knights, most of whom even know a little bit of holy light or special powers!
In his hands is enough to form a powerful corps!

Even recreate the Horde's mighty Death Knight!

"...if you're serious, yes, so when do we do it? Next week, or next month? In what name do we do it? Stratholme, though..."

Frst Vespal was surprised and calculated in his heart, calculating how many powerful undead he could get at this time, and how much power he could get from them.

But just when he thought that he was urgent enough to let Alsace see the flaw, Alsace spoke again.

"Do it now... As for Stratholme... also let your people do it now, stop being so tender! You can't do anything like that! Give me indiscriminate, launch the undead plague on everyone in Stratholme !"

Although there is still Li Ke's goods to be delivered, Alsace can't control so much now, he must do this right away!
First Vespal stared at Alsace in astonishment, looking at this seemingly crazy prince. He didn't know how to think, so that such a terrible and crazy idea could appear.


"As ordered!"

He looked at the prince whose eyes were bloodshot, whose smooth blond hair became messy, and whose face was full of impatience and urgency, and said his honorific title.

"My lord! (My lord)"

Hmm...sorry for not updating yesterday, because I was too sleepy...

During this period of time, my body just felt very bad, very annoying, and I didn't dare to wave.

The Penguin update is because the Penguin is almost finished, so the priority is to update that one, that is, in the middle of next month, it will almost be finished.

After all, that book is already the end game.

Tomorrow, I will write a psychiatrist's side story to make up for it.

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