Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 548 Heart of the Lich King

Chapter 548 Heart of the Lich King

What is it suitable for?

Ner'zhul, the Lich King, knew exactly what suited him.

Fit to be the new Lich King.

When Luo Ning set foot on this land, he was forced to watch Luo Ning and watch this resolute mage together with a greater and greater force.

And with the power of prophecy, he observed the man's experience.

Then, he knew that the person who controlled him and gave him strength had chosen him.

Just like the other party chose Alsace.

Or, both of them are fine.

Both of these people can sacrifice their own things for a better future. Of course, in this respect, Alsace is better.

But for Frostmourne, the owner of a warrior is not as good as a mage. Although Frostmourne is a powerful weapon and a sword, what is really powerful about him is the power to rule the king. A magic weapon rather than a weapon.

Although it is really good as a weapon, it is best used as a magic weapon.

Therefore, only a mage can fully display the power of Frostmourne. A mage who is proficient in magic can perfectly control Frostmourne and the helmet of dominion. The power of death.

"Don't worry, Ner'zhul, when your successor comes, I will set you free. You don't have the heart of the Lich King, and you don't have the ability to become a king. I won't let you take on responsibilities that you shouldn't. "

The voice spoke again. Ner'zhul, the Lich King, didn't know who this person was. He only knew that the other person was really, really powerful. He had no doubts that he couldn't fight against it. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from the opponent's hands. Under such circumstances, he couldn't make a choice at all.

But he also knew that once the sorcerer named Luo Ning pulled out Frostmourne, it would be his time to die.He doesn't have the power to resurrect, because the ice imprisoned his soul, he will be absorbed by the new Lich King all his knowledge and power, and then sent into the abyss of death, so that he will die permanently and completely.

"He doesn't know how to command an army like Alsace, and he can't surprise Lordaeron."

Ner'zhul tried hard to make his voice full of confidence, but his voice was still full of the feeling of begging.

Yes, he is quite powerful compared to mortals, but he is too weak for this voice, and the demons of the Burning Machine Legion.

Not weak in general description, but actually weak.

The owner of this voice can easily drain his own power, while the demons of the Burning Legion can destroy everything about him at will.

Therefore, he no longer has the arrogance to face mortals, but only bows to the strong.

Anyway, he'd been doing it since he was an orc.

Therefore, the voice became impatient. In his opinion, a weak person like Ner'zhul was not worthy to be his subordinate at all, and he didn't need such a coward to work for him.

But the problem is here, he needs Ner'zhul to attract some people, and for the time being, he can't just let the legion see too many things beyond their plans.

Despite the help of his brother Denathius' subordinates, Denathius will never fully fulfill the agreement, just as he does not intend to fully fulfill the agreement. It is a foolish performance to trust his brother completely.

"But he has a will, Ner'zhul, far stronger than yours."

There was no sarcasm in the voice of the powerful being, only disdain for his weak will, and Ner'zhul was very clear that no matter in anyone's eyes, he was a piece of trash.

When he was the high priest of the orcs, the uncrowned king of the Horde, Kil'jaeden thought of him as a fool who could fool him with magical illusions.

And when he discovered Kil'jaeden's deception to him, his disciple Gul'dan regarded him as a weak waste, because he really didn't have the courage to resist Kil'jaeden and speak out their conspiracy.

When the tribe was destroyed, he managed to pluck up the courage to stand up once again, but he was deceived again by the will of Gul'dan who remained in Gul'dan's head, that is, his apprentice, and then he was deceived by those elves. Another defeat with the paladin not only completely destroyed his hometown and made him torn apart, he was even captured by Kil'jaeden and began to torture him continuously.

In the end, he was torn apart and had to possess the armor.

Kil'jaeden promised him that the armor would be worn by a suitable person, and he could occupy that suitable person and become a new existence.

So now he is extremely looking forward to the candidate chosen by the Burning Legion, that prince, that strong and powerful prince, will be free from now on.

But for his thoughts, the existence behind the scenes scoffed, because Kil'jaeden would never let a waste like Ner'zhul survive, and he would be used up in the end to use up the last bit of interest, completely changing the one who came to the Frozen Throne people.

As for him and the demons of the Burning Legion, it doesn't matter who is the Lich King, whether it is Rhonin or Arthas, as long as they can pick up Frostmourne and spread death, then the Lich King's mission It's finished.

What he wants is to make the Lich King submit to himself, and under the cover of the Legion, build a melting pot of souls in Azeroth as soon as possible.

So Luo Ning, who came here first, became his choice.

The main point is that the faster the better, because the slower it is, the higher the possibility that the demons will discover the secrets of Azeroth!

That's right.

From the beginning, it doesn't matter who the Lich King is, as long as he can draw the sword.

Those Dreadlords and the Burning Legion chose Alsace, but they did it casually. They didn't care about Alsace at all, nor did they care about this world.

The powerful existence is very certain, because the specialness of Azeroth is something few people know, and he is sure that Sargeras is unwilling to tell others how special Azeroth is.

Therefore, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, who were in charge of invading Azeroth, must not be able to make a full-scale shot. Once Azeroth is completely destroyed, then they will feel that their mission has been completed, so as to give him enough opportunities Take the power of Azeroth.

Therefore, he needs someone who is more capable of exerting the crown of domination, a powerful mage.

Ronin fit his bill.

He doesn't need the Lich King to lead the army to fight, because the Lich King only needs to be able to push the troops up. The things the Lich King has to do are very simple, and the heart the Lich King needs is also very simple.

Loyalty to him.

Unlimited loyalty to him Zovar!

Thinking of this, he looked at a soul.

"Kel'Thuzad, have you seen it? I played with your master so much, but your master didn't notice anything. Kel'Thuzad, except for the necromancy that the legion gave him, his research on necromancy and The enthusiasm is not as high as yours at all, if the timing is not inappropriate, I think it is most suitable for you to be the Lich King."

He looked at this soul, this excellent soul lost his body because of a small task of the Burning Legion, and what he got was just some insignificant spells. He felt that for this excellent soul, it was a very important thing. Cruel and very wasteful.

But the Burning Legion is always like this. They can always waste what they have, cherished and powerful, in an unreasonable way.

"I... I saw it."

Kel'Thuzad looked at Ner'zhul, and the other party was looking at him in fear, because he felt that the warden Zovall was by his side, but Kel'Thuzad knew very well that once Zovall left, Ner'zhul would He will once again become the lofty, mysterious, powerful, cruel and cruel Lich King!
At that time, this humble, wild dog-like posture will no longer appear.

It's not because Ner'zhul has the special ability to change faces, but because everything about him is under the control of Zovar. His memory and thinking are all in the hands of Zovall. Zovall wants him to repeat the memory of a day , then even if he lived his entire life, he would not realize that he only had one day's memory!

It's like manipulating those undead by yourself, if you say let them live, you can let them live, if you say let them die, you can let them die.

Their memories, their souls are all controlled by him, and even their personalities can be changed by him!
Obviously, Zovar is someone far beyond the Lich King.

It is also the person he needs to follow if he wants to obtain the true Necromancer Mysteries!
"He is a humble guy, he doesn't deserve more power, because strength and soul can only show their true value in the hands of a determined person, Kel'Thuzad, I am very optimistic about you, don't let me down, I will renew Find yours."

Zovar looked at Kel'Thuzad, and he could feel the soul's discussion of death and life. His obsession with death was not without reason, because he witnessed the withering of life, and then he became obsessed with death.

But this world is destined to disappoint him, because even in the shadow world, the world of the dead, you still cannot guarantee that your death is the last death, and your soul cannot live in this world designed by the First Born to house the soul after death. The place will exist forever, and you will still be in danger, suffering from those partings.

Suffering is proof that the world is incomplete, and the guidance of the Firstborn is also incomplete.

Zovall thought of this again.

If the world of the Firstborn is complete and perfect, then every life and soul should be able to experience a sense of fulfillment in this world, with no tragedy, no death.

He loathed death, and he loathed real death.

Death now is nothing more than living in another world, and if you have faith, if there are other forces tearing you apart, your soul will even be split into two, one part will go to the shadow world, and the other part will go to the corresponding force world .

This world full of different forces, full of struggles and tragedies between forces and people, is not perfect.

It is because he saw too many imperfections that he questioned the world created by the supreme firstborn, and wanted to change and reshape the world.

Yes, it has to be reshaped, because any imperfection will eventually make the world imperfect again.

This is an inevitable thing, so only reshaping the world and recreating the world according to his ideas can make this world perfect!

This world must be destroyed!

Zovar made himself firm again, but he didn't show it, because the world is not perfect, everything is not perfect, and they couldn't notice that they were in an imperfect world, so he couldn't Tell anyone but his servants, because and others, do not choose perfection.

"Kel'Thuzad, do a good job. If you can really understand life and death, I don't mind sharing real power with you."

He looked at Kel'Thuzad and said his promise.

If Kel'Thuzad can understand that this world is incomplete and cannot be corrected, like himself, then he really doesn't mind taking Kel'Thuzad to the new world.

Kel'Thuzad's soul knelt down on the ground, and countless knowledge appeared in his mind, countless knowledge about the Shadow Realm, but there was also a limit.

He couldn't say anything about Zovar, otherwise not only would he die, but his knowledge would also disappear.

But Kel'Thuzad didn't care about these, he kept reading the knowledge given by Zovar in his mind, and greedily absorbed the knowledge of the Shadow Realm, but he didn't realize that Ner'zhul's eyes turned back to domineering and cold.

Ner'zhul had no memories related to Zovar at all, so he looked at Rhonin in the magic image, and subconsciously wanted to kill him to prevent him from getting Frostmourne before Arthas.

"Damn... this mage..."

Ner'zhul just wanted to order countless undead and undead to attack this dragon, but just as he raised his hand, the killing intent towards Ronin completely disappeared in his heart, replaced by a strange appreciation a feeling of.

"Although he still has no fangs and is not handsome enough, he still has more hair than Alsace, so he is still better."

He looked at Luo Ning, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt it was appropriate. In addition, he was also a mage, so he stopped the order he gave, so that the undead around him would no longer hinder Luo Ning, but happily waited for Luo Ning to pull out the magic weapon. Frostmourne, come here, let him occupy his body like other death knights, and successfully walk in this world again!

However, what he didn't notice was that the soul of Kel'Thuzad who was waiting to be resurrected with the Sunwell to gain powerful power to open the door to summon Archimonde when looking at him, the eyes There is no awe anymore.

Some only have that deep pitifulness.

But soon, these meanings disappeared, and obedience once again appeared in Kel'Thuzad's eyes.

However, when he looked at Ronin in the image, he couldn't help but think of Alsace.


...is a good thing for him.

(End of this chapter)

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