Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 553 Dirty Things

Chapter 553 Dirty Things
The magic power of elves is quite special. Other people may not feel it so obvious, but Li Ke is different. If he wants to, Li Ke can easily distinguish every feeling of magic power.

The special thing about elves is that their magic power is mixed with holy light and evil energy, and everyone has powerful arcane power.

Even some mages who spontaneously came to Li Ke's territory, the magic power of many of them is not as powerful as the elves who don't practice magic - Kael'thas still keeps his word, and some of the elf staff did take the portal Came to his territory and started some paperwork.

Most of these people have not received magic training and belong to commoners and craftsmen.

Moreover, their magic power circulates more directly with the body.

That's right, magic power is also an important part of the internal circulation of elves. Li Ke can feel that strange magical power is playing some role in the bodies of these elves that he doesn't understand just by sticking to the bodies of these elves. .

To be precise, most of the creatures in this world have this situation, but such as elves are actually rare, and this is why Li Ke can feel it just by touching it.

Because of this characteristic of these high elves, it is almost like moving towards energy creatures.

"It turned out to be a virgin."

Li Ke stroked the petals of the one with the most powerful magic power but not very active, feeling the strong muscles inside.

This can actually be distinguished. The one on the far left has quite active magic power in his body. Although he is imprisoned by some kind of equipment, he is obviously a spell caster, and there are thick calluses on his exposed hands.

The one on the far right is obviously a little girl, not only because she is a hairless girl, which can be seen from the development level, but also because she doesn't have any calluses on her hands, so she can be seen as a small person at a glance.

And the one in the middle obviously exercises regularly, not only that, but also looks like a typical safe childbirth type. Although it can be seen that the figure is slender and petite, which is a typical figure of a high elf, but it can also be seen that the girl's figure is quite good.

However, Li Ke just tasted it, and didn't do it directly, and the reason is very simple.

"I do like your gifts, though."

He walked up to the two Barov ladies, hugged them, and opened his mouth while feeling the beating of their consciences.

"But the elves are still very troublesome. I have a good relationship with the elves, so if there are any elves slaves who are captured, let them go."

The elves are his allies on the surface and the source of magic technology, so if necessary, Li Ke needs some political operations to show his unbreakable ally relationship with the elf kingdom.

Of course, Kael'thas was shown to those human kingdoms. Although Kael'thas was generous, the elves were very stingy and difficult to deal with. Some of the things promised by a certain mage lady had not yet been fulfilled, and she even dared to use this to propose to him. More conditions can be said to be quite thick-skinned.

It's just the elf's one, and he tasted quite a bit, not to mention there are several noble girls from Quel'Thalas in his garden, which were specially given to him for him to eat.

That's right, many of the elves who admired Li Ke and came here came here to deliver cannons. Li Ke is very aware of this, they are just courtesans. Things, enough to make people think about a lot of things.

Just political manipulation.

With just a little bit of care from him, he could have a party with those elves tonight.

So if there are only three elves, he is not very rare.

"Don't worry, my master."

Ilucia chuckled, stroked Li Ke's generous chest muscles, and couldn't help but compare with her husband.

Li Ke's figure is very good-looking, although it is not the typical big-muscled type of Azerothians, but it presents a perfect streamlined appearance.

Good-looking, but not completely muscular, and the distribution of fat is also very reasonable, which can be said to be quite perfect and standard.

This made Ilucia, a noble lady, very yearning, especially Li Ke's status as a paladin, because she knew very well that Holy Light...

Can increase a person's stamina and recovery speed.

This is not a secret. Paladins have been out for so long, especially some ladies whose husbands are paladins who have become monks on the way. But they found that their husbands became paladin and returned from fighting. Did they lose their physical fitness and durability? At its best, the surprise requires no explanation at all.

Therefore, compared with her husband, Li Ke is not only more handsome, but her stamina must also be guaranteed, and from her observation, she also has a lot of fighting spirit.

It's different from her husband who has been completely addicted to power and wealth.


"That bastard Barov's should be rotten, right?"

She couldn't help thinking of these, but she didn't delay in answering Li Ke's question.

"Of these three, one is a slave trader. Even if he returns to the elf world, he will be punished by death."

She pointed to the leftmost box, then to the middle box.

"The one in the middle, she is wanted by our human kingdom, and it is a heinous crime, so it doesn't matter."

She laughed and walked gently to the last box.

"And this is our business. Although she is a poor slave, she stole our things when she ran away, so she is naturally a criminal, so you don't care, you can treat these guys cruelly , don’t worry about that.”

Ilucia's words were full of temptation, and Li Ke also nodded.

The crimes of these three guys were indeed worthy of the gallows in this medieval world. Anyone who did anything to them would not be excessive, so he couldn't help but patted Ilucia. Buttocks, then walked to the middle, casually opened the lid, intending to take a look at the face.

If the face is not good-looking, just send it away at will.

After he opened it, what he saw was a blurred face. Her face was blushing, and she didn't mean to resist. Li Ke knew at a glance that some strange medicine or magic was used, otherwise she wouldn't He didn't even shut his mouth.

She is very beautiful, her silver hair is as bright as the moonlight, and she has a strange, heroic but fragile feeling.

To be specific, 'proud little girl'?
Li Ke laughed, squeezed the opponent's mouth, and planned to attack.

However, the moment he aimed to sprint, the elf spoke.


Li Ke almost had a cardiac arrest, he turned around hastily, and then pierced the box with the power of a dragon, the sawdust even hit Vereesa's brow.

Jandis opened his mouth wide, and Ilucia flushed.

But Li Ke.

Others are numb.

 I keep thinking about updating when I get home and sleep for half an hour...

  Then wake up and fail.

  In the past few days, I have been dealing with the issue of legacy assets, and it will not work if this is not dealt with.Avoid saying that leaving me with hundreds of thousands of arrears, then I will be an idiot.

  And then I got caught up in all kinds of problems, and then the original people, the original materials, the original locations.

  Tell me I can't do it, I have to wait.

  I'm so...

  He didn't even look at the other materials he asked me to get, and then told me they were useless when I asked.

  Although I knew this would happen as early as the beginning, I still filed a complaint in anger.

  Tired like a dead dog, ready to buy a laptop, to avoid being unable to code when going out, shit.

  It is impossible to code on a mobile phone, and my fingers hurt too much.

(End of this chapter)

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