Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 561 Determination to Sacrifice Others

But these whispers did not make these women give up hope. They looked at Alsace with hopeful eyes.

"Your Highness, you must have a solution, right?! Your Highness!"

Faced with a broken family and the possible death of herself and her children, any responsible wife or mother can stand up and face death calmly.

At this time, Uther stood up.

He sighed and stood in front of Arthas.

Arthas was a kind-hearted child. If Arthas was allowed to indulge in necromancy because of this, he would not allow it.

"No, madam, sometimes, we can only follow the teachings of the Holy Light and give them the last mercy. We will find a way, madam, but now, we must leave. These are my attendants, and I hope you You can tell them your husband's whereabouts these days, so...maybe able to help us find the devil."

Uther's words made the woman open her eyes wide. She knew Uther. When there were bandits here a few years ago, it was Uther who led the team. He also risked his life to save several children.

She stopped crying and looked at Uther hopefully.

"After finding that demon, can I restore my husband?"

She longed for it so much in her heart.

"Sorry, madam, I can't make any promises to you. I can only say that I will try my best to save your husband's soul."

Uther looked at the woman in front of him with pity. He didn't know much about necromancy, but his usual experience told him that the woman's husband was hopeless.

"Thank you...thank you..."

The woman covered her face and cried. Soon, the woman was taken away by the guards. She knew that there was no use in continuing to speak.

But her helpless eyes made Arthas feel like his heart had been stabbed again.

He looked at Uther who sighed and couldn't help but speak.

"Is there anything the Holy Light can do?"

Uther shook his head seriously.

"No, or I haven't found it yet."

He is not a professional therapist. What he is most proficient in is how to treat trauma and infection.

He wasn't even very proficient in how to deal with curses.

Arthas felt both happy and angry about this. He was happy that Uther was unable to stop him, and angry that Uther was unable to stop Tichondrius.

He looked at Uther and spoke.

"I understand, Uther, I think we need to send our troops out of the city, otherwise, I'm afraid the monster will escape."

Uther was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"This is still a bit risky. Let's do this, Arthas, I will let the Silver Hand people outside, you take some people to take over Stratholme's defense, and we will look for that monster together! And I will follow you to protect you and Jaina’s safety.”

Uther did not intend to leave Arthas' side because he wanted to protect Arthas.

"it is good……"

Arthas had no objection, because from the very beginning, the one he wanted to transfer was Uther.

"Then I'll go give the order."

Uther nodded and turned towards the Knights of the Silver Hand.

At this time, Rivendell also spoke.

"Are we going to continue? Your Highness?"

He tried hard to make his tone full of worry and hesitation.


Arthas looked at Rivendell and answered firmly.

"Our plan does not allow for any failure. Tichondrius will be our best excuse! The more undead he controls, the more support we can get!"

He was very sure of this. Looking at the woman's sad eyes, Arthas knew very clearly that if Tichondrius was allowed to control their family, then those people would be absolutely willing to pay any price to have their family back.

Even if he just comes back as an immortal!

"But many innocent people will die this way, and they will really die, Arthas! You also know the limits of the undead!"

Rivendell reminded Arthas.

But Alsace's words in response through magic were still extremely firm. "They are the last drop of blood! Rivendell! Stratholme must be destroyed! Only in this way can everyone support me to obtain Frostmourne. Only by obtaining Frostmourne can I completely put an end to this Something happened! Rivendell! For our common ideal! For the happiness of all people in Lordaeron! Even if I kill all the people in Stratholme, I will not hesitate!"

Alsace's voice was full of determination!

There was no mention of Tichondrius in the prophecy. It only said that he held Frostmourne and controlled countless undead to destroy Lordaeron!No one can resist him!

Now, everything points to Frostmourne, which means that in the future mentioned in the prophecy, he not only killed Tichondrius with Frostmourne, but no necromancer took away the undead from his hands. !
Rivendell couldn't help but was speechless. Arthas was so determined and wanted to destroy Stratholme. It really made him feel quite complicated.

One is because this is the territory he has managed after all, and the other is that he was surprised by Alsace's madness.

Crazy that comes out of kindness!

"No wonder Kel'Thuzad chose you, Your Highness..."

Thinking of this, Rivendell nodded.

"Okay then, Your Majesty."

With that said, Arthas and others entered the inner city of Rivendell and entered Rivendell's mansion, or rather the fortress.

After a sumptuous banquet, Uther spontaneously went to keep vigil because he was worried that Tichondrius would come again.

But Jaina was not in a hurry to fall asleep. After finally getting Alsace's response, she stayed by Alsace's side all day long, especially when it was time to go to bed. She sat next to Alsace and watched the swaying candlelight, and there was some excitement in my heart.

She looked at Alsace beside the seat. His expression was serious, as if he was expecting something and yet he seemed to be afraid of something.

"Just like me."

Jaina looked at the tofu on the table. This novel food quickly spread among the nobles, but here, she couldn't help but think of Li Ke.

Because this is the food invented by Li Ke.

Jaina pursed her lips when she thought of the relationship between Li Ke and Arthas. Of course she knew that some of the conflicts between Arthas and Li Ke were due to Arthas being jealous.

She was very happy about this, but this happiness disappeared when she saw outside the window of Stratholme.

Because she didn't know why, she felt quite uneasy, as if the predicted future would happen no matter what.

She remembered clearly that Alsace was always alone in the prophecy, but now, looking at Alsace's uneasy expression and thinking of her own uneasiness, she couldn't help but make a decision.


Jaina felt that the voice coming out of her mouth was not her own, it was too gentle and too tempting.

However, as Alsace's lover, the princess of Kul Tiras, and the bridge connecting the two countries, she must make a gesture when Alsace felt uneasy.

Moreover, it can also relieve her anxiety.

"I'm a little afraid of the cold, can you..."

She didn't say anything because it was already obvious what she was going to do next.

Just when looking at Alsace, she subconsciously thought of Li Ke, but she quickly put Li Ke in her heart, because no matter what, there was no possibility for her and Li Ke.

Nationally, politically, and emotionally, Li Ke was too late.

But what shocked her was that when Alsace looked at her, there was no warmth in his eyes, only coldness.

"No, Jaina."

Arthas looked at Jaina, his childhood sweetheart, whom he had loved and been loved since childhood, the girl he had been in love with since she was ten years old, and shook his head.

"I'm not ready yet."

He looked at Gianna and couldn't help but think of her and Li Ke's laughter. He knew that his rejection would make Gianna sad, but he was really not ready.

He really longed for Jaina, not just emotionally, but his body and desires were also clamoring for Jaina.

But not tonight.


He has something to do to determine the future of Lordaeron!
This sentence in the original book was said when Jaina took away Jaina's purity and asked when they would officially be together.

Yes, Alsace is such a scumbag.

And the two of them have indeed liked each other since childhood...

It's not that I like green, that's the truth...

But this timeline...

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