Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 565 A drama that does not require a director

After hearing Alsace's declaration, some civilians directly chose to commit suicide, while others did not want to believe Alsace's words and chose to flee.

But it was too late. Before Alsace could speak, his soldiers had already blocked the road. These troops were basically composed of civilians who aspired to become nobles, and they showed no mercy at all.

Because they knew very well that if they wanted to become a noble in the hands of Alsace, some dirty work was absolutely inevitable.

And this kind of issue that requires sacrifice and choice when necessary is a natural test of obedience.

Testing their willingness to be loyal to Alsace and no one else.

Arthas knew this very well, so he also walked towards the crowd.

Sometimes, if the king doesn't take action first, he can't get his subordinates to follow suit.

Leaders Leaders exist as vanes.

And even more so in Azeroth!

"I'm sorry, everyone, but your sacrifice is necessary."

Alsace held the war hammer in his hand and watched the civilians fall in mourning. He held the war hammer in his hand and watched a mother holding her child who was unable to escape because of the fall. He pushed away the hesitant soldier.

He didn't blame the soldier for hesitating, because the reason was very simple.

There are no scars or signs of injury on this woman's body. She is even covered in patches. She looks like someone who has not been able to eat well, but the baby in her hands looks very healthy.

Seeing the prince arriving, she stretched out her hand to grab Alsace's gorgeous boots, and then kissed the boots with her mouth to prove her loyalty.

"Your Highness, Your Highness, I am not injured! Everyone knows it! I don't have money to eat, so I..."

But before she could finish her words, she saw Arthas raising his war hammer in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have time to tell whether what you said is true or false."

Arthas's eyes held genuine sorrow, and his heart and body were trembling as he spoke.

His conscience, the education he received, and even himself believed that his current behavior was absolutely wrong.

Alsace looked at this woman and couldn't help but think that she must have had a happy life, a happy and warm home, and a family with hope.

She may have become poor because of taxes from the orc sanctuary, but it may also be due to exploitation by the nobles, or it may be an illness or accident. In short, there is a high probability that it is still her father's fault.

This is the future His Father chose for His people.

Even if their future is not to die here...

"My father will also die of being exploited by corrupt officials, or he will die of being exploited by Li Ke's businessmen who do everything they can. They will all die miserably, so it is better to die now to avoid any harm." Endless hardship.”

But the future I chose is right!

In my future, people like them will have a bright future!
Alsace swung his hammer, killing his last hesitation and his last way back.

"So, please die."

For the future, for Lordaeron!Alsace's war hammer directly smashed the woman's head, her voice stopped suddenly, and her child, the pure child who had not experienced happiness or suffering, also started crying at this moment.

Arthas's fingers twitched slightly, but he still closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry, please go die for the sake of the future."

He swung his hammer.

He has come this far, he has sacrificed his friends and mentors, he has made up his mind, then, it is time for the people of Lordaeron to sacrifice for their future!

If he stops, if he hesitates, what about the people who died before?
Therefore, more blood appeared on Alsace's armor, and all his complicated emotions were completely transformed into something else at this moment.


Anger at myself, anger at my incompetence, anger at my father, anger at that fearful devil!
If it weren't for the fact that he really didn't have enough solutions, if it weren't for his father who had seen everything clearly, but was a coward and idiot who couldn't do it, if it weren't for Li Ke's actions that changed the world so drastically and made society The contradictions aroused him to the point where he could not calm down and develop his own power. If Tichondrius hadn't wanted to expose him and knew about psychic magic, he wouldn't have been able to do these things for the sake of victory!

Not everyone in Rivendell will die!

This is all Tichondrius's fault! !


Arthas roared to the sky. His excuse to the outside world was that he wanted to destroy the human world due to the plague released by Tichondrius, so his roar did not make other people suspicious at all, and they even roared with him.


The angry shouts and the screams of civilians made Stratholme even more chaotic, but it was only this half of the city. However, the flames of anger and killing would eventually burn all of Stratholme.

Because Stratholme has been controlled by Arthas' loyal subordinates.

But Arthas didn't know whether he was calling Tichondrius's name to get him to stop him, or whether he was hypnotizing himself, trying to make himself think of Tichondrius as a real excuse to let him You can feel at ease, and even secretly feel happy that you can implement your plan perfectly without getting your hands dirty.

So, he roared at the sky.

"Tichondrius!! I'm going to kill you!! Even if you go to the ends of the world! I'm going to kill you! Do you hear me?! To the ends of the world!!"

He roared out angrily, even unable to stand upright due to this.

But this time, he no longer had to think about whether he was really angry and wanted to vent it, or whether he needed to do it for his plan to find Frostmourne in the future, because he would no longer hesitate.

Arthas roared and waved his hammer, and rushed into the crowd of civilians. Tichondrius, who was standing on the rooftop in the distance, couldn't help but shook his head, amazed by Arthas' cruelty. .

"It's really scary. My plan is completely useless."

Tichondrius shook his head. His Highness the Prince directed and acted by himself, as well as his slight beating. What he performed greatly exceeded his expectations, and he didn't know how to describe it at all.

If he really wanted to say it, he could only say two words.


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