Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 568 The increasingly changing world

Chapter 568 The increasingly changing world

As for Li Ke, he already knew when Alsace massacred the city. For a moment, he wanted to stop the massacre, but gave up after thinking about it.

Because he had already made up his mind.

"How interesting that you still have a conscience."

Saloras, who was lying on Li Ke in a similar posture to Li Ke, gently touched Li Ke's chest. She could feel Li Ke's wavering, so she couldn't help teasing Li Ke here.

"It is precisely because of having a conscience that people deserve to be reused. In fact, you want to control me, isn't it just because I still have a conscience?"

Li Ke chuckled lightly, released himself from Saloras, then casually put on a pajamas and walked to the window.

Glass is not something that is too difficult to make, especially transparent glass, so many windows in Li Ke's courtyard are already sealed with glass.

Even among civilian communities, glass has begun to become a common thing.

However, some jokes happened during this period, that is, someone secretly removed the glass and went to Stormwind City to sell it at the price of gems, which made Li Ke wonder how to complain.

"Even if you surrender and become a traitor, only those with conscience and perseverance will receive the most generous treatment and the greatest respect. Isn't this obvious?"

Li Ke poured himself a glass of wine, and he knew this very well.

Even the devil will not like people who are disloyal and careless, because such people do not have any enemies.

You can use taxes, wages, income, security, and stability to threaten a person who has children, a family, and is willing to take responsibility. But how can you threaten a person who has a certain amount of savings and can feed himself and the whole family? What about people who randomly change jobs?
He is a person who can change jobs at will, so he must pretend to be someone who can be threatened.

"Even if I become a demon, I will still be an Azerothian, and I will also find a way out for the people in my hometown... So I will naturally be sad, Saloras, this is why you chose me, no ?"

Li Ke sighed. He had never thought before that the conscience and kindness he occasionally showed would be so precious in this world.

"Haha, I just like you like this."

Salolas hugged Li Ke. When their Burning Legion absorbed cannon fodder, they naturally did not need those who didn't care about their own race at all, but people who cared too much about their own race would not join their Burning Legion.

Therefore, evil energy users like Li Ke who have flexible bottom lines but still care about things and have sufficient talents and clear minds are the talents they need most.

"Guys like Gul'dan can't compare with you at all. My dear, we like his greed for power, but people like that are nothing more than pawns of the Legion. As for the Lich King, Arthas, etc. They are a group of guys who are not worthy of being on the stage...but you can use their power to show your own power, and maybe Lord Sargeras will personally give you power."

Saloras spoke the truth.

For people like Li Ke, as long as they perform very well in fighting against the legions and are recommended by others, Sargeras will not be stingy with his rewards and will make promises.

Li Ke could join the legion with all his forces and become the new servant army of their Eredar people.

There is no way, there are too many demons, and the Eredar people cannot manage them, not to mention that many Eredar people do not have the ability to manage them.

"So I am a douchebag."

Li Ke could see this, and he couldn't help but complain about himself in his heart.

"So, you mean, I can prepare to fight Arthas?"

Saloras chuckled lightly and pointed at Li Ke's map.

"Yes, you have chosen the battlefield, haven't you? Those elves, well, it's time for me to get busy... But if you have nothing to do, you can read the report of your psychiatrist. I find it very interesting."

Saloras stretched. Today, she and Li Ke were the only ones playing mahjong, because Li Ke's little slave girl said she was not feeling well, and her sisters were dealing with more official documents.

Onyxia became quite well-behaved when Deathwing disappeared, while Li Ke's human wives went to appease the new civilians.

There is no way, it is more appropriate for humans to do this kind of thing.

As for the succubus?
The succubus lady was under the bed, and she didn't like being in bed with a succubus.

Because that will make the man forget her existence.

"Arthas hasn't drawn out Frostmourne yet, and I don't think he will be controlled by Frostmourne."

Li Ke hesitated for a moment before saying this.

If it was Alsace in the past, Li Ke would think it was normal for him to be controlled by Frostmourne.

But there is no doubt that the current Alsace is Alsace with enhanced power, and he should not be controlled by Frostmourne.

However, Saloras just smiled.

"Yes, yes, you are right. But I don't think we need to argue about this, because I think the most important thing now is other things. You have a meeting in less than half an hour. You really Do you want to discuss these things with me here?”

"Ah, work..."

Li Ke sighed and began to change clothes under the hospitality of the maid who walked in.

But when he thought about his work, he felt a headache.

It's still due to the lack of manpower. When the factory expands, it needs enough construction workers, but after the factory expands, it also needs more workers to work. It can be said that if there is too much noodles, add water, and if there is too much water, add noodles. Although he is not good at it Doing all this, but at least the political class is not in vain, and I also know some things about society, which can slow down these things a little.

But the people's ever-increasing consumer desire is also a headache for him.

Because his subjects no longer worry about whether they have enough to eat, but think about whether they eat well.

"It's really terrible..."

Li Ke rubbed his brow and decided to work on this issue today.

"How was the battle with the goblins in Stormwind City?"

"The fight was so complete that the goblins couldn't retreat, and the people from Stormwind City were more inclined to rob our merchant ships. But after we took a detour from Southsea Town and were protected by the people from Kul Tiras, their people were lost. The power has been lost, so the Stormwind Navy has no intention of moving at all. The goblins have not been defeated at all."

Salorasi answered Li Ke without thinking, while she stretched her thighs and put the stockings on herself.

The skin of the woman she transformed into was quite fair, so when the white stockings slowly wrapped her legs, Li Ke's eyes took a few more glances.

But soon, the attire of his maid group made Li Ke give up looking at Saloras.

Because to him, Saloras or Ereda looks better.In human form, these maids who are selected from the lonely nobles, or the daughters of merchants, with fair skin, big breasts, perky butts, slender waists, and long legs are the best.

Although these maids are slender in stature, they are definitely strong enough to handle daily chores.Moreover, their clothes were carefully made by Li Ke, and they basically looked like modern maid outfits.

White stockings, leg rings, small leather shoes or high heels, and lace skirts, every piece of clothing they wear is made by Li Ke himself.

That is to say, neither machines nor humans can make complicated clothes now. Otherwise, Li Ke intends to let these people know what kind of persecution the online handmade bloggers in the 21st century have suffered from the audience.You know, he was playing with weapons at the beginning, and he was forced to do sculpture, machine manufacturing, bamboo weaving, recipe recovery, clothes recovery, armor recovery, weapon recovery, hacking and slashing, as well as chemical experiments and physical experiments. Those with skills such as Minister of Justice.

When he was about to travel back in time, he had already moved closer to Handmade Geng. Of course, he was not as popular as Handmade Geng, but he was better than Handmade Geng in one thing.

He is thinner than Hand Geng.

There's no way around it, that's what it's like to make a living.

"In other words, there is no hope for new sugar producing areas..."

Li Ke sighed.

"Have you concluded the purchase of butter?"

After putting on his clothes under the service of these maids, Li Ke did not forget to pinch the buttocks of several maids who secretly pinched his buttocks and muscles before returning to his formal clothes.

"We have almost bought all the butter on the market. There are not enough cows, dear. There are only so many cows in the world, so there is only so much butter. You have to let people keep some for themselves."

Saloras also got dressed at this time and smoothed her hair.

"So you'd better ask some food experts. I have no choice. To me, food doesn't matter."

She shrugged, indicating that this matter was not their devil's business.

And Li Ke was speechless and went to his conference room under the service of the maids.

Although Li Ke had arrived as early as possible, when he arrived at the conference room, it was still crowded with people. As soon as they saw Li Ke, these people quickly gathered around and talked nervously. Li Ke spoke.

"Lord Li Ke, Lordaeron has announced comprehensive sanctions against us!"

A director of the commodity department spoke nervously in front of Li Ke. He was holding Terenas' ban in his hand.


Li Ke took it and found that the ban was much stronger than he thought.

This ban requires that all kingdoms can no longer sell any grain to Li Ke until Li Ke explains clearly to the alliance why he is hoarding grain on such a scale.

Before that, the Alliance will seize all his payments and goods, and charge high management fees, as well as the cost of dispatching Alliance soldiers and management personnel to conduct investigations and audits.

Li Ke also had to go to Lordaeron City and explain to him face to face what he had done.

"Interesting, is this something completely wrong?"

The words on this ban are quite fierce, and can even be said to be rude, but the only problem is that this is not a formal document, but a letter delivered to King Varian of Stormwind City.

But obviously, since everyone has started writing to Varian, asking him to help sanction, the next official document is already on the way.

What Li Ke was curious about was that even Onyxia didn't get the news, but the minister in front of her did.

It amuses him.

Because this minister is not a black dragon, a demon, or a shadow believer. He is Li Ke, an extremely rare human being in the human regime.

"Since it's not a serious official document, don't worry about them. We'll wait until the formal official document comes out. But you are very capable. Are you interested in going further? Your intelligence ability is really outstanding."

Li Ke put down the official document and looked at the minister with an excited look on his face.

He now has two guesses, one is that the minister who passed the exam is really capable, and the other is that it represents a signal.

The nobles and merchants of Lordaeron, as well as some merchants in Stormwind City, finally took refuge in him.

This is a good sign!

"Of course! Of course I would!"

The minister in charge of foreign trade, whose name Li Ke had never remembered before, nodded quickly. He didn't even realize that his hands were shaking.

Li Ke actually has a lot of small foreign trade ministers. Each of these people is responsible for a product project, and then sort out the orders and hand them over to Li Ke. It is barely a grassroots team and does not have much power.

Because they will all have deputy ministers sent by Li Ke...

And these deputy ministers are devils.

So these people didn't take their minister too seriously.

However, Li Ke himself said 'go further', which is obviously not a position that these people can easily obtain through experience!

But to truly join Li Ke’s system!

No more white gloves!
But Li Ke did not respond directly, but looked at the surrendered minister with a half-smile, and the minister was also a smart man and spoke directly.

"I know this from my previous boss. The boss is from Lordaeron and is very powerful in the local area."

Li Ke nodded with satisfaction, then stretched out his hand and held the man's hand.

"Welcome to join my secretarial team, sir."

The businessman showed an expression of ecstasy, and he held Li Ke's hand excitedly, because this position was one that he would never get in a lifetime of white gloves!

And for a while, the other 'ministers' in the conference room also had different thoughts.

However, just as Li Ke smiled and watched these ministers eager to tell their origins, a guard suddenly came to Li Ke's side and spoke in Li Ke's ear.

"Princess Gianna is here, and she looks very embarrassed!"

Li Ke was stunned for a moment, because he never expected that Jaina would come to the door at this time!

Because it is more reasonable for Gianna to find anyone than to find herself!
"What is this woman thinking?"

Li Ke, I can’t understand.


  Looks like I need a good rest...

  If I don’t rest, I’ll be so sleepy that I can’t open my eyes, and I won’t be able to get up even after lying down for a while…

(End of this chapter)

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