Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 585 The Difficulty of Transformation

What Jaina thinks is another matter for Li Ke. The most important thing for him now is to manage his territory and army, and prepare various supplies. For him, what about Lordaeron? He can't control it now. Even if he wants to eat the refugees of Lordaeron, he doesn't do it now.

This is a very cruel reality. Only after the refugees in Lordaeron have tasted Alsace's good governance and the casualties suffered during the escape can his rescue and shelter be most effective.

But what he has a headache now is two things.

The first thing is the problem of the army. The army he wants to form is an army that knows how to use heavy firepower, and everyone is armored and strong, has magic and melee combat capabilities, can handle most battles, and can Guide the subsequent mage and artillery strike troops.

It is difficult to talk about such a force, but in fact it only needs enough grassroots officers.

But therein lies the rub.

For the army he wants, no one in Azeroth can build it.

And he doesn't have the military talents in Azeroth. He can only handle this matter by himself and cannot rely on anyone's strength. Therefore, until this army is trained, many things are unnecessary to think about.

Not only that, in order to be able to adapt to the firepower and many things he prepared, he also needed to make a lot of modifications to his troops.

For example, modifications to combat the undead plague.

The most terrifying part of Alsace's undead troops is their contagiousness and contamination, and the fact that they will become enemies if they are hurt even a little.

So Li Ke decided to equip all his soldiers with heavy armor.

And it's that canned heavy armor.

Because of magic, Li Ke wanted to get some enchanted armor that could reduce the weight of the armor, or use magic to increase the strength of the person wearing the armor.

But even Li Ke can't afford it now, so there's nothing we can do.

It is impossible for the wizards of the elves to work on the assembly line for him. These people are simply uncles. As for the dragons and demons, the dragons are mainly in various departments, and the demon's enchantment spell is simply a waste of natural resources. It highlighted a powerful brick flying, so it was not considered.

These heavy armors will be equipped with protective gas masks and an oxygen bottle, which can completely isolate the outside air and moisture when necessary, ensuring that the warriors in the armor will not be contaminated by the plague.

Because if Li Ke remembers correctly, the strong plague pollution caused by natural disasters is actually something similar to poison gas. As long as the external sealing is done well, the problem is not that big.

Fortunately, their factory can do this. After all, they only need to install a ventilation valve. As for issues such as hot and cold, it is not a big problem for the people of Azeroth.

If this is the case, their armor will become very thick, but Li Ke thinks it is not a big deal. As long as they are given enough food and water, and enough training, the physical fitness of these Azerothians can be By leaps and bounds.

They are not simple flesh-and-blood creatures like humans evolved from apes.

It’s just that when the design drawing came out, Li Ke felt that it looked like the armor from the war hammer. Moreover, Li Ke did not intend to equip these people with swords or the like, but directly equipped them with axes, war hammers, spears, and a side arm. A shield, and a submachine gun.

As for why there is no sword?The reason is very simple. The actual strength of the sword and its adaptability to the battlefield are not very high. That is to say, the undead they have to face are mostly useless for piercing, so Li Ke prepared warhammers and axes for them, so that these People choose to use it.

However, because he wants to burn out the cast iron, he has to wait for him to burn out the cast iron for the time being, which means that he needs to do the training and equipment manufacturing of the new army alone.

The second thing is the problems caused by the transformation of an industrial area.

From the production of goods to the full production of various military supplies, many of Li Ke's factories had red letters on their books. Some merchants who had just established a friendly trade agreement with Li Ke were unable to receive their goods because of this.

Not only that, a large number of young men entered the militia and Li Ke's army, and the factory directly lost a large number of mature workers and labor force.

It's not that Li Ke looks down on women, but even in Azeroth, human women among ordinary humans are not as strong as men. The efficiency of Li Ke's factory has dropped visibly to the naked eye.

After all, most women have to raise children in this era. Basically, when Li Ke started to organize troops, his territory was a mess. Even if there was an efficient and clean organization composed of demons, dragons, and cultists, As a result, many problems were discovered.

These problems also need to be dealt with by Li Ke.

Because only he can handle it.

During this period of time, Li Ke would often think about a problem when he went to bed at night, let alone looking for a woman.

"Why does this department come here?"

"Why did I issue this order in the first place? Isn't this stupid?"

"Oh, it turns out there is a special reason..."

"No! The original order was a temporary measure!"

Li Ke felt like he was going crazy, and the people he was pulling to work were also going crazy.

"Why do I feel like this is harder than joining the Burning Legion?"

"Shh, keep your voice down, or we'll have to pretend to be murderers again."

When Li Ke was at work today, he accidentally overheard these conversations at the door of an office. It was also a conversation between two eredar demons. He was speechless and at the same time understood again.

"No matter how clean and efficient an organization is, it will still be in trouble when facing a war."

Li Ke sighed. Most of his work is still the same problem that has been bothering him for a long time.

lack of people.

Not only are they workers who want to live and work in peace and contentment and can work in his factory for the rest of their lives for their families, but they are also civil servants who can help him manage the grassroots and deceive sharp conflicts, or they are people who have the same goal as him, are flexible and have enough foresight. And talented people he could trust.

He is short of Li Ke.

But his organizational structure is such that, currently, there is only one person in the world who can meet his needs.


However, it is impossible for this uncle to surrender to him.

Li Ke sat tiredly behind his desk and rubbed his temples. The previous injury healed in two or three days. His current fatigue was mainly mental fatigue.

I picked up the report and took a look at it. I saw the news that two or three factories producing daily necessities had stopped working due to lack of young people, as well as the current huge expenses, and...

Currency devaluation.

"The price of potatoes has increased from three copper coins to five copper coins. The prices of other things on the market have also increased, and the range is very large... Has such a thing really happened?"

Li Ke scratched his head. Raising workers' wages will inevitably lead to inflation, and inflation will inevitably make workers demand higher wages. This is an unchangeable cycle, and it is also one of the reasons why many countries used to play with industry but cannot now.

During this period, Li Ke, like the United States printing money, obtained various precious metal currencies from Nefarian. It is completely normal for inflation to occur.

The current monetary system of gold, silver and copper coins is actually quite fragile.

"But this time it should be a wartime problem. The problem is not big. And I will only manage it for 20 or [-] years. I have to believe in the wisdom of future generations..." Li Ke muttered, trying to find some good news.

But unfortunately, the news is basically that the factory has stopped production due to lack of manpower. Except for the military industry department, other departments have completely come to a standstill.

Still, there is good news.

"But fortunately, the bullet production line has come out. The machine gun production line... huh? Rockets? Are rockets and mortars as simple as that? I just gave an idea and parameters."

Li Ke looked at the report in front of him in surprise. In this report, there was finally some good news.

According to these reports, Wald and the others have solved the problems of rockets, mortars, etc.

But Li Ke was a little confused, because a weapon needs testing and a series of improvements before it can be officially put into the battlefield, but the label given to him by Walder can be put into use directly...

He looked at the report with confusion, and then he understood why.

"The Burning Legion..."

Putting down the report, Li Ke shook his head, feeling melancholy in his heart.

An eredar demon who was researching with them said that they had relevant information about this backward weapon. Then they contacted the technicians of the Burning Legion and obtained these backward weapon technologies and cast them directly based on these information. .

The Burning Legion has technologies including but not limited to aircraft carriers and magical supersonic aircraft, and they are quite complete.

These information, like Mr. Electric, come from a world destroyed by the Burning Legion. It was a world occupied by Titan creations. The Titan creations there produced a variety of powerful machines and a large number of technological creations. , the Burning Legion plundered a lot of souls, fleets, and technology.

But these things are really of no use to the Burning Legion.

Because the fighting methods of the Burning Legion cannot be used.

The Burning Legion generally needs to attack a place, and the troops they send out at random are in units of millions or tens of millions. That is, when they attack Azeroth, they will look different from small ones because of the enchantment of Azeroth. Just like making a fuss.

"The Burning Legion..."

Rubbing his temples, Li Ke continued to read the report, but even without seeing Wald's depressed face, Li Ke could feel Wald's despair and helplessness.

These things are all ready-made, you just need to use them directly.

And it is much more advanced and complete than what they developed themselves.

Although there is no thinking in the R&D department or various detours, these are finished products, finished technologies that can be used directly. As long as they adjust and build a new batch of lathes according to the above things, Li Ke wants rockets can be made.

With the magical industrial capabilities at his disposal, it only took three days.

Even the engine of a jet aircraft is not impossible to build, but the control system of the aircraft cannot be built yet.

But this thing is actually not that important to a magical world.

But the price is...

"It has completely lost its ability to innovate."

Rubbing his hair, Li Ke felt that he was very entangled, because he spent a lot of money to develop it himself, and most likely it took a series of detours and several years to develop these things.

And by that time, let alone using it with the Lich King, he could use it to beat his father-in-law.

But the problem is that if he uses it, his self-research ability in military affairs will be finished, and as a result, the Burning Legion will find out everything.

Li Ke can be sure that the Burning Legion has no plans to use any tricks or tricks in this regard.

Because people don't care.

The Burning Legion doesn't care at all how much technological information Li Ke gets from the Legion, because no matter how Li Ke develops, he is still a little bug in front of the complete Burning Legion.

The owners of these materials were easily defeated by the Burning Legion, let alone Li Ke.

This is simply because the legion's advantage is too great, so it is an invisible advantage.

Although they don't care about this advantage at all.

So after thinking for a while, Li Ke still wrote the word "passed" on this report, and drafted another document, planning to establish a new department to prevent this from happening.

"You still have to use it. After all, this is indeed a real technology, but you have to research and learn while using it to understand why you are doing it, otherwise you will be unlucky in the future."

Li Ke rubbed his temples, thinking about how the system he had established could use these things to develop his own things.Then I felt a headache because of the lack of talent.

He is now just like Liu Bei. Liu Bei has been unlucky all his life because he has no family background, and he, Li Ke, is the same.

That’s the point of starting from scratch. There is always a lack of basic and high-end talents.

So Li Ke looked at the map and the direction of Quel'Thalas and couldn't help but speak.

"Arthas...when will you bring down Quel'Thalas...Hurry up and help me bring down the price of the mage. You better hurry up."

Li Ke was in pain. He wished he could replace and become Arthas, wipe out Dalaran and Quel'Thalas, and then let a large number of mages who knew magic come to his territory, screw him in, and build a complete system for him. , a magic industrial system that has seen the light.

It depends on how Alsace performs, but until then...

"There are still many things to prepare for..."

The holy light flashed away in his hand, and Li Ke was already ready. After finishing all the important official duties in the past few days, he planned to go directly to polish the cast iron, and then as soon as the weak time passed, he went to tell Nefarian Get the weapon you want to give him.

When that time comes, he will first lead some people to guard the gates of Silvermoon City and fight Alsace, and then he will not retreat with his strength to brush up the favorability of the elves.

And he also wanted to build himself a handy weapon. To be honest, he didn't expect Nefarian to pay much attention to this matter.The reason why I asked Nefarian for it was purely because I didn’t want it for free.

"There are so many things... I really don't know how those protagonists develop their power and wander around all over the world at the same time."

Li Ke looked out the window and sighed, but during this leisure time, he saw an owl outside his window that looked weird, as if...

Li Ke narrowed his eyes, knowing that this was definitely not an illusion, and the next moment, he saw some tall people in cloaks in his garden.

Of course, as well as some critters that appear to act normally but are actually very strange.


The energy in Li Ke was ready.

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