Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 600 Self-knowledge

Chapter 600 Self-knowledge
Magni felt confused. Although Li Ke's previous actions were very polite, it could even be said that he was overly welcoming and polite.

But what does it mean to immediately throw yourself aside and allow yourself to move freely?
Is it contempt?
If you despise it, why would you lead a horse for yourself?

Are you relieved?
But no matter how fair and righteous a person is, he will not open his door to his home and let himself see everything, right?

Moreover, this attitude of being busy doing his own thing and not intending to spend more time with him also made him very confused.

Is Li Ke so busy?
Magni didn't understand, but that didn't stop him from doing what he wanted to do.

But Li Ke is really so busy.

Because there is another heavyweight coming, and this person, to some extent, is more important than Magni, or not.

Arriving at the pier, looking at the woman with tears in her eyes and golden hair blown by the sea breeze, Li Ke took a deep breath. Under the astonished or legitimate gazes of others, Li Ke rushed over.

Caliya's guards wanted to stop her, but the next moment, a golden light opened their weapons, and Li Ke, who was wearing a black dress, rushed in front of Caliya and grabbed Caliya's hand.

The moment Jialiya held Li Ke's hand again and saw Li Ke's concerned expression, she couldn't help it anymore and threw herself into Li Ke's arms.

"Li Ke..."

Tears streaked down her cheeks like crazy. Her Royal Highness the Princess really couldn't understand why things turned out the way they did now, why her world could collapse once, and when she accepted it, it collapsed again. Collapse!

She didn't understand why her father was so smart and her brother was so powerful, so he had to kill his lover to save the empire, and then in the blink of an eye, his brother killed his father, and her own Everything completely disappeared.

She doesn't understand, she doesn't understand at all. She has almost never received any royal political education. She doesn't understand what the two closest men in her life are arguing about and what they are fighting about. She doesn't understand how she will live in the future. So, after receiving the news that Lordaeron was destroyed, she did not come to the Westfall immediately, but wandered on the sea, not knowing what to do.

Until she finally came here and saw Li Ke.

Seeing Li Ke hurriedly walking towards him, grabbing his hand without any regard for etiquette, when this man who had actually 'hurt' himself and who had a common secret and strange relationship with him, She finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Her soft body fell directly into Li Ke's arms. She no longer had any pretense or any strength. She just wanted to lie in Li Ke's arms and have a good sleep before waking up from this nightmare.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Calia, you have suffered."

Li Ke hugged Caliya's body and sighed.

This girl did not receive a normal royal education because of her father's decision, but because of her father's decision, she had to shoulder the task of continuing the bloodline of Lordaeron.

It was too cruel for this girl.

But here's the problem. As a princess, she uses everything in Lordaeron and enjoys the worship of Lordaeron, so she naturally has to do this.

In the past, her biggest contribution was to make a vase with peace of mind, because for this world, Calia's inheritance rights were actually not much lower than Alsace, and even higher than Alsace.

It was only because Alsace was a boy and had better talents that he could naturally become the crown prince. If Calia really wanted to compete, things would be very troublesome.

This is not to say that men and women are superior or inferior, but simply that boys' children can be regarded as belonging to various families and have hope. However, the queen cannot have children easily, and it is easy to die after giving birth to a child, which will cause the queen The situation of a person who died without any heirs, so the Queen's priority is lower.

And men can make wives from different families pregnant at the same time to show that there is no big difference between the bloodlines of any family.

Generally speaking, when an empire really elects a queen, it either really has no heirs, or the queen is too powerful, or...

That is, the previous generation of kings, including the king's family, were ready to give up their power and core, or they were already planning to merge with another kingdom.

This is why Gianna's status is so special.

Jalia really didn't understand these things at first, but after so many days, she already knew these things. After all, the people around her also had their own thoughts.

She raised her head and looked at Li Ke, tears streaming down her face again.

"It might not be a good thing for you to accept me... The people of Lordaeron will probably hate the name Menethil extremely..."

Jialiya looked at Li Ke and said this sincerely from her heart.She really felt that the people of Lordaeron would hate the Menethil royal family extremely, because it was Menethil who killed their relatives and friends. Such a thing was inevitable.

But she didn't know that her heartfelt words made Li Ke confused.

Whether it was holy light, shadow, or mental perception, Her Highness did not lie. She really felt that way. Li Ke couldn't help but look at the maids and officials around her, and couldn't help but sigh. Take a breath.

Sure enough, Terenas wanted to turn Calia into a waste, to the point where no one around her knew how to sell her for a price and see the current situation clearly.There is no one who can be used, no one who dares to hold Caliya hostage or contact other people.

It's extremely wasteful, but it has to be said that it's extremely useful.

Calia is hated as the royal family of Menethil, but she also represents an attitude.

Willing to take on the old ministers of Nanethil.

This attitude is very useful when necessary. Of course, it doesn't matter to him, but if there are fewer twists and turns, Li Ke doesn't intend to do any more stupid things.

After all, his last thought was that it could not be completed in one or two generations. The previous generations must have been an alliance based on the separation of powers by race and country. This was something that could not be avoided.

This naturally has countless disadvantages.

But unfortunately, this is a world where great power belongs to itself.

"If you don't come to me, no matter who you go to, I will lead my troops to kill you, and then snatch you back. If you marry someone else, then I will kill all the men who marry you, and then kill them all. I will bring you back and imprison you in my room for the rest of your life. If you dare to escape, I will tie your hands and feet with silk and gold threads, so that you can only lie on my bed for the rest of your life."

Li Ke directly hugged Jialiya's waist and said these words. After that, amidst Jialiya's complex emotions of joy, shock, relief, sadness, etc., he directly hugged Jialiya in a princess hug. hugged him in a way.

However, this is indeed a princess hug, because what he is holding now is indeed a princess.


The holy light shining on her body gave Caliya a feeling of peace of mind. She did not have any bad thoughts about Li Ke's speech. She just felt that the man with whom she had a one-night stand was angry at what she said. The anger made her feel peace of mind, happiness, and a kind of sadness. This feeling made her lie down in Li Ke's thick arms and fall asleep.

But the expressions on the faces of the people around Caliya were very exciting.

Jennifer, who was standing on the shore, looked at this scene, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, but she didn't say anything, just sighed slightly.

Li Ke once wanted to give her a wedding, but she refused because at that time, she felt something.

I can't control Li Ke.Not only the things on the bed, but also Li Ke's career and Li Ke.

Li Ke completely breaks the rules and is unconventional in doing things, and often speaks directly to the topic, which makes people enlightened. Although she has not read many books before, she just talked with Li Ke and felt that her perspective and ability to view the world have improved. Got promoted.

It is true that if Li Ke gave her a wedding, then she believed that Li Ke would never do things like this.

But does it make sense?

She has been a drag on the other party from very early on. She was the person Li Ke brought up. Even without her, she believed that Li Ke could build everything on his own.

So she won't restrain Li Ke because she has nothing to restrain Li Ke from the beginning.

It is true that Li Ke is not that kind of person, but what about other people?

She knows very well where the upper limit of her talent is. With Li Ke's help, she can indeed stabilize her position. She also believes that Li Ke will not abandon her.

But why bother?Letting Li Ke be free to do what he wants to do instead of being restrained for his own reasons is the best thing for Li Ke.

And she can also have a lot less worries.

If you forcefully pursue status and treatment that you don't deserve, you will only lose the original things.


Jennifer looked at the endless fields in the distance, where countless hard-working farmers were cultivating the fields with the help of tillers. Once upon a time, her biggest wish was to manage the farm with Li Ke and become a happy boss lady.

As for being the manager of some banquets for the lord in the territory, it is just to ensure that I will not be exploited by the lord.

You know, she didn't even think about the title.

It's a pity that such a wish seems so unrealistic and out of reach now.

"Aren't you sad?"

Griet suddenly spoke in her ear, making her sigh.

Touching the scar between her eyebrows that Li Ke still hadn't erased, Jennifer looked at Greet, who was still dressed in a tight leather jacket and was completely enslaved by Li Ke's magic. She chuckled, and then followed her stride forward. Li Ke.

"You know? Griet."

Griet was a little confused. In her opinion, Jennifer should immediately declare her sovereignty to Calia!It is she who has been following Li Ke, not the princess in name only that Jialiya is now!
But she really didn’t know why Jennifer would ask what she knew at this time, but that didn’t stop her from swearing that she was on Jennifer’s side.

"What do you know, madam? Do you want to know anything? If you want to know some information, I will go and find out for you."

Seeing the eager look on her face, Jennifer didn't even bother to sigh, she just shook her head slightly.

"Li Ke liked you more than me at first."

Jennifer was sure of this. It was not because of beauty or other things, but because Griet was very smart, had strength, had a pitiful background, and was beautiful enough.

But the problem is...

Griet knew that she was smart and beautiful, with a good figure.

So all her life she was just the "female thief in tights" in Li Ke's collection.Even if one day she could give birth to Li Ke's child, he would not be raised by her, but by Jennifer.

It's just because of affection, it won't be so obvious.

Li Ke is a person who values ​​love and justice.

Thinking of this, she took a few steps quickly and stopped talking to Griet.

Griet was stunned, her still beautiful face showing confusion and unwillingness.

How could she not know this?

But unfortunately, it's too late to say anything at this time.

So she stopped talking and just followed Jennifer.

However, there is another person whose mood is as complicated as hers.


When Li Ke arranged for Princess Calia to rest in his mansion and guard her, Magni and his "compatriots" in Li Ke's territory came to Li Ke's factory.

The first place we came to was not an armor factory or a forging department.

But a steel factory.

Looking at the molten steel that was boiling in tons in front of him, the dwarf king Magni felt both envy and confusion in his heart.

It’s not like the dwarves don’t have similar blast furnaces, they even have a river made entirely of molten steel!Right below Ironforge!

However, rivers of molten steel were formed by their dwarf ancestors using lava to smelt ore veins. It is actually a very wasteful thing, but here, the craftsmen here are making torrents of steel themselves!
They can even copy more Rivers of Steel if necessary!
"It only takes such a short time for them to make an iron ingot?! I think this is the so-called power of standardization, right? By making a standard, then all the equipment will be forged according to the same mold... Although there is no soul , but I have to say it’s really efficient.”

Seeing those iron ingots rapidly taking shape under the power of the robotic arm, Magni quickly calculated in his mind whether they could be used in Ironforge.

But the answer made him look very unhappy.

Because it is impossible.

Every dwarf has his own smelting formula. Even if he is a king, it is impossible for everyone to donate their own formula.


What did he do to shake the Craftsmen Association?
What does he use to support those craftsmen who will be eliminated because of this production model and this production machine?
Let them die? !
(End of this chapter)

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