Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 602 Reaching a Consensus

However, despite saying this, Li Ke still knew one thing very well, that is, there was only one thing that Magni was really worried about.

The right and ability to rule.

This is the subtext of Magni's talk of morality and glory.

After all, the glory and morality of this era are highly bound to the monarch.

To be precise, it is bound to power.

Although Magni is undoubtedly a good person, as a king, he must serve his own power system and consolidate his rights as much as possible.

This is something that a political system must do, and it is also the reason why Li Ke asked Magni to visit the factory first and then talk to him.

Without letting Magni know how big the gap is between them, how terrifying the scale between the two is, and how far they can achieve without the dwarves, then...

Magni would not pursue technology crazily, and then let the dwarves achieve a monopoly in Li Ke's alliance and recreate the dwarf system.

Yes, as long as La Magni joins their own system, Magni will definitely do this because they need a sense of security. Not everyone hopes that technology can innovate forever, because this means that they must also continue to innovate. , and have a chance of being abandoned by the world.

This is a common problem of capital and any interest group - that is, after reaching its peak, it prevents others from reaching the top.

Magni is a good person, but if he is allowed to join, he will definitely do something like this. Li Ke is not surprised at all.

But this is still a good thing, because monopoly can only be achieved at the highest peak, and before reaching the monopoly position, Magni will become the most useful chief engineer under him.

And as long as he is tougher, introduces more races, more technical power, and continues to conduct self-research, then the dwarves' pursuit will continue forever and they will never reach monopoly.

He has the power to keep everyone honest.

Of course, whether his successor has such power is a matter of opinion.

However, on this occasion and at this time, you cannot say this kind of thing casually, because once you say this kind of thing, things will become impossible. This is why politicians are quite tactful. The reason is because they will always give themselves room to get rid of everything, and if other politicians are unwilling to give another politician room to change, then they are either planning to fight for real, or they are sure of victory, or else It's just cooperation between the two parties.

"The glory of the dwarves is an inevitable part of the alliance, and for me, the magic of the elves is too... well, unstable, so I need the stability and generosity of the dwarves to ensure that our cause can go further. After all, only cooperation can ensure that our alliance will be more stable."

Li Ke's words were a guarantee, and that was why he brought the dwarf in.

There is no doubt that human size is Li Ke's basic base, but in the alliance system, he must have other forces to help him on the surface.

In this case, there must be another way.

That is the separation and cooperation of the three parties of dwarves, gnomes, and high elves under the leadership of humans.

After the cooperation with the night elves, there will be some alliances between the alliance, the night elves, and the draenei and other races that will arrive in the future.

The third is the most stable structure and the one that can best achieve mutual checks and balances. As for why Delaney can become one of the pillars, the reason is simple.


Eredar and Delaney are brothers and sisters from the same mother. Many of them even fell in love tens of thousands of years ago, and fought and worked with each other. Although the concept of feelings of the Immortals is rather strange, there is no doubt that they are. , some people within the Burning Legion may not want to join the Burning Legion.

Although the evil energy is refreshing, when you join the Legion, no one will probably ask you if you are willing to enjoy the evil energy.

Li Ke must accept these vacillating people because he must do one thing.

Defeat Sargeras.

Even if he had to sacrifice some things and make a deal with the Force, Li Ke would still send Sargeras back to live in a torment.

As for other races and so on...

Li Ke knows very well that dragons, demons, etc. cannot be the basic players. In other words, they are the hidden third-party forces.

The separation of powers does not mean that there are three distinct forces. It is basically inevitable that the good and the good are mixed and disconnected.

But Li Ke only planned to do so much. After all, he didn't plan to care about what happened next.

"You mean to say..."

Magni looked at Li Ke and narrowed his eyes.

"Dwarves, gnomes, and high elves are all people who can contribute to industry, and their talents in this area far exceed humans. Although this is regrettable, after all, many engineering geniuses are also humans, but I think, The forging technology of dwarves, the scientific research capabilities of dwarfs, and the innovative transformation of magic by high elves are all very important to our industry, right? We need engineers, teachers, and decision-makers in many key places. I don't know if you are busy in Ironforge, but I would like to invite you to be my advisor, or someone else."

Li Ke extended his hand to Magni. His meaning was very clear. Either come to him and become his dog, protect the dwarves in his system, and maintain his ability to rule. Either break with him or be killed by Li Ke using the industrial system.

Li Ke hopes that the dwarves will choose the former. If Magni is willing to cooperate, he will shed a lot less blood. He can also quickly get a large number of soldiers and craftsmen who can be used after training, and he does not have to worry about loyalty issues.

"I think if I agree to you, there will be no dwarf king in the future, right?"

Magni looked at Li Ke's hand and asked.Li Ke did not expect that Magni would say it so directly. After all, if he disagreed later, there would be no room for change between Li Ke and Magni, and Magni would only die.

Li Ke continued to stretch out his hand.

"The title of king will definitely be eliminated in the future. After all, a single race cannot represent the interests of the entire world. Although there is still a need for someone to take charge of the overall situation, there will no longer be an eternal king family. , no one will decide the fate of any race from above."

Li Ke smiled lightly.

"And do you really care about this title?"

Magni took a deep breath. He already understood what Li Ke meant. Although it was a bit straightforward and he regarded dwarves as a subordinate race of humans, in fact...

indeed so.

Even now, dwarves are not a race that can easily decide their own future. They have always been a subordinate race of humans. No matter how hard they struggle, this will not change in the face of increasingly powerful humans. of.

Unless Li Ke dies now and everyone in the Western Wilderness dies, otherwise, the dwarves will not be able to survive in the face of this new system.

"All I care about is whether I can get a better future for my people, and we need time."

The more Magni thought about it, the more headache he got. He appreciated Li Ke's willingness to give him a chance, but this was not a simple matter.

"I will give you the best treatment, but you'd better hurry up. After the Scourge is solved, the torrent of the new world will inevitably begin, and Azeroth will not be peaceful for a long time. "Go down." What Li Ke was talking about was the series of invasions of demons and monsters caused by the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth, but in Magni's heart, he felt that it was Li Ke who wanted to wipe out everything in the human kingdom. .

He has no doubt whether this thing can come true, because Li Ke's industrial capabilities can ensure that all of his soldiers can wear full-body plate armor. Coupled with his own force, there is no human kingdom in this world at all. Able to fight him.

Especially after the fall of Lordaeron.

"I understand what you mean, and I will try my best."

Without hesitation, the two reached a certain consensus. The dwarf would try his best to lean towards Li Ke, but Magni would not give up his identity as king until the matter reached a certain level.

It's not just a protective desire for power, but also because it's what's best for the dwarves.

It is impossible for Li Ke to say something casually and the dwarf king would bow to him immediately.

"No problem, this is our law. You can refer to it. After all, it will change in the future. Moreover, if there are dwarves who want to settle here, please tell them that as long as they abide by the laws above, it is generally not allowed. There will be too many problems."

Li Ke handed Magni the legal documents from Gus Town that he had prepared long ago, and Magni looked at them for a moment, nodded, and said nothing more.

He agreed to become a subject under Li Ke, but this was only the first round.

The struggle for power has always been like this.

However, now that the two people have reached a consensus, the following cooperation can naturally proceed.

"I heard that you want a spear? This is really strange. People of your status usually use swords and hammers."

Magni was talking about Paladins. Paladins generally use two-handed swords and two-handed hammers, which are symbols of status and status.

Azeroth really has a two-handed sword close to two meters long.

And many people can pick it up with one hand, use it like a one-handed sword, and even hold a shield.And wearing plate armor with an average thickness of two centimeters, they fought with each other.

So in Azeroth, the spear's dominance is not as invincible as it is on Earth...

"That's right, because I am not a noble. I am just a farmer and craftsman. So for me, I am not good at complicated and gorgeous sword skills. No matter how gorgeous and powerful the sword is, if I use it If the ability of the person is not enough, then it will be too sad for the sword."

Li Ke did not shy away from his origin. When Terenas was alive, he would have allowed the news of the illegitimate child to spread. Now that the old man is dead and the other party's daughter is still in his hands, he is too lazy to tell the other party. Something.

"But does Terenas count as the second father-in-law who was tricked to death by me?"

Li Ke suddenly thought of this, but Magni didn't see what Li Ke was thinking. He just nodded.

"In this case, a long gun is indeed more suitable for you. So, what material do you want to forge it with?"

Having said this, Magni paused.

"Before, Mograine asked me to forge a big sword. He brought a strange Holy Light Crystal, and I used it to make a two-handed sword called the Ashbringer..."

Magni said and looked at Li Ke. He felt that Li Ke should also be able to take out a Holy Light Crystal.

Of course Li Ke knows about the Ashbringer, which is essentially the core fragment of Naaru. He does have a core fragment of Naaru, but he has no intention of using the core fragment of Naaru to build weapons.

This doesn't mean that he has a better one, it's just that this Naaru has helped him selflessly.

"I don't have that good stuff, but..."

In Li Ke's palm, the holy light continued to gather, and a crystal appeared.

"But I have enough cast iron here, and Mr. Magni, what do you think of this crystal?"

He casually handed the crystal in his hand to Magni, and Magni immediately observed it after taking the crystal condensed by Li Ke.

"What a strange crystal, is it controlled by your power now?"

Li Ke shook his head. Although this thing was condensed by his ability, even if he draws out his ability now, the solid crystal will not turn into holy light and dissipate.

But it can't withstand too much damage.

He had thought about using this thing to make some magical things before, but then gave up.

Because it's too impractical.

No one but him could mobilize its power.

"In this case……"

Magni pondered for a moment, then quickly walked to Li Ke's desk and began to use Li Ke's paper to draw the style of the weapon.

And Li Ke had no intention of keeping it secret anymore, and immediately asked other craftsmen to come here and discuss it with Magni. Magni's followers were not idle either, and went to find the craftsmen brought by Magni. Discussions were held.

As for Li Ke, he was going to do something else.

Because if necessary, Magni will come to him.

He still has to train his soldiers.

At this moment, there is also a person who is gathering and training his soldiers.

"These people are just too careless."

Arthas looked at the military camp in the distance with a cruel smile on his lips.

These human officers and soldiers have not yet become accustomed to the march of the undead, which does not require rest or food. They also do not understand that the undead can sneak in silently. They do not even understand that in the ground under their feet, those things that have been buried in the past are not yet known. Corpse bones can also become the power of undead natural disasters, so now...

"The killing has begun."

Arthas showed a bloodthirsty smile.

And at night

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