Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 618 Group Interests in Groups

Chapter 618 Group Interests in Groups

In fact, it was not that Li Ke had never thought about directly helping the high elves overcome this difficulty, but he guessed that these people would be so arrogant.

I also experienced the arrogance of these people firsthand.

But the facts prove once again that sometimes time travelers cannot change anything, because how you go through an era is often your own choice, and no matter how hard you try, it will be useless.

The demise of the high elves was entirely self-inflicted, or it was caused by the version being updated too quickly.

Their tactical arrangements and various rules are undoubtedly the most suitable for the high elves. The reason why they appear so stupid and arrogant is also very simple.

Lost the will to move forward.

It is a stupid approach to not choose to move forward, explore more dangerous places, and adapt to more places, but to choose to continue adapting in infinite subdivisions in the places where we have already adapted.

And the result is——

“There is never anything new under the sun.”

Li Ke felt more and more that the history lessons he ignored were so profound. The history of the Chinese dynasty was so long that you could find yourself in the history books and find out what you had experienced.

He didn't know how the high elves viewed history, but it was obvious that, just like him before, although he knew it was important, he might not care.

Because their life span is really too long.

Kael'thas left in a hurry, obviously intending to provide support. He did not think that the defense force of Quel'Danas Island would collapse, because it was the most heavily defended place among the elves.

Li Ke didn't go because he felt a little guilty about Kael'thas. As a friend, he had to watch his friend's father die for the sake of his career. He felt a lot of guilt.

But as a leader, he will make good use of Kael'thas' absence.

The only thing he can give Kael'thas is to protect the city while he is away, and then provide some humanitarian help when he can persist in taking charge of the overall situation.


Li Ke turned around and looked at the city behind him, the city protected by his holy light, and sighed slightly.

"Help as much as you can."

The guilt in his heart was not just for Kael'thas, but also for the elven civilians.

Their lives will be very difficult later on.

Li Ke knows this very well and hates it, but like Stratholme, although he will still be moved and sad about it, it will not affect his plan.

However, at this moment, Sylvanas came over. At this time, she was wearing a white gauze skirt. The gauze skirt could not be said to be gorgeous or revealing in the concept of elves, but for humans, For a price, it is already quite expensive and exposed.

Not to mention that most of the legs were exposed to the air, there was no fabric on the waist and abdomen, only golden chains, iron rings, and some gems.

There are still some bandages wrapped around her legs. Although Li Ke has treated her legs, she still needs some medication if she wants to toss and jump like before.

This is also part of the practice in this world, or in other words, a powerful warrior or ranger will also have a lot of magic in his body.

Things like tattoos and paintings can indeed enhance the owner's power.

However, even in this 'simple' outfit, Sylvanas's face still has some unnatural expressions. However, in the atmosphere of the morning light for the time being, Sylvanas is still astonishingly beautiful at this time. .

And the courage is also very good.

Although Li Ke didn't know how many troops Alsace had taken away, there were still densely packed undead here. It was just because he was standing here that he did not launch an attack on Silver Moon City.

But even so, coming here without bringing anything and wearing a gauze dress is really too bold.

"His Royal Highness is going to support Quel'Danas Island. Mr. Li Ke, we can talk about some practical issues."

Looking at him standing on the earth, holding the holy spear in his hand, with wings of light floating behind his back, he just stood there, so that the undead in the polluted forest in the distance did not dare to approach.

The polluted earth under his feet was restored to life, and countless flowers and green grass bloomed under Li Ke's feet, making him look more like a god.

When she said these words, the soldiers around her who were monitoring the undead with Li Ke spontaneously came to Li Ke's side and left silently.

Among these people, there are staunch royalists, priests who believe in the Holy Light, as well as civilians and rangers. It can be said that people from all walks of life in elf society have arrived here.

Li Ke looked at Sylvanas curiously. In his plan, it didn't matter whether Sylvanas lived or died. He had even made a plan for Sylvanas to become an undead. However, he really hasn't thought about what would have happened if Sylvanas hadn't died.

After all, Li Ke is more familiar with the undead Sylvanas, but the character of Sylvanas who became undead has changed drastically.

And just from the few glances he took, he could tell that the rangers and elves at the bottom of the civilian population were not very similar to the elves he often came into contact with.But Li Ke really doesn't know what these people really look like.

While Sylvanas was alive, he really didn't know what this woman would do.

"what do you want to do?"

He asked directly.

"Protect the Windrunner family, to be precise, protect the rangers gathered around me. In addition, I want to know what you want from the elves, Mr. Li Ke... I have no intention of questioning your belief in the Holy Light. But I have to say, some of my friends told me a lot of news.”

Sylvanas sighed. This time, the ranger troops suffered heavy losses. The numbers of many troops were simply lost, leaving only blood-stained flags. Even if she came here wearing gauze, then It's because she really has no fighting ability, and if she is forced to fight, she will die.

If a private conversation with Li Ke was not more important, otherwise, her most important thing now is to reorganize the ranger troops and then count the losses of officers at all levels, instead of talking to Li Ke.

She was really worried because she had never seen Li Ke, and Li Ke appeared in front of the elf in an absolutely strong manner. She really didn't know what Li Ke planned to do.

"It is the duty of the Paladin to save the weak. Moreover, Miss Sylvanas, everything I do is to follow the teachings of the Holy Light."

Li Ke didn't plan to say anything more to her. Although Sylvanas's face could be said to be lustful, that was the problem.

Sleeping with her is not a simple relationship between a man and a woman, it will definitely have strong political overtones.

Alleria can be willful and Vereesa can pursue love, but Sylvanas, who inherited the position of Ranger General, cannot.

Li Ke began to recall what he had heard and seen before, looking at Sylvanas and narrowing his eyes.

Different from what was shown in the game, Li Ke didn't know how powerful Sylvanas was until he came to the kingdom of elves.

It can be said that after Silvermoon City, whether the orders of the Sun Chaser Royal Court can be implemented depends entirely on whether the Windrunner family is willing or not.

Although Sylvanas is loyal to the high elves and has no thoughts of rebellion, in fact, she is not much different from the king outside Silvermoon City.

It can be said that the city defense of Silvermoon City was directly in Sylvanas' hands after she arrived. How much prestige does this have to have?
This is the capital and the only city in the entire kingdom. It is not brought by the king himself, but by Sylvanas.

This shows her prestige among the army.It is impossible to say that it is because of love or desire that you marry such a person.Like Gianna, marriage is not about their bodies, but the power behind them.Whether you can get married does not depend on the relationship between two people, but on whether the interest groups behind it are willing.

If he slept with Sylvanas or any high-level female elf today, Kael'thas would laugh even if his father died.

No joke, that's the truth.

Because Li Ke's accounts were all written off, whether it was the account of the rescue or the account of being squeezed out of Silver Moon City.This means that Li Ke chooses to use part of the profits to solve the problem between them. His rescue will become a transaction with the forces behind the woman, and no force will be stupid enough not to use this transaction in exchange for Li Ke's forgiveness. '.

They can repay Li Ke for everything with the minimum price.

Even the elves are disgusted with him, so even if Sylvanas is naked and lying on the ground, Li Ke will not take any action.

But even if you say this, many people are unable to resist when facing beauty. In addition, the interests of the collective are different from the interests of the group, so the comparison is not very appropriate.

Boss Cao of the Three Kingdoms, because he failed to control his lower body, lost the heir who could make the Wei Kingdom stable and continue, as well as a general, countless troops, which can be said to be the most expensive prostitutes in the Three Kingdoms.

And if he sleeps with Sylvanas at this time, comparing what he can get before and after, the effects of the two things are almost the same.

So although Xiao Li Ke was about to make a move, Li Ke still held back.

"That means you plan to want them all?"

Sylvanas raised her eyebrows. She was already prepared when she came, that is, to give herself.

Although I know that there are countless women around Li Ke, and there is absolutely no status or anything like that, this is necessary.

Sylvanas did not intend to let her compatriots bear the reputation of treachery in the diplomatic field, and Li Ke's reputation among the elves was infinitely higher.

So she had to make Li Ke vulgar and make Li Ke appear flesh and blood instead of——

a god.

Even now, Sylvanas can only admire the miracle when looking at the city wall known as the City of Eternal Dawn. Coupled with Li Ke's ambition that is visible to all of Azeroth, she is I am really worried that Li Ke will go crazy and want to unify the entire Eastern Kingdom in the future.

After all, in fact, Li Ke can really do it.

If Li Ke's reputation among the elves is allowed to rise infinitely, then when Li Ke starts to think about conquering the high elves, how many elves will surrender directly?

She couldn't even think about it, because she knew very well that even she would not lead her subordinates to die.

If we don't try our best to make up for it at this time, how will the high elves deal with themselves when that day comes?Maintain a bad, treacherous attitude and relationship with a powerful neighbor who is several times stronger than you and has the ability to destroy yourself?
Isn't this courting death? !
But even though she couldn't imagine how to fight Li Ke, but if she could be independent, who would want to look at other people's faces?
Moreover, due to subsequent defense issues, the ranger troops suffered heavy losses and were unable to clear out the undead raging in the territory and purify the contaminated land. However, every existing granary was contaminated, and the high elves lost a large area. Arable land and water.

Without a powerful organization that would transfuse blood at all costs, it would take at least several decades for the elves to recover.

Moreover, after the Ranger troops suffered heavy losses, the Windrunner family's position became very embarrassing.

It is very likely that he will be slapped down directly.

She doesn't care much about power. She hopes that the Windrunner family will be liberated from the position of Ranger General and flourish from now on, without having to attend the funeral of a family member every ten years.

But the problem is that there is a high probability that the person who takes over will be a fool and will directly ruin the Ranger unit. In this era, this is fatal.

Moreover, the current city defense is also a problem, and there are bound to be trolls ready to attack.

So whether it was for race, family, rights, interests, or food and water, she had to reach a consensus with Li Ke, a consensus that was different from that of the Silver Moon City Council, and the sooner the better.

So the more Li Ke wants nothing, the more nervous she becomes.

"Why do you say that? I just followed the teachings of the Holy Light. After all, if I had not followed the teachings of the Holy Light, then after suffering this kind of treatment, I would have left, leaving you to face these undead souls alone."

Li Ke raised his hand and pointed at the undead in the distance, but Sylvanas held back from laughing.But even so, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Only a fool would believe that the leader of a force is someone who truly upholds the so-called teachings of the Holy Light."

But she would definitely not say that, so she directly put her body on top of Li Ke's armor, and once again used her body to warm Li Ke's armor.

But this time, there was no sweat smell, only the smell of Sylvanas herself.

Very fragrant taste.

Li Ke wanted to break away, but Sylvanas hugged Li Ke's arm tightly, and then spoke in a low voice.

"What do you think of me? I like humans very much! If you want, you can have your own ranger general at home, plus an entire ranger army, plus countless elf craftsmen and elf teachers. And some of our unique Techniques and so on. Moreover, my body is very flexible."

Sylvanas forced a smile. Her lover Nathanos was most likely dead, but at this juncture, she had to sell her body and appearance for her race and her responsibilities.

Even like a prostitute.

Seriously, she wanted to cry.

But Li Ke was just silent.

Sylvanas gave a lot, but he would get more when the Sunwell was gone.

Sylvanas would even package herself and Vereesa over, and if she wanted to, she could even kidnap her sister Alleria and assassinate Turalyon.

Just want him to be happy.

Therefore, he was shaken and firmly took out his hand.

"You make me sick, Miss Sylvanas. Such a beautiful woman would say such a thing."

He speaks righteously and righteously, like a god of justice.

"You have made my sense of elves even worse! Not everything in this world can be measured by profit! I am standing here just for justice and to avoid a bloody massacre! Not for profit !”

His voice was cold and pale, yet dazzling. The cold yet hot holy light made Sylvanas unable to open her eyes.

And in this holy light, Sylvanas tasted an emotion.

angry emotions.

She couldn't help but blinked.

she seems to be...

Really used the wrong method?
Is Li Ke really a gentleman? !

It doesn't make sense!
(End of this chapter)

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