Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 625 Mortal and Divine Chapter

Howlson had never heard anything like it.

In human society, kneeling is a very solemn act.

Kneeling down expresses that one's status is lower than that of the other party, one surrenders to the other party, and one does not dare to carry out a series of offensive and hostile behaviors towards the other party. It is the most humble and sincere act.

Therefore, anyone who makes a sneak attack while kneeling to worship, no matter what reputation he had before, will only have the reputation of a despicable person from now on if he makes a sneak attack while kneeling to worship.

Moreover, he knelt down not because of other reasons, but because of Li Ke's broad-mindedness, because Li Ke was willing to give civilians a good life. He said that Li Ke's taxes were too high because of this.

He is targeting those possible factory owners in the future, because under Li Ke's governance, his profit for a silver coin may only be a few copper plates, and most of the profits are given to the producers of raw materials, and these Raw material processors.

That is, workers, farmers, and craftsmen.

There is nothing wrong with these people paying taxes, and the [-]% tax is reasonable. However, for factory owners, the [-]% tax may be a bit difficult.

This cannot actually be blamed on Howlson, because he does not know the modern global economic system. In his eyes, no matter how many goods a factory sells, it is only about the size of a kingdom, with tens of thousands of people, no matter how much it sells, Including the purchase of raw materials and other things, the factory owner's net profit is probably really not much.

Although there are more workers than workers, it is impossible to reach the next class.

You can't blame him, because people can't imagine things they don't know.

What he knelt down to was Li Ke's willingness to let other people live a good life.

Therefore, he does not understand that people like Li Ke should be followed and loyal by other people. As long as Li Ke accepts his kneeling and allegiance, then Li Ke will let him die or bear the burden of He would be willing to let endless stigmas roam the world.

Because he acted according to Li Ke's orders, he thought the world would become a better place.

"But why? Master Li Ke, this is just etiquette."

Howson didn't understand, so he asked directly.

Li Ke smiled lightly.

"Because there is nothing to hide about what I want to do, Howson. Although there are some things that cannot be directly announced due to the people's education level, ideological realm, and understanding of the world. Kneeling represents surrender, but in In this world, people are actually equal. What is unequal is their social status, their wealth, and the power of their bloodline in this world... But in terms of soul and will, people are all equal. "

"For those kings and lords, they must show their own moral character, must use morals and rules to bind their own people, and let them feel at ease to slaughter ordinary people for themselves, and even rob other people, because they cannot understand , even without these despicable things, people can live happily. Therefore, whether it is the so-called glory of the knight, or the so-called kneeling to represent allegiance, it is unnecessary for me... Howlson , if I were a cruel guy, would you be willing to kneel down and be loyal to me?"

Howson's eyes brightened, and he probably understood what Li Ke meant.

"Do you mean to say that even if I am not loyal to you, as long as you keep walking on the right path and I am willing to walk on the right path, then it doesn't matter whether I am loyal to you or not?"

These words made Li Ke nod. Although Li Ke felt that this tax collector was different after meeting Howson, Li Ke really didn't expect that this guy with an ordinary appearance could be so outstanding. .

"Yes, Howson, you are better than I thought. You are right, as long as I walk on the right path, as long as I can always bring happiness to others, then the shadow of the old era will not be able to catch up. I... times have changed, Howson."

Howson nodded, but he still didn't understand why Li Ke said such things to him.

Seeing his doubts, Li Ke did not answer directly. Instead, he picked up the apple in his hand and started playing with it casually.

He doesn't like eating apples. Although the flesh of apples is sweet, it is very hard and not particularly sweet. But he likes apples very much, because as long as he looks at apples, he can feel the sweetness and beauty. Li Ke can feel comfortable with the red smooth skin.

This may be due to the influence of genes, or it may be because he knows that apples are good things, but Li Ke didn't care about this apple because the person in front of him was really interesting.

And the reason is simple.

"You must have a lot of doubts in your mind, so I will answer them slowly... I can see the future, Howson, are you willing to believe it?"

Howson, who was confused by what Li Ke said, nodded.

"I believe it, Master Li Ke."

He nodded. Li Ke was a person favored by the Holy Light, so he was willing to believe that Li Ke had powers that ordinary people did not possess.

"But in the future I see, you don't exist, Howson. You are not a hero, a hero, a bad guy, irrelevant, and will never exist. But now, you appear in front of me , you have never demonstrated your character and abilities, and you have not had a single word in the history books of later generations. However, now, you stand in front of me and show me your character and abilities, and for me, Be it Alsace, Jaina, or Calia, who occupy an important position in the history and future of this world, they are not as important as you."

When Howson heard this, he was stunned. He didn't quite understand. Whether it was Arthas, Jaina, or Her Highness Calia, these big shots were obviously much more important than him. Their words Words can determine the direction of this world, what virtues and abilities do you have...

But after thinking for a while, he suddenly remembered that he might have died a long time ago.

However, he felt that it was more likely that he had no talent.

"Your appearance means one thing. The world I see is the real world, and, indeed, as I thought, anyone in this world can become a hero. Howson, please, be me heroes, and make others heroes too.”

Li Ke looked at the astonished Howlson and knew that he had just accidentally gotten excited and said something he shouldn't have said.


It doesn't matter.

He is a free man who can do whatever he wants.

"I, do I really have such a great talent? Mr. Li Ke, I am just a small tax collector, I, and I am not very good-looking..."

Howson covered his chest. He was excited to be valued by Li Ke, but he was even more confused.

He is not handsome, and his fighting skills are average. When dealing with things, he often needs to ask for the opinions of professionals, and he will think for a long time before making a decision.

He is just one of the ordinary beings. How can a person like him become a hero?

"A hero does not have to be handsome, Howson. That is just an illusion caused by ordinary people's yearning for heroes. Ugly people can be heroes, and people without talents can also be heroes. As long as you are willing, You can be a hero... For you, my friend, you can maintain such a heart and walk in this world until now, without relying on any supernatural power, just relying on your own abilities and efforts. If you have survived until now, you are a hero." Li Ke is serious about this sentence. In this file, as a medieval tax collector, Howson has completed the tax task without forcing anyone to death. , let alone let anyone starve to death in the place where they collect taxes. Although there are gray incomes, they are actually 'reasonable'.

He adopted the children of his dead colleagues, occasionally helped some old people, or delivered messages to others. He would drive away bandits and bandits. If he couldn't finish the wild beasts he hunted, he would share them with those who were living in hardship around him, and help his friends. Hang out with your friends' families.

If such a person was not a hero in the Middle Ages, what else could he be?
If such a person is not a benchmark, what else can he be?
He is not without shortcomings, but in Li Ke's view, these shortcomings are just gems and embellishments given by life, and the person in front of him is indeed a jade in the rough.

He may not have much achievements, or even great talents, but he is the mainstay of a country or an organization, and he is such a person.

Just looking at Hao Ersen's confused face, Li Ke shook his head.

What he said was too advanced, so he just took out an identity card and threw it to Howson.

"Okay, you may not understand what I say, but take these things, find some people you can trust, and tell me what position you recommend them to go to, and then come to work the day after tomorrow. But now, Howson."

Li Ke looked at Hao Ersen with a smile and threw a hat and a bag of gold coins from his collection to Hao Ersen for him to keep as a souvenir.Also thrown over was a tiara he designed and made when he was bored, and a bag of toffee.

"Go be a hero to your wife and your children."

A father who brings status and jewelry to his wife and sweets to his children is a hero.

"Yes, Master Li Ke!"

Howson left excitedly. He held the things in his hands and couldn't help but want to cry, but he was too excited to cry.

And when he excitedly returned to his home with his companions and saw his wife and children, he finally couldn't hold it back and hugged his wife.

Although his wife didn't know why, she couldn't help crying when she saw her husband's excited expression.

At this moment, Li Ke didn't know all of this, because he had already known that these would happen, and there were guests in his office again.

Moreover, it is difficult for Li Ke to say whether this guest is an uninvited guest or not.

"You seem to think highly of this man."

A raven suddenly spoke at Li Ke's window. Li Ke rubbed his temples. After Howson left, he interviewed a few more people. Although he was not as satisfied as Howson, they were still pretty good. People.

But to be honest, when he saw this raven talking, he couldn't help but have a headache.

Because everyone who came, like him, had read the script.

"Medivh, if you don't save the world, what are you doing here?"

Li Ke looked at the raven and asked his question. The only raven in the world who could come to him unnoticed and then speak was the astral mage.

This guy can travel through the Blizzard universe and is almost the embodiment of a screenwriter.

I just don’t know why it happened again this time.

And you fucking disturbed his work!

"Well, actually I'm here to save the world."

Smoke surrounded the raven, and the next moment, a middle-aged man who still looked a little haggard appeared in front of Li Ke, and took out a bottle from his arms.

Li Ke's eyes twitched because that was his hidden wine.The homemade rice wine tastes very good.It has almost no alcohol content and can only be described as an alcoholic drink.The best tasting period is only two or three days, and his staff are currently studying how to extend the storage time after this difficult period has passed.

What Medivh has is newly brewed!

Medivh's hands and feet are really dirty!

"You made this world a mess. Now Arthas wants to save the world. The Lich King has been reversely influenced by him and started to think about the relationship between the world and himself, and what the meaning of human existence is. Then Da Although Laran has not yet been destroyed, Arthas has already invaded the city... However, Thrall and Jaina have no intention of going to Kalimdor. Even if I don't help, Thrall will probably be killed by Naga. The baby orcs were captured. Oh, by the way, speaking of Nagas, let me tell you, Nagas are super lustful. They will do it all day long. In fact, three to 10 minutes is enough, but they like..."

Medivh became more and more excited as he talked, and at the end, he even mentioned other creatures.

"...Also, I suggest you try a centaur. A centaur girl looks like a horse on the outside, but the inside is the same as a human, and it's very hot, even hotter than a human..."

Li Ke quickly interrupted the middle-aged mage whose topic ranged from saving the world to centaur ecology. Although he was really curious, he wanted to save the world now.

"Please don't continue to slander my impression of you in front of me. I know you are a person who can do anything to orcs... But Mr. Medivh, what is your purpose here?"

"Why are you here? Oh, you said this."

Medivh scratched his head. Recently, his mother knew what he was thinking, so she urged him to keep a son and a half, which caused his thoughts to go astray.

"The main thing is, if you had listened to me and gone directly to my mage tower, then you should be learning my spells with Jaina now, and be guided by me to travel among the stars and timelines, waiting for you When Jaina and I came out, it was almost time for the Alliance and the Horde to be officially established. Although the impact on the key nodes of the world is still huge, it doesn't matter, some things can still happen normally. No matter how you rule the world in the future Yes, I don’t even bother to care about it. But it’s different now. Your ideas and your methods have spread, allowing the world to face the challenges of the New World and the Burning Legion at the same time.”

Medivh's face became serious.

"It is because of you that Archimonde and the Burning Legion plan to use their full strength to deal with the battle of Mount Hyjal, so once he is summoned, after destroying Dalaran, he will go straight to Mount Hyjal. Give Malfurion time to channel the wrath of nature, and he will not be as arrogant as in the original world line, and will even think of ways to kill Malfurion in advance..."

The Star Mage looked at Li Ke and spoke word by word.

"So I need to make you understand most of the uses of your abilities within a week, teach you enough spells, and then defeat Archimonde with your own hands! And -"

When he said this, his face could be said to be gloomy, as if he had thought of some painful experience that he couldn't bear to look back on and didn't want to recall.

"Teach you the experience of facing the oppression of Sargeras' will, and this is the most important."

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