Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 633: Dalaran wakes up in the world

Chapter 633: Dalaran wakes up in the world

The mages of Dalaran know this very well.

The reason is also very simple, it is because of Li Ke's previous battle, whether it was the one shot that swept most of the undead and demons into flying ash, or the one that smashed the entire Dalaran barrier with demons. Fighting, or a game with the master behind the demon, no matter what the outcome is, no matter whether Li Ke really becomes a demon, for them Dalaran people, there is actually no difference.

Li Ke was possessed by a demon. Well, they couldn't defeat him. If he jumped up, he would be directly pinned to death. Although Li Ke didn't show much skill in magic, the demon did!Dalaran's barrier was not broken with brute force. That sword shattered the core in a way they couldn't understand, and Dalaran's barrier was finished.

Li Ke is not possessed by demons, and they cannot defeat him, so there is no need to resist.

Although Li Ke's ambitions are well-informed and well-informed, the upper-class people know that they, the mages, have also analyzed what kind of status they can get with Li Ke, and then everyone has a tacit understanding that they will never go to Li Ke's place.

The reason is very simple. Li Ke intends to use the noble mage as a worker.Just kidding, how can the life of driving screws in a factory be as comfortable as the life of applying for a job with a lord?
To apply for a job at the lord, you only need to learn how to make ice cubes, release fireballs, and make aphrodisiacs and sobering potions. With some potions, you can easily get a high salary, and you can even sleep with the lord's wife, daughter, sister, mother, aunt, aunt, and sister. And so on, plus a series of investments from businessmen and the admiration of businesswomen.

Or sleep with the lord, the lord's son, father, younger brother, older brother...

All in all, you would be crazy to support Li Ke, work there and build his territory.


It's good to be alive.

"I have no interest in you for the time being. After all, many of your leaders are people who have no interest in the common people at the bottom. This is not only true of your leaders, but also of most of you."

Li Ke waved his hand casually, showing that he didn't care about Dalaran.

"So I don't intend to rule you Dalaran directly. I have no interest in your arrogant attitude at all, and I don't want your lives. I am not a king or an emperor. All I ask of you is that you We cannot stop those mages and merchants who want to come."

He really doesn't care about these mages in Dalaran, because the high-level mages must not be dead now. For these people, lifespan is no longer a big issue. Being able to research a magic circle against the undead must represent them. I have already studied the undead very thoroughly, and I can figure out the lich with a little research.

Moreover, he will naturally gather the mages in his territory and become mountain sects one by one.

So why did you rush to bring them in? Bring in the students of Dalaran?He had no intention of messing up the talent development system that he had not yet fully established.

Therefore, these mages who do not care about life and death, and even have enough knowledge and practical ability to be self-sufficient, Li Ke plans to use some methods that are different from Silver Moon City.

As for the low-level mage and high-level mage tutorials?His territory is not as attractive as Dalaran?

Li Ke did not dismantle the mana well left by the elves, and Li Ke planned to make good use of Karazhan's collection of books.

"Ah this..."

The mage who was pushed out for questioning was a little confused. He didn't understand that what he knew about Li Ke should be very lacking in low-level mage and high-level mage. In particular, Li Ke's industry relied heavily on mathematics, design drawings, and physical and chemical knowledge. No matter what he thought, Is it better to annex Dalaran now?
At least let them be loyal.

"All in all, I'm not interested in you right now. I'm only interested in those who have the same goals as me. Also, where is Gianna?"

Li Ke was very curious about this matter. Li Ke knew that the refugees were still at sea. There was no way. Dalaran couldn't afford the cost of so many people walking through the portal, so they had to take a boat. However, compared to the development of the world situation, These refugee boats are moving too slowly.

But what happened to Gianna?Where did this girl go?
"Your Highness Jaina...ah no, Archmage."

The mage had an embarrassed expression on his face, but it immediately turned into an impassioned one.

"Archmage Jaina is currently on the refugee ship, covering the retreat of the refugees, and fighting bloody battles with the besieging demons. She may have just found out about this."

Li Ke rubbed his temples. The mage in front of him took it seriously. How could there be a mage near the refugee ship?

"Hurry up and find her. I don't know how to evaluate the situation in Dalaran, but among the people I know, she is the only one who knows about Dalaran."

When the mage heard Li Ke's words, the corners of his mouth twitched. Li Ke's meaning was very simple. If Dalaran wants to talk to him, then let Jaina come. This is equivalent to directly asking Jaina to take over and become Dalaran's leader.

"Then what do you mean, I'm not interested in you! You and Jaina have slept together so many times! We're not going to be a family anymore! These people who play with the Holy Light are so dirty!"

The mage wanted to say this in his heart. The world situation is like this, and everyone is always interested in tidbits about leaders, so the little pornographic book Li Ke and Jaina had on the bed is also for sale in Dalaran.

Even though neither man ever thought of doing it, the crowd just loved it.

"I will wait for her here and check if there are any new demons. You go quickly."

Li Ke had no intention of sitting in Dalaran. He was indeed a little weak now, and he had a shadow over the mage. After signaling the unlucky guy who was pushed out to be a mouthpiece to leave, Li Ke closed his eyes and pinched He shattered an Azerite essence in his arms and sensed his current situation.

The situation cannot be said to be very good. Although Azerite has no side effects, even if it is exhausted, it has strengthened his soul and made his soul stronger.

But Sargeras was really not polite at all. He had just transformed his body into a more advanced demon, and even his internal organs turned into a strange substance that Li Ke could only describe as metal.

Li Ke felt that his internal organs had turned into metal and couldn't help but frown. Because he had to talk to people in Dalaran, he endured the exhaustion and changed his appearance from a demon to a human. But most of his internal organs are still alienated.

Especially the heart, his heart has now completely turned into metal, a metal burning with evil energy. Every time it beats, it can convert the energy in his body into evil energy.

Any energy, whether arcane or holy light, shadow or life and elemental energy, will be stained with the color of fel energy and then transformed into the appearance of fel energy.

After transformation, it cannot be said to be pure evil energy. The holy light contaminated by evil energy still has the characteristics of light, but it is green.

Li Ke tried to release the evil holy light. The next moment, the dark green light shone directly on the ground, instantly turning a small area of ​​the earth into evil magma. The radiation even produced caused damage to surrounding places. It also started to crack.

It's almost exactly the same as Li Ke's use of Holy Light. There is almost no difference except that the reaction becomes an evil energy reaction.

And the conversion rate is quite high. After one standard unit of holy light energy is converted by this heart, it can exert the destructive power of at least two standard units of holy light energy.

But if we want to use this 'holy light' to show the healing power of the holy light, it is absolutely impossible.

"High-end goods..."

Li Ke touched his chest, but the golden armor began to shatter, which made him very helpless.

His armor didn't react much when he violently transformed from the form of holy light into shadow, but when Sargeras forcibly transformed it with evil energy, his armor was directly scrapped.

This set of armor is quite expensive.

Li Ke didn't feel heartache about his heart problem, he only felt heartache about his armor.

This thing uses a lot of still-experimental technologies, including but not limited to some magic circles that increase body movement, and some precious gem enchantments.

Just the materials alone can cost hundreds of thousands of gold coins. Coupled with Magni's craftsmanship and political significance, it is an underestimation to say that it is worth a fortune.

Fortunately, Solarion was not broken, otherwise Li Ke wouldn't know how to face Magni.

Because this thing can barely be regarded as a national gift from Magni and a sincerity of surrender. If you go out and have a fight, it will be broken...

"Forget it, tell Magni later that it was broken in the battle with Sargeras. He will be proud, right?"

Shaking his head and not thinking so much, Li Ke put his hand on his chest, constantly feeling the condition of his heart and other metal internal organs.

The stomach completely disappeared, the heart took over the function of the stomach, and the intestines naturally disappeared.

The lungs cannot be said to be lungs now, but an energy absorption device, plus a high-power vacuum cleaner and jet. In terms of power, Li Ke feels that if he blows on the ground now, he can blow himself up. Yes, with a little magic, supersonic speed is not impossible.

The liver and gallbladder also disappeared, replaced by some internal organs that Li Ke didn't recognize at all and had no idea of ​​their use. However, these internal organs were very powerful and exuded terrifying power. Li Ke didn't know what they were, but he knew Sagra A person like Si would not stuff useless things into his body.

Then he looked at his brother.

There is no more brother.

It simply disappeared without being transformed or strengthened.

Obviously, after Sargeras took over his body, he did not intend to let him reproduce. Instead, he planned to let him fight in the universe until he died and become a killing machine.

Killing machines naturally don't need these things.So in the eyes of Sargeras, these things and the seven emotions and six desires are useless things, garbage and waste that need to be discarded.

As for why the eyes and brain were not modified, Li Ke estimated that Sargeras was afraid that after modifying the brain and eyes, his abilities would disappear, or it would irritate his soul and make it difficult to control.

Li Ke: "..."

Li Ke pondered for a while, looked up at the sky, then lowered his head at the broken iron sword that was left behind by the fallen incarnation. He suddenly took action and blew the thing into even smaller pieces with one shot, leaving far away The mages who are observing everywhere and want to study it later are like their dead fathers.

Although this thing is Li Ke's trophy, they can study it before Li Ke takes it away!

Although Li Ke was very unhappy, he still secretly remembered the feeling of this body. After ensuring that he could change back in the future, he began to slowly change his internal organs back to their original state.

As the internal organs gradually returned to their original state, a heavier feeling of weakness hit Li Ke's body, but Li Ke had nothing to say. The internal organs just now were not the internal organs of normal life at all. Li Ke actually had a guess. .

Those are the internal organs of the Titan, or rather, the internal organs of the Demon Titan.

Sargeras began to transform his body in his own image.

This is very difficult for other people, but for him, Li Ke, it is a very simple matter, and Li Ke, who has recorded that feeling, can transform his body into what it was just now at any time.

But the price is that there are no brothers, and there are no other human emotions.

He doesn't think that the Titan's body still needs meat and sugar, but also food, beauty, and the pleasure of reproduction.Of course, it must be extremely powerful, but he doesn't plan to study it now because he is too tired.

So for now, it's fine as a demon body that uses evil energy to fight, but it's not necessary to use it as a normal body.

Then, something happened.

The moment his heart completely changed back, the huge evil energy left behind by Sargeras in his body could not be placed in his body, and his internal organs were burned to ashes before he could react.

"My head is so dizzy that I forgot about this!"

Li Ke quickly used his ability, while quickly repairing his internal organs, while extracting his evil energy from his body, forming a thick layer of evil energy crystals inside his armor, and continuously compressing it. got up.

But this evil energy was so huge that the evil energy crystals had already filled his armor, so Li Ke had to stretch out his hand, and in the eyes of the Dalaran mages who were horrified and suspicious of life, he took out the extremely huge evil energy. Evil energy gathered in the air, forming an evil energy crystal as tall as a person!
After doing all this, Li Ke spit out a mouthful of blood with evil ashes, and those ashes were his previous internal organs, which had been completely burned into inorganic matter, and Li Ke did not plan to waste time repairing them.

Just grow new ones directly.

At this moment, a beautiful figure finally came over with a large circle of luxuriously dressed humans, and Li Ke also saw this haggard figure and saw the beautiful face clearly.


Seeing Jaina's arrival, Li Ke finally relaxed a little. He didn't believe in the portal opened by the mage here. He only dared to use the portal opened by Jaina.

After being messed up by Kael'thas' subordinates, Li Ke also became cautious.

He subconsciously wanted to greet him, but the price of relying on his ability to mess around was also highlighted. At this time, the armor was already extremely heavy for him, so his knees weakened and he almost fell to the ground. .

"Li Ke!"

When Jaina saw Li Ke looking like he was about to fall over, she didn't care what the big green crystal beside Li Ke was. She quickly appeared in front of Li Ke and caught it with her tender body. Li Ke's body.

The fragments of Li Ke's armor pierced her clothes and delicate skin, but Jaina just screamed in pain but did not leave.

She looked at the pale and powerful Li Ke in pain, feeling very painful in her heart.

Li Ke was a little embarrassed. He tried hard to stand up, but found that his new internal organs and tired soul could not fully drive his body, so he was unable to stand up and could only show a reluctant smile.

"It's good that you come."

Tears welled up in Jaina's eyes. This girl, who was still very innocent now and had just learned about her teacher's death, subconsciously thought that Li Ke appeared here for herself, for the people of Dalaran, and for this justice.

And he fell to the ground after seeing himself, just because he was worried about himself!

This is not because Jaina herself overthinks it. In the eyes of other people, this is the fact.

In the eyes of the mages behind Jaina who were talking to Antonidas, this was the case.

So they looked at each other and saw what they meant.

But Gianna didn't understand this, and she didn't care about it. She stroked Li Ke's face, which had become pale because a lot of energy and blood had been taken away to regenerate the internal organs, and looked at Li Ke's broken armor and this incomparable On the desolate battlefield, tears finally couldn't be held back, and fell from his smooth face, dripping on Li Ke's face.

"Well, I'm here. Thank you, Li Ke. I really don't know how to thank you..."

Li Ke nodded. He didn't know how to thank him. When Dai Lin comes, he can give him more things and help sell more Dalaran mages.

Therefore, Li Ke raised his hand and wanted Jaina to open a door for him. He needed to go back and repair it before quickly heading to the night elves' territory.

Archimonde is obviously not coming, so he must support the night elves as soon as possible, otherwise he has no idea what will happen.

"That's good."

However, Li Ke never thought about what kind of state he was in. He just subconsciously made himself look weaker and powerless so that he could get more preferential treatment in terms of benefits.But for Li Ke, his performance towards the old fox behind Gianna was a true expression of his true feelings for Gianna.

Li Ke, who was performing for greater benefits, could not care about Gianna's impoverished political IQ and knowledge, so the next moment, he saw Gianna coming over excitedly, and then kissed him on the lips. .

Li Ke: "This??!"

Li Ke was really stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Jaina was thinking.But after hesitating for a while, Li Ke began to respond to Jaina's enthusiasm. Some of the mages behind him showed their standard aunty smiles. The nervous mages also breathed a sigh of relief and began to discuss the merger into Li Ke. The new system and life after Ke's territory.

They were even thinking about how to persuade Li Ke so that Li Ke could control them less and provide more funding for experiments.

Resist Li Ke?Or continue as before?

Does it not exist?

Didn’t you see that our new leader of Dalaran, the Archmage Jaina, the chief of Dalaran, the greatest leader of Dalaran, and the number one genius beautiful mage are all kissing each other? !

For Li Ke, this kiss was a kiss.

so be it.

There is not much sweet taste on the soft tongue, but a faint taste of wine. It is obvious that the princess is not in a good mood recently, but the girl's taste is always quite wonderful, and this flaw is not What can be expressed.

When they separated, the two people's tongues were even reluctant to part, leaving a thin line.

However, looking at Gianna with an affectionate look on her face, Li Ke couldn't help but think of someone.


At this time, Alsace——

"Li Ke!!!"

He is roaring.

 5.5 k
  Well, I'm still hesitating about Dade's fate.

  To be honest, I don't know why I never like him... It's not because of Illidan, and I don't like Illidan that much either.But to be honest, Dade is not a bad person, so I don’t want him to suffer too much.

  But I also want to write some articles about Tyrande's physical love with humans.

(End of this chapter)

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