Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 642 Investment Transaction

Chapter 642 Investment Transaction
Li Ke can understand the fact that Illidan attacked him. After all, if anyone encounters Illidan's situation, everyone will be anxious.

Anyway, Li Ke felt that if he encountered this, let alone continue to stay in the night elf society, it would not be impossible for him to be anti-human.

"Because I am quite special, energy is like a part of my body to me, so evil energy will not have any impact on my body unless I want to."

Li Ke took a step back, allowing Illidan to stand up, and then asked him a question.

"Therefore, I can repair your eyes and return your body to a normal night elf body. If you are willing, it is not impossible to do this."

He said this from the bottom of his heart, because Illidan is undoubtedly the genius of this world.

Whether it was Sargeras, Zera, the Mother of Holy Light, or the Moon Goddess, they all paid more or less attention to Illidan.

Although he seems to be a background figure next to his brother Malfurion, in fact, in terms of the greatest impact on the world, it is Illidan who has the greatest impact.

Moreover, many of Malfurion's achievements were successful because of Illidan's activity.

In other words, Illidan cares about Tyrande.

Therefore, Li Ke was very suspicious. Moon God hurriedly opened the portal for himself and sent him to Illidan. He obviously still had thoughts about Illidan.

Illidan was stunned for a moment. He looked at the short Li Ke, and couldn't help but think of Tyrande's height. Li Ke's height could barely reach Tyrande's chest. Although such a person was not good at magic. It can defeat him, but can it really give Tyrande a sense of safety?

If she returned to her original, normal night elf appearance, would Tyrande...

Illidan's heart wavered for a moment, and then he shook his head firmly.

"No, power is very important to me. Although these are side effects of evil energy, they are also powerful, more powerful than a mortal body, and..."

Illidan looked at Li Ke and spoke word by word.

"It allows us to understand the cost of acquiring these powers and what the cost is."

His words were full of threats. Although he was easily defeated by Li Ke, Illidan felt that although he lost this time, he might not be able to kill Li Ke as long as he found a good opportunity.

"Perhaps, but there is no need for you to be so malicious towards me, Mr. Illidan."

As Li Ke spoke, he took off his helmet, revealing his human appearance.

Illidan looked at Li Ke's face and was stunned for a moment, because he had never seen such a race before.

He obviously has similar facial features to them, but he doesn't have the elegant purple skin and the long ears that can hear countless sounds.

There is no light that represents eternity shining in his eyes.

So he asked subconsciously.

"What? You're a mortal?!"

Whether you are a mortal or not can be seen through your strength and eyes.

The eyes of the night elves reveal an elegant white light, which is the power of the Well of Eternity, which allows the night elves to stay young and live forever.

This is proof that energy fills the whole body and is the prerequisite for eternal life. No method of extending life can escape this framework.

And there is no power overflowing from Li Ke's eyes, which means that there is no power acting on Li Ke's body!

But he clearly has enough power to make himself immortal!

Looking at the Tears of Elune on Li Ke's palm, a mage like him could use these powers to make himself immortal.

"Yes, I am a mortal, but whether I am a mortal or not depends on comparison, right?"

Li Ke spread his hands.

"That's why I said, you don't have to be hostile to me. Mr. Illidan, I know your affairs very well, and I probably know why you attacked me, but I must tell you one thing. I am not Immortal, death to me is just the beginning of another great adventure.”

He spoke casually, and that was actually the case.

If one day he is really tired of life here, he may not feign death like Medivh and leave to explore the entire Blizzard universe, or more infinite parallel universes.

Interpret different lives and races in an infinite world.

But now, he's still here, still at the beginning of his journey.

As for immortality...

It's really not difficult for him to change his body or something.

Illidan was stunned. He really didn't expect Li Ke to say such words.

"Interesting guy."

Regarding death as the beginning of a great adventure is a pun, because with Illidan's knowledge, he knows more or less about things in the Shadow Realm, but he is not as clear as Li Ke.

"Furthermore, I also have a lover among the night elves. Although because of my identity and ideals, I have to marry many women to ensure the balance and unity between the forces, I don't think the night elves will surrender to me. Or it needs my management, and I don’t think the night elves need to surrender to anyone, do they?”

His words made Illidan smile. Although he said that he didn't owe the night elves anything, in fact, he directly chose not to.

However, he would still be happy when others praised the night elves.

But what pleased him the most was that Li Ke didn't seem to want to marry Tyrande.


Why the hell don't you like Tyrande! ?

Anger once again appeared in Illidan's heart, but he knew that his anger was quite speechless, so he did not show it.

"So? You think I care if you like Tyrande?"

His tone was a little stiff, as if someone who got perfect scores was comforting someone who got zero marks.

No matter what he said at this time, it sounded sarcastic.

"I mean, I like your approach and philosophy better."

Li Ke quickly gathered the power of evil energy in his hands. These evil energies were not other evil energies, but the evil power of Sargeras before.Illidan watched in astonishment as the evil energy on Li Ke continued to fade away, forming a diamond-shaped evil energy crystal in his hand.

"I trust your judgment, but there is no doubt that you lack strength now."

Li Ke pulled out most of his evil energy and gathered it into his hands.

So when looking at this evil crystal, Li Ke was a little reluctant to give up.

Although his strongest power has never been evil energy, there is no doubt that evil energy is his favorite.

But he still handed over the evil energy to Illidan.

The Skull of Gul'dan now belongs to Arthas. If Illidan had no other source of power, he would most likely be hammered to the ground by Azzinoth, the owner of the Warblade of Azzinoth.

And the most important thing is, if Illidan is not given enough power, this guy is not qualified to help him lie down.

Only when his power is strong enough to slightly affect the situation can he slightly change his current predicament.

As for keeping it and using it yourself...

There is no need for the moment. When fighting on Mount Hyjal, the Moon God will reserve the place.

no way.

Faith is a very important thing.

"Are you going to give me this power?"

"Yes, because I think this battlefield needs your strength, and I can see that you have to do something very important now, but as a price..."

Li Ke's expression became serious.

"You need to help me keep an eye on the movements of Archimonde and Kil'jaeden. If they have any plans to deal with me, please tell me."

His expression was very sincere, and he seemed to have no intention of making Illidan responsible for what he had given.

Illidan also knew that if he took these powers and didn't do anything for Li Ke, Li Ke would probably be unable to do anything to him... No...

Illidan thought for a moment, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

"You said before that you are very good at controlling energy. I think these powers cannot escape your control, right?"

These words surprised Li Ke, but he just smiled.

"so what?"

"I do not care."

Illidan took the evil crystal handed over from Li Ke's hand, feeling the huge power in it, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

He could feel that Li Ke, like himself, was a person without any faith in his heart. Although he wielded the power of the Moon God, he would not refuse any power, and he had an ability that he envied.

The ability to absolutely command and control energy.

He was not one of those ignorant people. After seeing Li Ke transform under the power of the Moon God and the power of evil energy, he immediately thought of many possibilities.

But now it seems that this most unlikely possibility is true.

Such a person is terrifying, and the other person knows him very well and knows that he will give everything he has for Tyrande.

Moreover, he is a kind person and at least knows what respect and compassion are.

Looking at Li Ke's face, Illidan himself didn't know what kind of mood he should be feeling.

If Li Ke were a night elf, he would be a very good match.

The ability he wanted was in Li Ke.

He does not exclusively love evil energy. Although evil energy is powerful, he also wants other energies.

It's just a pity that evil energy is too explosive and it is basically impossible to coexist with most positive energy. The only thing that can coexist is arcane power.

Any other method is just using powerful force to suppress the evil energy. It cannot be used in conjunction, but will be a burden.

Powerful power continued to enter his body from the crystal in his hand. Illidan found that he was familiar with these powers. It was the power of Sargeras that once burned his eyes!

Absorbing these powers, Illidan felt that his body was changing more and more. He could feel that he was getting taller and taller, his body was becoming more and more deformed, and there was a tearing pain all over his body.

Not only that, the evil thoughts in his heart are getting stronger and stronger!
But he held it back. He looked at Li Ke and knew that the other party wanted to win over him, but he didn't know whether the other party knew that as long as Tyrande was involved, they would never be friends.

The reason why he accepted the other party's energy and accepted the mission given to him by the other party was entirely because Tyrande wanted him to do this.

And without these powers, it would be really difficult for him to protect Tyrande.

The light of evil energy almost dyed Illidan green. This was proof that his body could no longer bear the evil energy, so he turned his back, and the bat wings that stretched out from his back continued to unfold, carrying him with him. Flying into the sky.

Now that I have the strength, it’s time to get down to business.

Now that I'm looking for it, how did those people target Li Ke...

Illidan's mood was really complicated, so when he flew away, he spoke directly to Li Ke.

"We'll never be friends."

"I know that."

Li Ke did not shy away from this. In fact, he also figured it out during these times.

Luna is determined to marry Tyrande to herself.

You can tell by looking at Illidan's attitude. If there is even the slightest possibility that Tyrande will not carry out this matter, the other party will not have this attitude.

So I guess I really want to marry Tyrande.

It was impossible for him to let go of the night elves' power, and it was impossible for Tyrande to fail to carry out the moon god's orders.

This in itself is an endless loop.

Moreover, Luna did not do anything wrong in essence. Once the night elves did not join his forces, when his forces continued to exploit Kalim due to various conflicts...

The person who burns the tree may not be Sylvanas, but it is almost inevitable that the tree will be burned.

At that time, the night elves will only end up with the Indians.

This is inevitable, because he, Li Ke, will definitely participate in the war.

From this point of view, Luna's persistence is not incomprehensible.

However, Li Ke cares more about another good thing now.

He turned his head and looked in another direction.

"Come out, Kil'jaeden, I know you are here."

The next moment, footsteps sounded, and Kil'jaeden, who was almost as tall as him, appeared in front of Li Ke.

"You don't need to ask him to investigate how we dealt with you. In fact, our plan is very simple."

Kil'jaeden smiled and snapped his fingers, and then a coffee table and a pot of tea appeared in front of Li Ke.

"The two of us will fight on the battlefield of refreshments, while Archimonde will fight with the people of this world. When the outcome is finally determined, we can just make a choice. After all, I believe that no matter what we have to offer, No matter what the means, you have a way to crack it, so I just came here myself."

As Kil'jaeden spoke, he walked to the chair and sat down quietly. In this area that was theoretically the heart of the night elves, countless succubi and eredar dressed in cool clothes quickly appeared. , holding countless refreshments in hand.

Sit-in war?

Li Ke subconsciously thought of this, but didn't say anything. Instead, he sat directly in front of Kil'jaeden, because he really didn't expect Kil'jaeden to do this.

Kil'jaeden also picked up the teapot himself and poured Li Ke a cup of tea that did not exist on Azeroth.

Li Ke looked at the red tea soup and couldn't help but laugh.

"It seems like you guys really value me."

A big boss from the legion was specially assigned to look at him. It can't be said that he didn't take him seriously.

Kil'jaeden nodded. After the Legion's surveillance magic detected Li Ke's appearance, he arrived immediately and had no intention of letting Li Ke come to Felwood to launch an attack.

Because once Li Ke moves, the currently relatively sparse demon troops are not enough for Li Ke to kill alone.

"You can understand it this way, but there is actually another reason why I came in person."

Passing the tea to Li Ke, Kil'jaeden chuckled.

"Please say."

Li Ke took it politely. Kil'jaeden had always had a good attitude towards him and was the kind of person who could cooperate, so he tried his best to remain polite.

"Why do you care so much about this barren planet?"

Kil'jaeden asked word for word.

If Sargeras was the only one who was obsessed with this world, then he wouldn't have any doubts.

After all, a powerful well with endless energy is still very powerful, and the boss of his family has never had a very good temper. It is normal for him to hold a grudge after being beaten.

But as he got closer to the Well of Eternity and the World Tree, he had more and more doubts.

He felt more and more that Sargeras had hidden a lot of things about Azeroth from them, and this world was obviously different from other worlds.

Difference in attitude.

Moreover, Li Ke obviously knew the truth of this matter.

He's here for this.

(End of this chapter)

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