Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 644 Malfurion’s World

Chapter 644 Malfurion’s World

Both of these things were unacceptable to Malfurion, but there was no doubt that he knew that his dream was not just a random thing.

When a person's strength reaches a certain level, it becomes difficult to dream.But once you have a dream, it is probably a prophetic dream.

This is especially true for someone like him who has a very deep connection with the Emerald Dream. His dreams are almost like things that actually happen in this world.

Now he dreamed of Cenarius being hacked to death by an orc, and of Tyrande marrying a man from a race he had never heard of called humans, under the light of Nordrassil.

To be honest, he didn't want to believe it, but when he woke up, he naturally told him that Cenarius was really dead, so Tyrande...

It's probably true that Tyrande is going to marry someone else.

Malfurion was silent for a while, he was mentally prepared for this.

No matter how gentle and kind Tyrande is, no matter how passionate she is about her race, no matter how responsible she is.

She is also a normal woman, a gentle and lovely woman, and a woman who needs protection.She has been watching over him for 1 years, what else can he ask for?

It was him who failed her.

It's normal for her to have needs, and it's normal for her to want a child. Although she heals the world in the Emerald Dream, it's not impossible for her to come out occasionally.

It's just that he is very eager to repair the world. Compared to this world, their love is not very important.

Although both Tyrande and the world were important to him, if he really had to choose, Malfurion knew that he would not decisively choose Tyrande instead of the world like Illidan.

He will decisively choose to save the world, because they are not the only ones living in this world, there are other people and other lives living in it.

This is why he has always been worried that Tyrande will not choose him.


After sleeping for 1 years and never meeting Tyrande once, he knew that he was sorry for Tyrande, so if Tyrande really chose someone else, he would accept it.

Although this would be painful, Malfurion knew that this was the best outcome.

The world's trauma has not yet fully recovered, and he still needs to go to the Emerald Dream to help repair it, while Tyrande must continue to survive in the real world.

He has nothing to give the other person.

If the man named Li Ke whom he dreamed about in his dream was someone he could entrust, he would choose to let go.

Like his brother Illidan, he will continue to protect this world, a world where Tyrande and other people live.

So after only two or three seconds of silence, Malfurion got out of this trouble and looked in the direction of Cenarius's body.

"But now, it's time to save Cenarius."

He stretched out his hand and picked up the staff that had not been used for 1 years. This staff had even taken root and sprouted and became a big tree. But the moment he stretched out his hand, the big tree quickly grew. Shrinking, from the time he stretched out his hand to the short time he held the staff, a towering tree disappeared.

He walked out of his cave, waved his staff, and entered the illusory Emerald Dream. Then in the next moment, relying on the door of the Emerald Dream, he came to the small dream door closest to Cenarius's body.

The next moment, this powerful druid waved his arm and turned into a raven, soaring in the sky.

His speed was very fast, even the fastest falcon could not catch up with his speed, so he quickly arrived at the battlefield in Ashen Valley.

However, the battlefield he saw was a messy battlefield. There were no demons or corpses of night elves, but only the strong power of the Moon God that had not escaped for the time being.

He quickly landed and came to the body of a demon shining with the light of the moon god, and examined it carefully.

Stretching out his hand, he picked up a fragment of the demon armor. Malfurion could clearly feel that the power of the Moon God had filled the fragment of the armor, and the evil power inside was gone. As long as a skilled blacksmith understood it, Once you know the properties of this demonic metal, you can easily use this metal to forge a sacred blade belonging to the Moon God.

But that is, these fragments are all over the ground, and without exception they are fragments of the devil's armor, and no one collects them.

This is a very unbelievable thing for the night elves. It is obvious that the evacuation was too hasty, so there was no time to collect them.But he raised his head and looked at the densely packed demon corpses around him. Looking at the tens of thousands of demon corpses, he couldn't help but be speechless.

"This is indeed the power of the Moon God, but even Tyrande can't do it to this extent, right?"

Although this was the first demon corpse he inspected, when he transformed into the Storm Raven, he could see very clearly that there were countless such battlefields in the distant forest.

Tyrande can summon a meteor with the power of the moon god, but it requires her constant prayers and guidance. It cannot move during the process and requires a large number of people to protect it.

But this...

"Is the person who did all this the Li Ke in my dream?"

Malfurion closed his eyes. In his dream, he did not see Li Ke's appearance. He only saw a man filled with the power of the moon god holding a wedding with Tyrande.

Then he woke up because of too much fear.

"If he is such a devout and incredible believer in the Moon God, it should be a good thing for Tyrande."

Sighing, Malfurion stood up. He couldn't get any more clues here.

However, the moment he stood up, he felt the plants around him growing.

But it is not a natural plant, but a withered, bright red plant with the idea of ​​​​plundering everything...

The vines of the bloodthirsty tree!

He narrowed his eyes, clenched the staff in his hand, and waved it violently with the infinite power of nature. The next moment, the devastated land was quickly covered by countless flowers and green grass, and countless large The tree trembled and stretched out its branches. Countless tree vines also joined the battle, strangled with the bloodthirsty trees that were quietly expanding their territory.

But Malfurion was extremely shocked in his heart, because the power was obviously the power of nature and dreams, but it was so withered and dirty. What the hell is this!
And just as he was looking around, trying to find the mastermind among the vines of these bloodthirsty trees, a voice rang out.

"Malfurion, we meet again. Why, you look surprised?"

A guy with horns on his head and countless scales and features on his body, who looked more like a goat, slowly walked out of the woods. Wherever he passed, all the trees, flowers and plants began to wither and decay, and then It quickly turned into a bloodthirsty tree!

This was undoubtedly the power of dreams and nature, but for Malfurion, the most shocking thing was the person he saw!

The magician who once presided over the summoning of Sargeras!

He immediately tightened his hold on his staff, looked at this heinous sinner, and couldn't help but ask. "Xavius! How is this possible! You should have been sealed!"

But his surprised look made Xavius ​​couldn't help but feel angry.

For him, ever since the Bloodthirsty Tree was planted in his body by Malfurion, or the arrow made from the branches of the Bloodthirsty Tree that Shandris shot into his body sprouted and grew. After that, he would always remember Malfurion.

Whether he is enduring the pain of these damn plants growing in his body and devouring his own flesh and blood, maintaining himself under this pain, or whether he is constantly mastering the power of this tree and constantly absorbing it for 1 years. The power of nature and the Emerald Dream has only one purpose.

Take control of the world and take revenge on Malfurion!

However, after he had paid so much, made so many sacrifices and preparations, Malfurion actually asked such a question?
1 years, how many 1 years can a person have, but even now, his body is still suffering from the pain of the bloodthirsty tree!

He couldn't help laughing wildly.

For himself and for Malfurion's arrogance.

"Hahahahaha!!! I was sealed, but you see, in order to see you again, Malfurion, I worked hard to survive, and I got power you can't imagine!"

He is now powerful enough to fight Malfurion, but he will not do so because he has to do another thing.

"I really want to take revenge on you personally, but unfortunately, the most important thing is to execute the plan... However, I won't be too disappointed. Come on, Malfurion, let me see if you can take revenge on yourself My master also did it!"

He summoned the great existence that was contaminated by himself, and at this time, Malfurion felt an angry and greedy will awaken from the dream.

And he is very familiar with this will. It was the other person who taught him this path 1 years ago!

"No, no...no!"

He couldn't help but want to deny that if Cenarius was just killed, then he would have a way to resurrect him, but if Cenarius's soul was also corrupted——

But the thing he least expected to see happened!
Countless dead branches behind Xavius ​​quickly gathered together. The next moment, these branches suddenly spread out, revealing a gray and defeated god with the upper body of a night elf and the lower body of a deer.

There is no doubt that this is Cenarius, but at this time Cenarius no longer has the holiness of the past.

The ever-blooming flowers on his body turned into sharp thorns, a large circle of bright red vines wrapped around his neck, and the color of evil energy flowed from his deer.And the ground trampled by the sacred deer's hooves no longer grows flowers, but bright red tree vines that greedily absorb all the power around them!The huge antlers also turned into bright red, sharp blades like tree branches!

And those eyes full of wisdom lost all their luster at this time, so that Malfurion could only feel tyranny and greed in them!

"Swallow! Everything!"

The tainted and corrupted Cenarius roared out, and he raised his arms towards Malfurion. The next moment, Malfurion was entangled by countless huge vines, and his hands and feet were tightly bound. 's bundled together.

But Malfurion did not scream, but stared at Xavius.


He roared out, nature trembled under his will, the earth began to shake, and the storm began to gather. When the leader who once saved Azeroth wanted to save Azeroth again, Azeroth gave him respond.

Such terrifying power made Xavius ​​feel frightened. He then realized that the little power he had gained was nothing in front of Malfurion who had the help of natural power. However, he watched the other party gnash his teeth, but he just didn't want to. He couldn't help but laugh at the way Cenarius took action.

"Hahaha... I just like your look! Malfurion! I have been waiting for this day for 1 years! Let me see! How are you going to deal with your teacher!"

His confidence is Cenarius!

Cenarius did not speak. Although the aura on his body had changed, the power of the wilderness demigod was still unmatched. He waved his arms, and more violent tremors appeared on the land, and Malfurion's power He was defeated in an instant!

Malfurion screamed. If he had just bombarded his teacher with the power of nature, he would have been able to directly destroy Cenarius, but this would also directly destroy Cenarius's chance of redemption, leaving him forever. Fall down.

So he must show weakness and make Xavius ​​feel that he has no ability to resist, so that he can save his teacher!

He closed his eyes, trying to pretend to be comatose, and then continue to use the power of nature to heal his teacher.

He could feel that his teacher's soul was still struggling, and Xavius ​​didn't know enough about the power of nature. He still had a chance!

But at this moment——

Butterflies appeared before his eyes.

No, not a butterfly, but a figure soaring in the sky with huge white wings of light!

what is that? !

But the next moment, the butterfly shining with moonlight suddenly fell down, and with him fell countless shooting stars.

Meteors continued to baptize the land, constantly bombarding the withered and unknown branches, and then the largest meteor instantly passed over the body of Xavius, who was still laughing wildly, and chopped off his head, leaving him His smile turned into confusion.

But the meteor did not stop. Instead, it slammed into Cenarius, who was constantly releasing spells and polluting nature. He knocked down the tall body and stepped on it.

Malfurion watched with his own eyes as the figure wrapped in the meteor raised the spear in his hand towards Cenarius who fell on the ground. The thick vines on his body fell off in an instant under Xavius's ghostly gaze, and he raised it hand, just to prevent the other party from killing Cenarius.

Countless thick vines swept over and grabbed the opponent's limbs. Malfurion didn't want to hurt anyone, but Cenarius could still be saved.

But what shocked him was that the man also raised his hand, and the next moment, the same tree vine appeared on the ground, colliding with the tree vine he summoned!
Is this man also a druid? !
Nature is responding to him!

Malfurion felt that the moment the opponent took action, he naturally abandoned himself and supported the opponent!

This is something he has never encountered before!
Even in this short period of time, the spear shining with the light of the moon god in his hand had already pierced Cenarius's chest!
"Do not!!"

At this moment, Malfurion felt that his world had become gray.

This was something I had never felt before when I thought Tyrande was dead, the pain of losing all hope!

 It's not that Malfurion doesn't care about Tyrande, but the Great Virtue does care more about the world.

  Tyrande fell in love with him because of this.

  Illidan actually lost because of his rudeness, arrogance, and lack of understanding of what Tyrande cared about.

  He thought Tyrande liked excellence, but that was not the case.

(End of this chapter)

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