Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 648 The Heart of the Philosopher King

Chapter 648 The Heart of the Philosopher King

To be honest, Li Ke felt that he could not do such a thing. Many of his bad habits were not changed by himself, but had to be changed due to actual needs.

If this is a bad habit, let alone feelings.

And Tyrande’s inner fluctuations are very interesting.

"It seems that I didn't have feelings for Illidan at the beginning. Is it just because Illidan deviated from the path of the night elves that he gave up decisively to prevent himself from suffering more torture?"

Li Ke looked at Tyrande's beautiful face and felt a clear understanding in his heart.

In fact, Illidan and Tyrande are the same person.

They will sacrifice everything for the path they choose.

He seems to be getting along well with Illidan, but in fact, the person Illidan wants to kill most now is Sargeras. The first person is definitely himself, and the second person, Sargeras, is 800 behind. Thousands of light years.

But the path he chose was one of strength and sacrificing everything for Tyrande's happiness.

He loved both power and Tyrande, but he couldn't let go of either.

Tyrande cares about love and her compatriots, but she cares more about her compatriots and her own beliefs.

Tyrande believed in the Moon God because of his compatriots and his own experiences. Li Ke knew this very well.

She is the kind of good person in the true sense, someone who is unwilling to endure or hesitate, who does whatever comes to her mind, and who does everything to the best of her ability once she confirms it.

"I'm afraid Malfurion also chose to leave silently because he understood Tyrande's character. Because for Tyrande, is it to follow the guidance of the moon god and lead the night elves to a more glorious future, or to embrace Focusing on her own love and happiness, watching the night elves decline is not a multiple-choice question for her at all..."

Feeling Tyrande's pure heart, Li Ke was a little silent. To a certain extent, the three people were too similar, and they were all very pure people.

He is not the same person as Li Ke. He has too many thoughts on his mind. Although he has invincible abilities, he is thinking about more things more often.

He knew that this was his bad habit, because it was caused by the time he traveled through time, but to be honest, some problems couldn't be changed. He could only wait for his relief or the change of the environment.

"Perhaps my problem will be cured after Azeroth wakes up and I am no longer a threat?"

Li Ke laughed at himself, then opened the spiritual link like Elune, and passed his spirit and his thoughts about the night elves to Tyrande.

During this period, there were a series of benefits he prepared for the night elves, as well as what the night elves needed to do, as well as the resurrection mechanism he conceived after the death of the night elves, and the unique way of contact that the night elves relied on in the Emerald Dream. All these things were passed on to Tyrande.

It also included Tyrande's rights and some of his immature thoughts, wanting to see what Tyrande meant.

After all, although the night elves are powerful now, no one may take action against the night elves in the future. Therefore, Li Ke felt that he must give the night elves an explanation in this regard in front of the Moon God, so Li Ke gave a lot of law enforcement measures. rights and seats in parliament.

After all, there is no way to stop the rise of industry and the further civilian use of magic. He, Li Ke, can see clearly that he is just the beginning. When this war comes, the people of Azeroth will show a performance that will stun everyone. of vitality.

Azeroth, which does not have a relatively clear path, can quickly grow to the point where it can blitz the Burning Legion, so if there is a relatively clear path, this matter is not a problem.

So it is very strange that Li Ke felt that he created the current situation at first, but now it seems that it may not be the current situation that created him.


At the next moment, Li Ke felt Tyrande's doubtful eyes and thoughts.

"Dear, why do you think I want to have independent rights? And don't you think that the Parliament is not a good thing for Azeroth. In the face of the Burning Legion, it is very necessary to have only one voice. Yes, and this person must and can only be you, a person who has Azeroth in mind and treats many races equally."

Tyrande held Li Ke's hand tightly. She read the series of information and rules passed by Li Ke. Although she was still a little clumsy in many cases after having been in power for tens of thousands of years, she understood Li Ke's political intentions. It's still very clear.

Li Ke treats her as a partner, not a wife.

But for Tyrande, this was unacceptable.

Li Ke is willing to consider the night elves and her. He is even willing to accept a formal marriage. It can be said to be extremely noble.

Then, as a wife, she must give her own response.

She doesn't like political things, and she never has. The only thing she likes is telling the moon god about the beautiful things in the world, practicing the moon god's guidance, and living with people who are worthy of respect and love.

She doesn't like rights, otherwise with the resources and power she has, she can directly become a queen instead of a priest.

She knew very well that she was not suitable as a leader, it was just that other people were even more unfit.

But now, Luna has given her a person who is suitable for doing these things, and this person, like herself, does not like politics and sees responsibilities rather than rights.

"I will control some of the power, and I will assist you, but I will not restrict the whereabouts of my compatriots. They have always been free. This has been the case for the past 1 years. I only teach according to the teachings of the Moon God. them, and encourage them when necessary.”

There was only sincerity in Tyrande's heart.

And Li Ke felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

Because Tyrande is serious!

She really feels that she is still just a priest!Not the Queen!What she should do is to make her compatriots abide by the teachings of the Moon God and become more morally noble.Instead of squandering the people's power and wealth like a queen.If there was someone more talented and trustworthy than her, she would happily give up her rights and position and concentrate on the priest's tasks.

As if feeling Li Ke's doubts, Tyrande further opened her heart, revealing her will to become Li Ke's qualified wife, and completely opening her memories and thoughts to Li Ke.

Although Li Ke still had reservations about her, she believed that with her long-term persistence, Li Ke would be willing to open his heart to her like her.

Li Ke quickly checked Tyrande's emotions and memories, and then became even more numb.

Tyrande has been thinking this for a long time!
Li Ke felt that his heart and brain were paralyzed for a moment. He was a little afraid to think about this.

In the past, he had always thought that Tyrande was lacking in ability, or because of some problem with the night elves, or some other things!
But the answer is so ridiculous? !

Tyrande is a philosopher king? !
Does she care more about the morality of her people and the lives of everyone rather than the prosperity of her own species?Your status in this world is more about morality than practical interests...

No, before I appeared, the night elves were the best in the world even if they didn't consider these things.

Li Ke's spirit was involved in this shocking fact. He really never thought of this possibility. Therefore, he immediately realized that he was using his familiar world view to think about other people's world view and outlook on life. .

"Well, is there anything wrong with paying attention to the morality of the people and asking them to reduce their desires and not do things that are harmful to nature and others?"

Tyrande asked in her heart.

Li Ke didn't know how to answer. He thought of a lot in an instant, and the complicated thoughts made Tyrande frown.

Because in Li Ke's thoughts, she saw a description.

Primitive people with nuclear fusion technology.A queen who demands her own morality too early, leading to stagnant development and being out of time?

Unlimited energy?

Could it be the Well of Eternity?
She doesn't like Li Ke's thinking about the night elves, because the reason why they remain in their current situation is because they have brought destruction to the world. It is also right for the night elves to give up the protagonist of the world stage.

After all, other races are not as powerful as them. They suffered more losses in that war, so they should be allowed to thrive better.

But she found that after her thoughts were read by Li Ke, Li Ke's thinking became even more chaotic.

Because Li Ke did not fully open his heart to her, she could only feel that among Li Ke's emotions were envy, unwillingness, regret, and hatred for their lack of effort, but more importantly, he was envious and distrustful of his ability to govern. and denial of vision.

However, he seems to like or admire people like himself?

Tyrande felt that she could not see Li Ke clearly. Even if she could sense the fluctuations of Li Ke's emotions and thoughts, she felt that Li Ke's thoughts were a bit complicated.

After all, the world is either black or white. The so-called gray is simply due to the lack of ability and morality of the person involved.

As long as the moral heart is firm enough, there will be no gray words.

But after thinking about this, Tyrande found that Li Ke's emotions became more complicated.

So she stretched out her hand, and in the gradually dissipating light of the Moon God, she placed her hand on Li Ke's chest, feeling the strong heartbeat.

"You're upset, honey."

She spoke in a very gentle tone. She knew from the Moon God that Li Ke was not even a fraction of her age, but in the exchange of thoughts just now, she could feel that the person in front of her also had a mature and mature person. Righteous soul.

I just think too much, worry too much, and have too many worldly desires.

Still needs growth and care.

Therefore, she stretched out her hand, hugged Li Ke's body, pulled his body into her arms, and then immediately felt the thoughts of satisfaction with her body transmitted from Li Ke.

She is a little funny, because she has always lived a pure and stoic life, so she loves Li Ke and her body more, and her complicated feelings about her soul and morality are a little funny. She can't help but feel that Li Ke is a child. After all, there is a sharp contrast in the body shape and age of the two people here.

'What a little kid...'


'You should call me honey. '

'You know I never thought about it that way, I just...'

'But couples should love each other, right?Although we must get married first before falling in love, I believe that a person who knows how to consider other people and races, a person who loves my body, likes and dislikes my soul, but maintains respect, must be a Someone who deserves to be loved. '

'I have another wife!And there will be more to come! '

'Loving someone doesn't require reciprocation, does it?And although you have a side that covets lust and beauty, but you don’t want more people to die than...'

'enough!This damn artifact! '

The two people exchanged ideas instantly, so Li Ke became a little angry, not only because Tyrande subconsciously regarded him as his son, but also because he unconsciously leaked a lot of information, so he immediately disconnected Tyrande. De's awareness of his emotions prevents this woman from knowing more information about him.

Yes, he was not so generous as to open his mind to Tyrande. He just opened up his emotions so that Tyrande could feel his emotions. But even so, Tyrande still found a lot. s things.

She is so sharp!
"I shouldn't have opened up some of my emotions to her out of politeness just now!"

So he became angry and asked a question directly.

"So, you want the night elves to remain the same as they were 1 years ago?"

Tyrande nodded slightly. She did not deny this. This was something she did deliberately, and she gave her own answer before Li Ke asked.

"Our eternal life comes so easily."

In the eyes of other night elves, the immortality of the night elves is their reward for protecting the world, but in the eyes of Tyrande and those who know the truth, immortality is also their shackles, an eternal sentence that they need to serve the world.

The reason why the Burning Legion came to this world was not only because their beloved Queen Azshara insisted on having her own way, but also because the night elves were eager to go further at the time.

Because before Azshara abandoned most of her people, the night elves actually supported the queen, and many people still respect Queen Azshara now.

She even had mixed feelings towards Azshara. If she had not served the Moon God when she was young, she would have agreed to Queen Azshara's invitation without hesitation, becoming her maid, and even personally touched the queen's body and accepted her favor. .

Therefore, the sins of the Burning Legion are something they cannot deny, and the reason why the world fell apart later was even more because of them.

"We are guilty of this world, Li Ke. Eternity is not only a blessing, it is also our shackles, our shackles, reminding us of what we have done and why we resisted."

Tyrande gently held Li Ke's cheek and looked at Li Ke with soft, motherly eyes.

"So we should be humble and abide by the path guided by the moon god, shoulder the responsibility of walking on the truly correct path, and guide the people who follow us so that they will not make the same mistakes as us."

She lowered her head and kissed Li Ke's lips.

But Li Ke didn't feel the taste of lust.

Because he suddenly understood Illidan.

It is indeed easy for Tyrande, a woman, to become the White Lotus in the hearts of others. She will be a perfect priest, a perfect philosopher, a perfect moral pioneer, and even a perfect wife and girlfriend, because after she identifies something, There will be no hesitation in her heart and she is willing to make any sacrifices for this.

He didn't have to worry about Tyrande losing her virginity or anything like that.

But only...

She would not be a good leader for this era.

 Tyrande, this tough bitch, is really innocent... I can only describe her like this.

  After all, she cares more about her identity as a priest than her identity as a wife, queen, or leader. 7.0 The scene where the husband goes straight to kill the corrupted Ysela who attacked the temple is a super classic.

  But she has no intention of becoming a queen, otherwise the society of the night elves would not be so loose, and the druids would help anyone. Just one person could recruit a group of people to work alone.

  That can only be the Philosopher King. After all, Tyrande's background and experience, it is not outrageous to have such an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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