Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 661 Duel Invitation

"What kind of future are we facing?"

Kael'thas has been thinking about this since surrendering to the Burning Legion.

Ever since Alsace destroyed their pride and left them waiting to die here, he had become confused.

A kind of confusion of not knowing where to go.

He did not have the ability to rebuild a Sunwell, and there was no such treasure that could replace the Sunwell to support the entire high elves.

The high elves have never had the so-called habit of saving, let alone the habit of storing the seemingly endless magic power in the past.

After all, at that time, they had a mountain of magic and a sea of ​​magic. Even if they spent their entire lives, they would not be able to spend all the magic.

Energy-consuming equipment is everywhere. In order to support the nobles of the high elves, there are even smart magic puppets dedicated to the toilet.

But now it's all gone, the arrogant and luxurious things are gone.

In order to open the portal, the Burning Legion forcibly took over all the energy in the Sunwell, leaving only the evil for them to absorb.

However, not everyone can control evil energy, so only a small number of elites can absorb evil energy, and most of the remaining people suffer from insufficient supply of magic energy.

Those soldiers who lived far away from the Sunwell, the Sentinels, were better off. Although they were uncomfortable, they were not driven crazy.

But not the residents of Silvermoon City... let alone the mages who have been immersed in magic. Evil energy requires extremely high energy control capabilities on the part of the absorber. If there is no special way to absorb energy, if the energy is absorbed rashly, insufficient control will lead to the death of the absorber.

Many hungry and thirsty mages have died due to forcibly absorbing evil energy.

In front of him were several elves who died because they were not careful enough when absorbing evil energy.

But just when he was melancholy, the elf on the side spoke.

"Isn't this great? Your Majesty."

The elf who spoke, the arcane light in her eyes completely disappeared, replaced by green light. Not only that, the other party's lips turned completely black, and countless green lights appeared on her cheeks. of cracks.

But Kael'thas knew that this was not all the mutations shown by the other party. There must be similar cracks on the other party's body, and although the other party could still maintain that his skin would not grow strange crystals and scales, But there must have been a lot of herpes and burns, and even some diseases appeared on her body.

Evil energy is a very dangerous energy that can enhance your strength, stimulate the potential in your body, and even make you immortal.

But it will also make your body and soul become extreme, your personality will be greatly changed, becoming extreme and brilliant, and you will tend to think in extreme ways when thinking about problems.

He disliked this situation quite a bit, but he also knew that if he didn't absorb the evil energy, the other party wouldn't even be alive now.

The other party is a powerful mage, and his thirst for energy exceeds that of most civilians. After Archimonde completely transformed the Sunwell, he can only absorb evil energy if he wants to absorb energy. Pure arcane energy is now extremely powerful. It is rare, so an individual like her who is extremely dependent on energy cannot endure it for just one day.

Moreover, there are reasons for this. Because they announced their surrender to the legion, these people feel that they will follow the legion in the future, and they will naturally move closer to their own route.

This is inevitable...

Kael'thas felt melancholy for a while.

In a daze, he could still recall the other party's charming face and gentle personality, but now, this once gentle botanist who didn't even want to harm butterflies, when he saw the corpse, the look in his eyes showed It's disdainful and cruel.

However, the other party was still saying things that she couldn't say before.

"The Sunwell has now become a source of evil energy. Under such circumstances, we must make a choice."

There was malice in her eyes, and under the influence of evil energy, she began to hate everyone.

"Li Ke is treacherous and unwilling to help us. Humanity has completely ignored the covenant. The only one who can save us is the Legion, and naturally we can only absorb evil energy to continue our life and glory..."

Her words made Kael'thas feel complicated. Because the Sunwell was transformed into a source of evil energy, he was now quite irritable, and he began to become extreme and emotional when thinking about things.

Only near the Wall of Eternal Dawn could he barely maintain his inner self.

But he didn't have the face to stay next to the wall of holy light.

Because he must condemn Li Ke, just like the botanist, he must condemn Li Ke for not saving them. Otherwise, many people will be unwilling to attach themselves to the legion, which will lead to the legion not trusting them and the legion not trusting them.

It is they who perish.

Moreover, Alsace's words were not without effect.

Kael'thas is not a fool. If you think about it carefully, you can analyze that Li Ke really wants what Arthas said.

He deliberately sat back and watched their decline, and deliberately watched their Sunwell be polluted. Arthas was just his pawn.

Li Ke's real purpose is to control the world.

It is to completely annex the elves.

At first, he could look at this matter with a normal heart, but when he looked at his compatriots who died, and at those who had lost due to the lack of arcane energy...


Kael'thas looked at the body of a child. His small body was huddled together, full of fear, as if he couldn't believe that evil energy could harm him. His young body was covered with burns and herpes. Let Kael'thas know that this child definitely died after being tortured by evil energy!

Clenching his fist tightly, he knew that the most important thing he should do now was to order to stop letting his people absorb evil energy. But now that there is no arcane energy, it is okay in the short term. In the long term, these children will be the same. will die.

"We must make a choice, Your Majesty the Prince..."

Instead of calling him His Highness, Kael'thas was called His Majesty again. The botanist's words were no longer crazy, but revealed a calm sadness.

"No matter how many casualties there are, we still have to adapt to evil energy and coexist with evil energy. After all, we have no choice, right?"

She stretched out her hand. There were fine lines on it, which were caused by her skin lesions. But soon, these fine lines would turn into devil's scales, and they would no longer be as white, tender and smooth as before.

Kael'thas remembered what a beautiful woman the other party was. Her skin could even reflect golden light under the sunlight, and she was called the Golden Goddess.

But now, the other party's appearance was destroyed and his skin was burned by evil energy.

And the reason for all this is just to survive.


Kael'thas closed his eyes, and other people quickly carried away the bodies of those who died because of absorbing evil energy. When Kael'thas opened his eyes again, there was something in his eyes. It is already the light of evil energy.

Then he issued his own order.

"Pass my order and let experienced mages help others absorb evil energy."

There are endless demons, and Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are extremely powerful. With the Sunwell, their armies are endless.

Looking at the fel battleships in the sky, Kael'thas knew that he had no choice but to do this.

If they want to live, they can only make passive choices.

Even if it’s not the choice you want!

Under his order, countless mages began to take to the streets to teach people how to absorb evil energy. However, due to the ferocity of evil energy, more elves died and were disabled, but Kael'thas could only pretend that he could not see it.

Because he has no choice.

The next morning, Kael'thas opened his eyes with melancholy. He drank a lot of wine last night, but he couldn't let himself forget the grief and his own powerlessness, but the moment he opened his eyes.

A ray of holy light that penetrates the sky and the earth shines from the City of Eternal Dawn, connecting heaven and earth.

He staggered back subconsciously. At this time, he could no longer look directly at the bright and upright holy light, not only because of the evil energy in his body, but also because of the guilt and guilt in his heart.

But he had to look directly at the light, because it was undoubtedly Li Ke's power, the holy light displayed by Li Ke!
  And the next moment, a door opened.

The sky brightened suddenly. The light of the City of Eternal Dawn suddenly brightened, and a huge door suddenly opened. The next moment, Kael'thas saw Li Ke holding the Holy Spear, and countless troops.

The most important thing is the dragon.


Five giant dragons of different colors and sizes roared and flew out of the portal. Their mouths kept spitting out flames of various colors, burning all the demons outside Silver Moon City.

A large area of ​​the demons' position was quickly cleared, and then he saw countless tall elves with violet skin, waving swords, roaring and a group of demigods with huge power. The way they rushed out together.

"Kill those reptiles! Quick!"

The Abyss Demon King blocking the entrance of Silver Moon City roared and waved his halberd, trying to intercept the charging coalition forces, but the next moment, the anger of the five-color dragon surged in, and the violent flames instantly destroyed all of them. The registration number of the Abyss Demon King was bombarded into rubbish!

Then, Malorne, who had been strengthened by the Moon God with Li Ke and had the same power as Archimonde, also rushed out with a huge wolf and began to charge.

Everywhere they passed was turned into ruins, and countless demons fell to the ground.

Kael'thas's fists clenched.

  The reinforcements he longed for arrived.

Why did you come?
  Why are you here?

Do reinforcements at this time have any significance?

There was a confused look in his eyes. He had already joined the Burning Legion regardless of the cost. He had already contributed to the Sunwell. Their sacrifice and betrayal had been so great. How could he turn back?

And will the life of Azeroth allow them to turn back?
  "Li Ke...Li Ke, Li Ke!!"

Kael'thas grabbed his sheets and roared at the top of his lungs. He resented Li Ke and Alsace, but what he resented most was his powerlessness!

Otherwise, what else can we do, accuse our own citizens of being too arrogant and unwilling to be treated as dogs by others?

But even in the best case scenario, they are just dogs for Li Ke!

Therefore, his eyes crossed the battlefield and those who were still fighting, and saw Li Ke.

This is the power of the holy light illusion, and also the power of magic,

He hoped to see a successful smile on Li Ke's face, hoped to see joy on the other person's face, and hoped to see the arrogance of a villain who succeeds in his success.

But what did he see?
  Li Ke's face was full of sadness, helplessness, and determination.

Li Ke was very sad. His eyes saw what happened during this period because of the City of Eternal Dawn. The holy light spread slowly in front of his eyes. He saw Kael'thas's groveling and his respect for Al. Thass's humiliation saw the other party's subservience to Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, the resistance of the elves, and the fact that Kael'thas wanted to resist, but had to give up the resistance and accept the pain of evil energy. and entangled.

So at this moment, his eyes also came into contact with Kael'thas. He was a little afraid to look into Kael'thas's eyes, because the other party's current miserable situation had more or less its own reasons.

Whether he sat back and watched the city be destroyed, or was manipulated by the Moon God, causing Archimonde and Kil'jaeden to fight in the Sunwell, it was all caused by him.

Although he gathered as many reinforcements as possible and arrived as quickly as possible, it was not unreasonable to put the blame on him.

He will not deny the backbones and flesh of the people he has trampled on along the way.

In fact, the only difference between Kael'thas and Tyrande, and high elves and night elves, is that Tyrande and night elves really have a background that allows Li Ke to cooperate, while Kael'thas and high elves do not. .

But he is still so arrogant.

So they bear all the misery.

Therefore, he couldn't help but pity Kael'thas, and couldn't help but feel sad that the other party had a friend like him.

The other party treats him sincerely, but he wants to destroy his country and his family.

It is indeed a misfortune to have a friend like myself.

Friends are supposed to help each other, but unfortunately, while they are friends, they are also leaders of their respective sides.

A leader who will work hard for the dignity, tradition and pursuit of his own force.

Personal friendship cannot shake the interests between forces.

Kael'thas was in agony trying to preserve the lives of the elves, and he had to work hard to preserve the world.

Essentially the same.

However, the paths that can be chosen are different.

Kael'thas will not give up on the high elves. As long as he is alive, the high elves will never bow their heads and will never be willing to give up the Sunwell to him as an industrial and energy base. There will always be people who can use him. In the name of rebellion.

Therefore, even if he is his friend, even if he can't bear it anymore.

He must also let him die.

Die with infamy.

This is the sin and scar that I must bear as a leader.

"I will bear this sin and let the elves live happily."

Li Ke looked at Kael'thas, and his eyes conveyed this information.

Kael'thas was stunned. He looked at Li Ke and Li Ke's sad face. After being stunned for a while, he understood everything.

He laughed out loud and couldn't help but laugh wildly. He vaguely understood why Alsace acted so funny and angry when he heard Li Ke's name.

Now he understands.

He pulled out the Flame Strike that he had recast, and the decadence on his body had completely disappeared. At this moment, the prince of the high elves finally no longer had to hesitate between giving up his dignity or sticking to it, and he no longer had to think about surrendering to Burning. The legion still had to rebel and suffer.

Because an unprecedented enemy that requires his full attention, an enemy more hateful than the Burning Legion and Arthas, has appeared!

He will never give up the power to make his people happy!

"Li Ke!!! Stand up! Face me!"

He roared out, and the entire Silver Moon City could hear his roar.

"I will fight for Quel'Thalas! Fight for the dignity of my people! I will never surrender!"

He regained his high spirits, regained his confidence and composure!

"Did you hear that?! Li Ke! I will never give in!"

Kael'thas raised the sword in his hand, violent flames rose behind him, and a huge phoenix formed entirely of fire elements rose from his back, exuding boundless power.


Li Ke looked at the crazy Kael'thas, clenched the holy spear in his hand, and nodded slightly.

"I heard."

and so……

He said his notice indifferently, and the holy light spread out behind him, forming wings of light.

"I'll take care of you with my own hands."

Sorry for being late, so there are 700 more words =-=

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