Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 665 Azeroth’s Awakening

Chapter 665 Azeroth’s Awakening

What does this feel like?

Li Ke didn't know, because the moment he made this decision, Li Ke's will was annihilated under the observation of others.

In other words, it is almost annihilated.

How old is the universe? How long can the memory of life last?

As long as the hard drive technology is powerful enough, all the data and information on a person from birth will be nothing more than a piece of fingernail-sized stuff.

And when he called on the will of the six forces, he summoned the power of Azeroth to himself as much as possible.

Memory, along with power, comes.

The memory of the universe.

The dance of every grain of dust, the battle of the six forces in every grain of dust, every moment of the creation of the universe, the flow of light and the breathing of the planet.

The birth of a galaxy and the evolution and energy changes of every particle of dust in the galaxy.

The rotation of the six forces and the waves of chaos stirred by the external forces of the universe.

The memory of the universe only unfolded a corner of Li Ke's soul, and Li Ke's will was completely dispersed.

It's not far from a collapse. His will still exists, but every time he thinks about it, it takes millions of billions of years:

Every node that constitutes his will is washed away by endless memories, and the interval between each node, converted into human time, is a year measured in hundreds of millions.

The interval between the last second and the next second in his memory is based on tens of billions of years, and is a continuous interval.

There are even residual memories of the previous universe.

The memory of the world connected to this universe, the memory of the inner universe, the memory of dimensions.

It is impossible for mortal will to compete with the will existing in these memories.

He felt like he had become Sargeras, the Lord of the Void, the Naaru, everything.

Therefore, his will 'disappeared'.

In other words, completely integrated into it all.

But his soul still exists, or in other words, the soul material that nourished his will still exists, and all the soul power of Azeroth he absorbed was also stripped away in the process. Just because of his own emotional changes, he The real soul is indeed a little bigger than when he first arrived.

However, something beyond what Li Ke had imagined occurred.

The Six Forces did not intend to occupy his body, but showed a curious expression.

Yes, curious.

Curious about his existence, curious about his world, curious about what other worlds are like.

They didn't mean to compete with each other, they were just curious about what the other person looked like, so they changed their appearance.

But it can also be said to be a fight, because no one can say whether they really have a will, and no one can deny that they have a will, but they do not have the slightest interest in Li Ke's soul.

Li Ke can indeed let them win, but this is not in line with their 'will'. For them, Li Ke is a hole, a hole that allows them to go anywhere, a hole that can satisfy their 'curiosity' .

Maybe this is just a point of view, after all, the most important thing is——

‘Li Ke’ opened his eyes.

Everything in the world has stopped moving at this time, time, matter, everything has no meaning in her eyes, everything will become reality because of her thoughts.

The world to her.

Just a plaything.

Looking at the world, looking at the clone of Sargeras, that weak brother, who was about to hit her with the sword blade, she smiled softly, stretched out her finger, and pointed at the long sword. above.

So the next moment.

The sword turned into flowers and began to spread out around, but Sargeras' will found nothing.

Maybe, just maybe, if his true body was here, he might be able to see what the other party had done, but at this moment, it was simply not enough to see only part of his soul and part of his original power.

At this time, 'Li Ke' was very curious about this world. She kept observing everything in this world, looking at every flower and tree in this world, and she didn't understand why these six original forces must completely occupy this world. Occupy this reality, change this reality.

But she also understood that this was the reason why the six forces occupied this world.

Every force likes and loves this world from the bottom of their hearts.

This is hatred born of love.

It is also a problem that arises due to the differences in life forms.

But the world never has real answers.

Unless there is an absolutely powerful observer.

So she laughed softly.

"Hello World."

She opened her arms. Although she could not live in Li Ke's body for a long time, she did appear in this world relying on Li Ke's power and the purest force called by Li Ke. , woke up from his own hazy dream, from his own embryo.

So, she said what she wanted to say most.

"I am coming."

The next moment, the planet began to change, but there seemed to be no changes. Only some subtle things had changed. Even the lowest power of the world, the will of the six original forces, had not noticed any changes. It's as if this change has been there from the beginning.

But with just this movement, Li Ke's body began to shatter, starting from his hands, and turned into golden spots of light.

"It's so fragile."

"Li Ke" looked a little sad as he looked at his hand that turned into a light point and disappeared, and his voice turned into a girl's voice at some point.

If possible, she really doesn't want to return to that chaotic posture, and the body's will should not be hurt and exhausted anymore. She should find his will after she solves everything, and then Let him enjoy all the beauty in his own world.

But it is a pity that she can change the entire universe and rewrite the rules of the world, but she cannot change Li Ke's soul.

Not impossible.

But unwilling.

She can completely annihilate Li Ke's soul and will, and then make Li Ke's soul strong and become a part of herself, allowing herself to wake up from her comatose state immediately and take control of the world.

But she was unwilling to do this, because if she did, Li Ke would completely disappear from this world, and there would be no possibility of waking up.

"The only one who can change myself is myself. This is what you taught me, so..."

Looking at the world reluctantly, she knew that if she returned to her real body, even if she woke up in the future, her strength would not be as strong as it is now.

Li Ke's ability is a very convenient tool for her.

Moreover, her will will become chaotic and irrational again, which will even make Li Ke afraid of another spiritual connection with her, and he who has lost his independent reason will have no ability to restrain his own power. to hurt him.

Only one of the two people's wills can awaken before she truly grows up.

However, this is not her body after all, and she is not willing to give up Li Ke's life.

Li Ke was not her child, he was the one who saved her, the one who woke her up, and the one who gave everything he had to prevent her from dying.

She won't do that.

After all, she can still do this even without Li Ke.

And she needs a partner.

Sargeras can't do it, he is a madman and wants to kill himself.

Neither can the other Titans, who just want her to be like them.

Not even the Six Forces, they also hope that they can become like them.

Only Li Ke, only Li Ke has a will to hope, hoping that she will be what she is, what she hopes to be.

"Wake up, even though you won't remember anything."

She hid the memory in Li Ke's soul and erased the will attached to the memory and information, so that Li Ke's will could wake up and no longer be unable to think.

But doing so made her will gradually become hazy. As she pulled away more things that did not belong to Li Ke's body and cut off the will of the Six Forces, her will became more and more hazy. Even at the end, she was unable to control her emotional power and let her emotions flood Li Ke's soul again. Just because she instinctively felt that Li Ke didn't like this, she used her emotional power as much as possible. of recovery.

But because of this action, she couldn't even restore Li Ke's injuries.

Now she needs to abide by the rules of the universe.

However, even so, she has not forgotten one thing, and even when her will was hazy at the end, she still conveyed a sober message.

"Go away!"

This was spoken to the avatar of Sargeras.

The order of the master of the universe was fulfilled instantly, and after this moment, the will of Azeroth was completely severed from Li Ke, and the will of the six original powers also dissipated from Li Ke's body.

The seven wills left, leaving only a soul riddled with holes, and a will that woke up dazed, with all the secrets hidden in its soul.

"What happened?"

Li Ke only remembered that he tried his best to fight Sargeras. He was preparing to perform an operation, regardless of whether Sargeras was dead or not, he was dead anyway, and he pulled all the will of Azeroth and the six forces into his body in one breath.

In this way, even if the Six Forces do not take action personally and are completely controlled by the will of Azeroth, they will directly hammer Sargeras's clone to the ground and successfully save the world. After all, the suffering in Azeroth is basically due to Sargeras.

As for why he had to fucking explode.

after all--

If you mess up something yourself, you have to take responsibility for it.

He, Li Ke, is not despicable enough to let others pay such a price for him.

Moreover, he really had no other choice at that time. What would he do if Sargeras personally committed suicide? In his situation, if he contacted Azeroth, he would definitely die. If he didn't contact him, he would definitely die. Of course, it would be more refreshing to break up with him. .

Don't underestimate his martial ethics!

And even if he dies, as long as this world is alive, his shadow will still exist in this world, and there will still be people who follow his path and keep trying.

His name will be passed down forever, and it will be included in movies and TV series. In the future, people of Azeroth will write about themselves in novels. There will definitely be a place for him in playing games, and he will at least be a five-star player in the card pool.

Although there is a high probability that you will not be able to protect your lower body when entering the card pool, and your penis will even be very large. It is either a saintly woman or a female ghost character, or it is a matriarchal or strong sister-type character. In short, it is very A questionable type.

But people, being able to get to this point is pretty good.

Besides, although he felt that there was definitely someone behind the scenes, it was true that he underestimated Sargeras' determination.

Because his special feature is that he does not need to consume too much energy to enter Azeroth, and no one else can. However, Sargeras sent a powerful body that was enough to kill him, without breaking his muscles or bones. I will never believe it. But he never expected that Sargeras would rather break his muscles and bones, and even suffer from hemiplegia and chop him alive.

Who in the family understands?

Li Ke doesn't understand why Sargeras did this even when he thinks about it now. After all, according to the plot, Mr. Sargeras is almost there. Thinking rationally, it's completely unnecessary!

Do you think so highly of Li Ke?

Oh, he's crazy.

That's fine.

"I actually fucking think a guy can think about the pros and cons..."

Li Ke slapped himself in the face.

But an expected error is an expected error.

He takes the blame for himself, and although it feels uncomfortable to die, it is enough for him to be able to take revenge and improve the lives of everyone around him.

Although the boss lady didn't want the other party to see her current self, so she never dared to resurrect, but he, Li Ke, also knew that Denathius, the bastard, definitely held this trump card.

This is also the reason why the other party dares to jump like this in front of him and is not worried that Li Ke will enter the Shadow Realm and cause trouble for him.

Just thinking of the boss's wife, Li Ke sighed.

That was the person he finally truly accepted and was accepted for who he was on Azeroth.

There is actually nothing to say about the relationship. An abandoned person on the bad street met a kind and hard-working woman.

That's all.

And if she dies after saving Azeroth, then even for the sake of Azeroth, her life will not be bad.

Whether it is Tyrande or anyone else, although they are alive, they will probably fight for various reasons, especially Onyxia. If Li Ke dies, the other party will definitely go back and kill Jennifer immediately.

But in the afterlife, someone will definitely treat them well, at least they will be treated like a civil servant.

No one dares to bet whether Azeroth will avenge Li Ke in the future.

As for the issue of heirs, Li Ke doesn't care anymore.

As long as the Dragon Clan recognizes him, someone will walk in his name, Li Ke, so that the world will not forget him.

but no matter.

He, Li Ke, had no option to survive.

"So what's the situation now?"

Li Ke, who couldn't remember what happened at all, was full of questions. Although his current state was almost like death, that is, his will was still awake and his soul was broken into eight petals. Although it was not an irrecoverable injury, .

But after this wave, I will have to lie down for a year and a half.

It is rare to say that damage to the soul is the most troublesome, and it is impossible to rest for two or three years after repeated tossing.

But is it possible that Li Ke will rest for two or three years?

That must be impossible!

There are so many troubles in the world waiting for him to do, rest?

Gouba rests for a while, and when he is done resting, things will be terrible.

He wanted to rest, but others might not give him a chance. N'Zos and the others were the first to refuse! He must be trying to manipulate his mentality! It would be more troublesome if you don't take the initiative and wait for others to do something evil.

But Li Ke thought of the most critical issue again.

"So why am I still alive?"

In the end what happened?

Li Ke, who still had some residual sequelae in his brain, tried hard to recall what happened, but no matter how he thought about it, he came up blank.

But before he could think clearly, a shattering sound sounded in his heart. He looked around in shock, and then immediately realized something was wrong.

Time stopped, and at the beginning of his reaction, the world began to recover.

The sunlight began to flow and the dust began to move.

Everything around is moving slowly, even the stones and buildings give people a feeling of 'flow'.

And Li Ke also saw something in his eyes——

Sargeras with flowers on his body.

What he held in his hand were the various flowers of Azeroth. Li Ke even saw some carnivorous flowers on them. His expression still looked determined and joyful. It was clear at a glance that he was the same as him. Like Li Ke, he believed that he was dead.

Li Ke subconsciously raised his energy, and just as he activated the remaining six original powers in his body, there was a loud cracking sound, and the world suddenly came back to life at this moment.

And Li Ke also discovered that a terrifying force flew out from in front of him, hitting Sargeras at the moment he couldn't control his body and fell to the ground!

He didn't even see what the attack was before he was blown away by the shock wave.

The blue, purple and gold light beam penetrated Sargeras' body, and Sargeras' will recovered from the joy of Li Ke's death.

He looked at Li Ke who was blown away by the shock wave, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

He didn't understand what was going on, but his intuition told him that anything could happen to someone like Li Ke. It was also he who tried so hard to kill Li Ke even if he was seriously injured and weak. s reason!

He waved his arms angrily, trying to catch Li Ke who was blown away, but he was too late.

Inexplicable power acted in his body. Everywhere he went, he felt that his body and strength no longer belonged to him. Strong hatred and disgust raged in his body, constantly annihilating his body and soul. And the power of origin.

Countless cracks appeared on his body, and his body was broken down into the most basic particles starting from his chest. The failure of his operation was already inevitable.

His soul roared unwillingly and spent a greater price, wanting to use his last possibility to kill Li Ke.

But at this time.

‘Get away! ’

A will came into his soul.

He was stunned for a moment, and the sharp claws only made a scratch on Li Ke's chest, and his will and soul were expelled from this world!

And on the other side of the universe.

The seriously injured Sargeras screamed in agony, and his will and soul were forcibly hit, making the leader of the legion unable to endure the pain.

But his body did not obey his orders at this moment. The terrifying force enveloped his body and soul, and rushed into the deep space of the universe!

In just an instant, the road he had walked for a thousand years reappeared in front of him, allowing him to return to the place he passed a thousand years ago. Only then did the power be exhausted, allowing him to pass through the impact that had long been evil. Planets that could burn out galaxies came to stop their own movement. After destroying more than a dozen galaxies, they stopped themselves in the twisted void.

But in his eyes, a look of fear flashed involuntarily.

He knew who had done it, for it was beyond the power of a Titan, and there was no doubt that only one being possessed it.

So he couldn't help shouting the name.


His voice shattered the few remaining planets around him. But this still couldn't let him extinguish his anger. He summoned his own weapon, but was shocked to find that his proud sword turned into a sword made of Azeroth the moment it was reshaped. The sword made of Si's flowers made him wave his arm angrily and smashed a sun.


Even though he was seriously injured, a Titan was still a Titan.


  After I finished writing, I didn’t click upload. When I got up to read the rant, I realized it hadn’t been uploaded.


  There are still four thousand words left in the evening.

  As for it not being over yet.

  It’s not that time yet.

  Seriously, I haven’t written what I want to write yet...

  After all, no matter how you play in Azeroth, you have to pass several world-destruction levels before you can feel at ease...



(End of this chapter)

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