Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 678 The 1st Gus Conference

Chapter 678 The First Gus Meeting

A thousand things are said, ten thousand things are said, no matter which world it is in, knowledge is the foundation of everything.

Whether it is industrialization, letting people understand what is right or wrong, or allowing ideas to progress, at the very least, everyone needs to be able to read.

Otherwise, why should we read books and rely on discussions to advance our thoughts and knowledge?

Cutting-edge talents are important, but second- and third-tier talents are even more important, because technology is such a thing.

Looking at the earth, only when there are many people who know knowledge can ideas, technology, and everything else develop rapidly.

As for industrialization, it usually takes hundreds of years. Even if there is help and homework to copy, it will still take close to a hundred years.

Moreover, not all countries can industrialize.

A vast land, a large number of workers who are willing to work and have certain knowledge and learning ability, a stable political power, long enough to ensure political and development planning for at least five years.

If any of these are missing, industrialization will basically be impossible to complete.

"A complete industrial chain, when the performance of the machine reaches a certain level and the structure is not fully understood, from the procurement of raw materials, processing, production, and sales, the industrial chain of a commodity requires tens of thousands of people, and this is still It’s just the number of people who meet the needs of a city’s factories. So if we want to go to the future world, it is necessary to get rid of illiteracy for everyone. Moreover, the current people and people in various industries should also learn and Only through cognitive education about the purpose of work can everyone in this world have enough to eat and keep moving forward."

Li Ke looked at the stunned people around him and nodded at his table.

"Knowledge changes destiny, I think everyone agrees with this, right?"

Industrialization is something that really cannot be accomplished by anyone. Li Ke thought about this for a long time and confirmed this again.

He can handle everything else, but there's really nothing he can do about the level of the workers.

The surrounding leaders did not expect that the first thing Li Ke said was this. They thought that what Li Ke was going to say was the future power structure of his race, or something else.

Sylvanas really felt that Li Ke's meeting was probably going to talk about how to annex the high elves. Even the dwarves and gnomes were worried about this matter.

However, they really didn't expect that what Li Ke wanted to do was to eliminate illiteracy! It seems that he does not care at all about the stability of his own regime.

"Do not……"

Sylvanas looked at Li Ke with a serious face, and suddenly realized that it wasn't that Li Ke didn't care, but that there was no need to care.

She sighed a little, but felt relieved.

Since Li Ke wants everyone to learn to write and read, then the high elves will not turn a blind eye, because the literacy Li Ke talks about must not just be simple literacy, teaching magic is probably also in Li Ke's thoughts!

Because she doesn't understand what Li Ke has been doing, but very effective industrialization, or engineering, is inseparable from magic.

However, even after knowing Li Ke's thoughts, Sylvanas still did not express her opinion. She is not the kind of person who likes to be in the limelight, especially now.

But she still had to open her mouth to cater to him.

"We high elves are willing to send our mages for spell education. Whether it is cooperation with dwarves or Dalaran, we are willing to put in our efforts."

It's not like she's expressing her opinion, it's more like she's expressing her stance.

"This is inevitable and doesn't need to be said."

Li Ke glanced at the nervous Sylvanas and responded casually. This sentence made Sylvanas breathe a long sigh of relief, because since Li Ke wanted to use it, he wouldn't ignore it!

"We can also send enough druids and moon priestesses to serve as teachers. If the children want to learn the skills of bow and arrow and wielding the war blade, we are also willing to cooperate with the high elves and teach them together."

Tyrande also caters to Li Ke, but she is curious, if everyone goes to study, what about work?

The dwarfs and dwarves on one side couldn't help but look at Li Ke, wanting to know how to proceed. Pastor Carl on the other side opened his mouth before speaking.

"Lord Li Ke, do you plan to create more missionary schools?"

Karl couldn't help but get excited, because in this way, he could spread the path of Holy Light more and better!

Because Li Ke didn't have time to manage this aspect some time ago, night schools and other things were handled by the locals themselves.

Therefore, they directly used the strategies of church schools.

Since they are divided into different classes for teaching, and during the teaching, they will conduct the Holy Light Trail, it can be said that most of the people who go to school in Li Ke's territory are believers of the Holy Light Church.

This is also the best way of learning available to common people in the human world, because generally nobles rely on tutors, and it is very difficult for common people to enter church schools.

But here in Li Ke, any child or anyone can rely on the subsidies provided by Li Ke to study in a church school.

Although there will be other teachers, such as arcane masters, most of the teachers are still these believers of the Holy Light.

So when Li Ke said he wanted to expand the school, Pastor Carl was very happy.

It’s not because of rights, but because I’m sincerely happy that the Holy Light can enlighten more people, and I’m happy that I can meet more like-minded people!

But Li Ke shook his head.

Although the Holy Light is good, he does not intend for his public officials to be fanatic believers of the Holy Light, because once it becomes such a system, fanatic believers in the name of justice and faith will inevitably appear.

Moreover, it is not a good thing for him to allow the church's power to continue to expand.

"No, it's divided into specific subjects. People under the age of twelve must enter school to study all aspects of mathematics, literature, art, physical education, astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, and certain foreign languages. I think, in Before the age of twelve, teenagers should ensure that they are curious about the world, yearn for knowledge, and have a strong and healthy body. And specific engineering, alchemy, herbalism, magic principles, fighting and shooting, etc., must Wait until you are twelve, or even sixteen, before learning, because this is the time when most intelligent races are most interested in these things."

Li Ke paused, but his words made the leaders around him feel confused. Except for the elves, the other leaders really didn't expect that Li Ke would wait until the children were twelve years old before teaching them specific things. , skills to survive in this world.

So, Magni asked cautiously.

"But if this is the case, it won't be very beneficial to the development of your territory, right?"

Magni knew what Li Ke lacked now. He lacked people, and Li Ke's education plan would not be effective in ten or twenty years.

Li Ke nodded, this was what he was thinking about.

"That's why I need your help, help me think of a better way, or..."

He chuckled.

"Help me find a better way to learn, magic, or other magical powers. This is also one of the purposes of this meeting."

 Sorry, I overslept...

  (End of this chapter)

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