Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 694 Aircraft Carrier and Mages

Some things are just so outrageous. Some editors have absolutely no life experience and just come up with a lot of numbers.

It even happened that Hellscream had an army of one million, and then attacked a fortress and sent hundreds of its own troops. It was already said that this was a ridiculous sight that exhausted all the vitality of the tribe.

This kind of thing happens frequently, and the most typical one is this mitosis.

In reality, although it is very bizarre, it is not impossible to explain.

"When the sanctuary was breached, not all the orcs followed Thrall and left. There were also many orcs who fell behind in panic, or defected to the leader of their original tribe. In addition, a large number of orcs were there. Azeroth is fighting guerrillas. If we cannot catch all these orcs in a short time, then in less than ten years, we will face the orc guerrillas and nomads everywhere on Azeroth. nation.”

Li Ke started to explain while leading Dai Lin towards the portal.

"So we want these orcs to have a flag, a hope, a reason and a goal to gather them. Only by gathering them can we allow these orcs to leave our world to the greatest extent possible."

But Dai Lin frowned. He could think of the problem of small orc clans everywhere, and heard the hidden meaning in Li Ke's words.

If those orcs continue to multiply in this world, then the new orcs will not bear the blood debt of the war, and they can openly say that this is their hometown.

The fighting will of the nomads and the warriors who protect their hometown are completely different, and the losses at the bottom level will be very great.

Prolonged security wars will also cause their finances to be stretched to another level.

"I know you want to solve this problem once and for all, but Li Ke, what if those orcs invade our world again?"

Dai Lin asked the question she wanted to know most.

"After all, they have been here once. If we gather them together and come again, we will face another wave of darkness. Those orcs don't know what mercy and gratitude are. We can't just let them go back."

Li Ke chuckled. When he walked out of the portal, he returned to his office and pointed in the direction of the Dark Door on his map.

"So, I plan to let them find their own homes, let them mine, graze, and plant various plants for us in that broken world in exchange for necessary living materials, and strictly prohibit them from entering our world again."

Li Ke had been thinking about this plan for a long time. It was possible to kill the orcs, but it was too wasteful.

He now lacks raw material suppliers, to put it simply, slaves.

But it is too abstract for human society to establish a slave society, but it is just right for orcs.

Because they were originally a slave society.

"With the natural danger of the Dark Portal, we only need to station enough troops near the Dark Portal, and then we can easily contain the orcs' attack. We can build enough artillery units nearby, train the army, and let our army There’s always a sense of crisis so they don’t forget what it’s like to fight.”

Li Ke clicked on the map.

"After all, if there is at least ten more years of peace, they will forget the war. And if they forget the war, it will be difficult for us to gain an advantage when we fight against monsters that want to invade the world."

He must take the initiative.

"However, Mr. Dai Lin, I think we should talk about other things. After all, between you and me, other things are more important. I intend to hire you to be my consultant, in charge of ship construction, and the management of my empire. Formation of the Navy.”

While talking, Li Ke quickly pulled out some previously drawn steel battleships from the folder, as well as some concept drawings drawn by dwarf engineers and dwarf engineers, and handed them to Dai Lin on the side.

Dai Lin took the design drawing, looked at the appearance of the iron frame battleship on it, couldn't help but raised her eyebrows, and then put the drawing on the table with a smile.

"I thought I was the only one who thought about putting armor on the battleship. Unfortunately, this kind of armored battleship is not very friendly to magic, so even if it is made, it may not be able to defeat us Kurti at sea. Rath's ship. And it's not very fast either. Although it can be equipped with a powerful engine, it is still not as fast as the wooden ship that is enchanted and blessed by the Tide Sages. It can be made into some freighters at most. If you can handle Naga If we do, we can build freighters out of steel, which can transport more things at once."

He shook his head with some regret. He also liked these things, but they just couldn't do it. The flexibility and speed couldn't be faster than his wooden boat.

"What about this?"

Li Ke took out two more documents, and the contents of this document really made Dai Lin open her eyes wide.

Looking at the things on the document, Dai Lin took a deep breath, because if these can be built, then his navy will become a thing of the past!

"This is……"

Looking at the space carrier wreaking havoc in the sky and on the ocean on the drawing, Dai Lin's heart kept accelerating.

This drawing says two things.

One is a super huge sea ship that is constantly cruising on the sea. This kind of giant ship itself does not have the function of combat, but it can carry large portals, can directly lift and land aircraft on the deck, and can even perform maintenance for other ships.

It can even be teleported directly back to the dock, and it can continue to drift on the sea, or it can quickly rely on space beacons to teleport from the distant sea to the corresponding area after the air force clears the area!

And it will have hundreds of fighter jets, thousands of standing troops, and even dozens of armed boats inside its body, ready to attack at any time.

And turrets can also be installed on the deck.

He just thought about it and felt that if such a thing was parked in front of his port, he would be desperate.

The other one was even more extreme. It almost had the function of being called a fearless mothership, but without the ships, it relied entirely on aircraft and turrets, and was just a large teleportation platform floating in the air.

He had never dared to think of these two things before, but Li Ke planned to make these things?

And there is also a feasibility report on the side? ! !

He couldn't help but put down the design drawing and asked Li Ke, who was looking at the document again.

"Are you serious? What enemy are you planning to fight? Why do you want to create such a terrible thing? Are you really planning to build it?"

Facing Dai Lin's question, Li Ke chuckled.

"In fact, if you hadn't come, I would have driven these two things to visit you myself."

Li Ke's smile was very sincere, but Dai Lin felt a chill down his spine. He looked at his drawings again and asked. "Are you serious?"

"I'm serious, Mr. Dai Lin, you may have misunderstood our steel production. Although our steel production is currently limited by ore, if I am willing..."

Li Ke showed an evil smile.

"I can increase the steel production in my territory to 10 million tons within half a year. And for the most difficult problem of the keel, I also have a giant dragon to help me, so I don't need to worry about these things... Father-in-law Dai Lin, times have changed, A country with multiple races working together cannot be fought by a country with a single race. And magic will also step out of the veil of fantasy and truly enter every part of our world, so that the power of magic can increase our production capacity and change our life."

At full power, he can directly pull out all the iron ore from a mine with the power of the black dragon, and can even directly use the power of the earth to guide the magma out to form a huge steel-making furnace, or even turn an entire Shandu becomes its own steel-making furnace!

He can also directly grab a large pile of steel, use his dragon breath to directly calcine enough dragon bones in batches, and use his power of the guardian dragon to enchant these steels so that they can bear greater pressure.

If he is willing to use his own dragon blood and dragon bones to enchant these materials, the carrying capacity of the dragon bones will be doubled!

When he transforms into a dragon, he can build three aircraft carriers as described and three space carriers flying in the sky in up to a month.

And even if he is not needed, pulling out the reserves of the Black Dragon Legion and asking Alexstrasza and others to help will only add an extra ten days to the construction period.

As for the problem of flying into the sky, it is not a problem for the blue dragon and the mages of Dalaran.

But he originally planned to use this excuse to knock Dalaran off, so he didn't start work directly.

However, regarding Dai Lin's words, Li Ke felt that it was still necessary for him to go to his factory to have a look and let him understand what the productivity gap was.

"You probably haven't visited my factory yet, father-in-law. I'll ask Jaina to take you there to see what I'm most proud of."

Dai Lin was numb. He nodded and watched Li Ke summon his daughter.

When Gianna heard the call, she hurried over. The first moment she saw Dai Lin, she saw Dai Lin standing up and opening her arms towards her.

But Gianna just showed an apologetic smile to Dai Lin, then quickly rushed into Li Ke's arms, and then hugged Li Ke.

Dai Lin's expression suddenly froze. He looked at Li Ke, who was holding his daughter, with murderous intent in his eyes. But when his daughter looked at him, all the murderous intent in her eyes dissipated.

Jaina winked playfully at Dai Lin, then handed a document to Li Ke and spoke with some confusion.

"Li Ke, Dalaran is applying for research funding and security maintenance expenses. They said they are under great financial pressure now. I looked at it and there is no problem on the report, but I always feel that something is not quite right."

Li Ke almost collapsed. He quickly opened the report and then covered his forehead.

"These beasts...really have a lot of face."

He really wants to kill people now. These bastards of Dalaran have earned a lot of gold coins from him, but now they tell him that Dalaran's finances are tight, and they beg Li Ke to allocate money to help the victims... …

Do you think Li Ke was taken advantage of?

"You really dare to embezzle anyone's money... you take the money and don't do anything, and you still want to hang out with me?"

He is really tired. There are things for him to deal with everywhere now, but in the end, some bastards are still causing trouble for him.

He thought that these bastards would be better off for the people below if they took his money, but it seems that the mage master is no better than the noble masters!

Orcs, Azshara, and the Sunwell, there were a lot of things that he needed to deal with. Although the rights had been divided, he still found a lot of things to do if he just looked around.

He was silent for a while and looked at Dai Lin. His father-in-law felt a little nervous.


Li Ke's name made Jaina blush instantly, and she lightly knocked on Li Ke's shoulder with her fist.

Dai Lin quickly became serious.

"I need you to help me deal with the affairs of Lordaeron. You take Jaina and Caliya to clean up the capital of Lordaeron for me. I will send out my army and give 10,000 sets of weapons specially designed to deal with the undead. Light cast iron armor, five thousand cannons and matching ammunition are here to assist you. The archbishop of the Stormwind City Church will also bring priests to help you with your strategy. By the way... after you clear the capital of Lordaeron, give me your soldiers. Get close to Dalaran."

He was really angry. He could tolerate Dalaran trying to take advantage of him, but if he treated him like a fool, then he would be left to die.

Anyway, what he wants is not a great mage, but a basic mage!

Jaina was confused after hearing this and wanted to ask Li Ke why he was so angry, but seeing her father's serious expression, she didn't say anything.

At this point, if she still can't see that she has been tricked, then it will be impossible for her to establish a power by herself in the future.

"I understand, but isn't this a bit rushed? And it's a bit unfair and unreasonable..."

Dai Lin asked carefully, because this gave him too much power, including what Li Ke had promised before, which made him uncontrollably worried.

"I don't want to, but the first one always has to be beaten. Originally, I planned to clean the house before welcoming guests, but now, I am forced to clean up the inside first!"

Li Ke took a deep breath. He really wanted to take a good rest and sort out his internal affairs. He was not in a hurry to conquer Lordaeron, but the bastards in Dalaran really treated him as a fool. ah.

Do you think he is a king like Terenas who doesn't understand industrial power or magical power at all?

Then you have no choice but to show your invincibility!

Jaina's face turned pale instantly, because in the meaning of Li Ke's words, he no longer regarded Dalaran as his territory.

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