Fel doesn't lie to you

Chapter 713 No one cares about Dalaran

Chapter 713 No one cares about Dalaran

Kalai died, died without any suspense.

No matter how powerful he is, and how much magic has evolved over the past few thousand years, in front of these great mages of Dalaran, in front of these warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles, there is still no any effect.

Because even if the fireball technique from thousands of years ago consumes time and its power has not been improved, it is still a fireball technique that can kill people.

This is just like the nuclear bomb a hundred years ago, although it is no longer useful in various places, it is still a nuclear bomb and can kill people within its range.

The energy is still there,

Coupled with some wonderful, unique spells and the like, Karai's death was simply too normal.

He just fell to the ground and stared at the sky, not feeling that he had done anything wrong until the end.

He had struggled for so many things in his life, and Li Ke would ask him to hand them over with just one sentence.

He had endured so much hardship to gain the privileges, status, rights, and interests. Why would Li Ke want to make him lose these with just one thought?

But Kale would never know.

Li Ke never targeted him.

Li Ke was targeting the arrogance of mages, the sects, and the mages who wanted to bring bad habits into his empire.

Their knowledge allows them to easily see the true face of things, but they are different from the common people at the bottom.

Because he knew that from now on Dalaran would be the dog under his control. Even if the archmage of Dalaran preached how good something was the day before, as soon as he opened his mouth, they would immediately forget everything they said yesterday. Then he quoted scriptures and said how bad this thing is.

In other words, the target was not just him, but the entire Dalaran mages.

The archmages oppressed the lower-level mage apprentices, while the mage apprentices exploited their own families, or defrauded them, and tried their best to stay in Dalaran to learn magic, hoping that they could earn enough money to change their own destiny after learning magic.

"As long as these people have some sense of resistance, I won't care about them so much."

And Kalai was the burial object of this old system. He was chosen as a victim by other archmages and voted for him. Forced to become a clown, how could he, Li Ke, feel joy over the death of such a person?

But they have more than the common people, and it doesn't matter even if they surrender, so they don't dare to give up rashly, because they all started from scratch, and naturally they know how difficult it is to climb over others again after losing these. .

This is why the nobles of Lordaeron can get their own compensation, but he can completely ignore the mages with greater power, and he doesn't even intend to care about them.

What Li Ke wants to destroy is this old upward channel and replace it with a more efficient circulation channel.

The mages of Dalaran have been accustomed to this set of cannibalistic rules for too long.

So this set of rules could work in medieval Azeroth.

So when he knew that he was determined to build his own Dalaran even if there was no Dalaran, and then popularize magic, Dalaran's attitude and fate were already doomed.

All he felt was nausea.

They don't have as many things as the nobles. Unlike the nobles, they can't afford to fail. What they get from surrender will definitely not be more than what they already have, so they won't sacrifice their lives to firmly protect their rights and interests. And cut off all his escape routes.

But when the farmers in Lordaeron only need a few gold coins to survive a month, and the monthly salary of an apprentice mage in Dalaran can be several hundred gold coins, and when they spend tens of thousands of gold coins to learn spells, those farmers He doesn't care where these gold coins come from, and how dangerous it is to learn spells.

Therefore, when the people from Dalaran sent a message saying that Rebellion was dead, Li Ke had a look of disdain on his face.

Magic is basically another upward channel.

However, how many can truly become Archmage?

Li Ke sneered casually. These mages actually fit in with the false and non-existent class of 'middle class' in every sense.

Countless mages and wizard apprentices died meaninglessly in this cycle.

These people are the weakest.

But the nobles of Lordaeron were different. They had seriously considered the possibility of fighting them, and came to the conclusion that they could not defeat them. Therefore, they sincerely surrendered, and in this case, allowed themselves to lift their power. Armed.

This is different.

Because the Lordaeron nobles' troubles would really affect his plans and cause the people of Lordaeron to have a worse sense of him, but Dalaran would not.

Dalaran prospered because they had no kings or nobles, and a large number of immigrants from other countries.

But Dalaran's demise was also because they had no king and nobles, and they didn't have any 'idiots' who were willing to die with Dalaran.

But a country without such 'idiots' cannot be strong.

And those who resist Li Ke for their own interests will inevitably be divided because of their interests.

Li Ke is becoming more and more able to see this clearly, and he is becoming more and more proficient in using it.

"You can't say that. After all, mages are all smart people. Smart people are always like this. They think a lot. They always feel that they can convince other people with their own ideas and eloquence, and treat other people as fools."

Dai Lin sneered. These mages read a few more books and treat others as fools. They question this and that, talk about human rights, and say all day long that they, the Dalaran people, are the wisest among all races. The wisest one.

But actually?

It's useless.

They are useless for big things, and their mages are not needed for small things. When there is no war, the meaning of the wizard's existence to the nobles is really just performing tricks and concocting various aphrodisiacs and tonics.

Other times it's really useless.

As for the suggestions being made?

Most of them are useless.

Just like they had previously advised Terenas to isolate the undead, they spoke eloquently, as if Terenas would perish if he didn't listen to their advice.

Although Terenas has indeed lost his country, can he isolate his own people just by saying isolation?

What to do with people’s opinions and what to do with food during the period? What to do with autumn harvest and spring planting? What about various businesses? Have they ever thought about how exaggerated the grassroots management and coordination abilities required to force everyone to stay at home are, as well as the ability to require all walks of life, even industries like loan sharks, to cooperate with the quarantine?

Not to mention whether the people will panic or riot. Once there is a problem in one link, there will be problems in the entire kingdom, and it is not impossible to directly lead to the destruction of the country.

Moreover, Lordaeron actually died not from the undead plague, but from Arthas' backstab.

Who can do anything about the confrontation between the sole heir and the king?

"But that's about it, Li Ke, they have learned their lesson." Dai Lin still chose to say something to the mages of Dalaran. After all, although his ship had the help of the Tide Sage, he never liked it. Being threatened, Dai Lin also turned to the mages of Dalaran for help in modifying her ship.

He is not the kind of person who would give all his wealth and life to one force, especially these tide sages are somewhat mysterious.

Therefore, the relationship between Dai Lin and the mages of Dalaran is really good, and many times, the business in Kul Tiras is taken care of by the mages of Dalaran.

This time, Dai Lin also lost a lot of money when he sent Kalai on the road.

If Li Ke still insists on killing all the great mages, he...

He asked Gianna to go to Li Ke's bedroom to cry.

Rubbing his temples and looking at his father-in-law, Li Ke sighed in his heart.

He picked up his information and took a look at it. It said that an elf mage who lived in Dalaran all year round went to Dai Lin's room last night and brought several bottles of energy replenishing potions and several blueprints of battleships.

He looked at the list of his new life assistants, and as expected, Fenna Jinjian, the name of Dai Lin's half-elf illegitimate daughter, appeared on it, and she was mainly responsible for changing clothes.

What is a human society? This is called human society.

"Furthermore, the mana crystals needed by the elves also need to rely on Dalaran, and we always need some of our own. I know your goals are very ambitious, but you are a human after all, aren't you?"

Dai Lin spread her hands again and made some heart-wrenching remarks.

But Li Ke couldn't blame him. Dai Lin was a typical human supremacist, and it was hard to say there was anything wrong in this world.

Li Ke shook his head and gave the order he had prepared long ago.

"Then let Jaina give a list and let her choose who can be trusted, but I need a sufficient collection of spells in my university. In addition, let Dalaran produce some people, and the blue dragon, The night elves formed a team dedicated to investigating the abuse of magic to prevent some unbearable things from happening."

At this point, Li Ke paused. He really didn't want to waste any more time on these weaklings in Dalaran, so he planned to finish all his requests in one breath.

"Also tell them that I can live for at least a thousand years. If they really want to play with me, I don't mind using five hundred years to play tricks on them. So it's best to get my results as soon as possible, and let me They will find a way for me to bring down the price of magic materials. If it is still the same as before, tens of thousands of gold coins easily..."

Li Ke sneered.

"They have no value in existing. I will act according to the rules."

His order reveals great oppression of the Dalaran mages, but it is for the Dalaran mages, but no one cares about this, except those mages.

But do the mages who have already started an internal fight still have enough strength to resist Li Ke?

The answer is obvious.

Dai Lin accepted Li Ke's order and retreated. Li Ke knew that he would definitely get a lot of benefits from this opportunity, but what he gave was enough.

Legitimacy, the support of the people, and the oppression of other nobles. Without his full defection, the nobles of Lordaeron would not have surrendered so simply, and the mages of Dalaran may not have too many people to stand up. On his side.

Therefore, the benefit of marrying Jaina is actually being able to have her father stand behind him.

Although Jaina is a super powerful archmage and a super genius specializing in teleportation, she is basically a humanoid nuclear bomb, a strategic weapon that can stop an army by one person.

But for Li Ke, her political significance is even more important.

But what's interesting is that, speaking purely for political purposes.

Li Ke actually married not Gianna, but her father Dai Lin.

Li Ke closed his eyes. In front of him was Stromgarde and several other human kingdoms asking for help and requesting to change to the light cast iron armor built by Li Ke. He did not regard his kingdom as a An independent kingdom, but completely his vassal.

In fact, this is also true. Their economic system is not even as good as Lordaeron. Li Ke is waiting to die when he meets him.

Among the seven human kingdoms, except for the destroyed Alterac and the secluded Gilneas, the others are already in the hands of Li Ke.

"When we come out this time, let's solve it all in one go."

Li Ke traced his finger across his map. Under the influence of magic, the color of the place he traced changed, and the entire Eastern Kingdom turned into his golden color.

However, only Gilneas, a small place, still maintained a different color, so although it maintained its original color, it became extremely dazzling at this time.


Li Ke tapped his fingers. The famous Wolf King still didn't realize his mistake. After all, after the death of Lordaeron, it was not that Stormwind City, which was unable to threaten Gilneas for a short period of time, became more powerful.

Moreover, he has never experienced the destruction of his country or his family, nor has he experienced displacement. He only survived because of the goodwill of the alliance.

He has never experienced the pain of losing a son and turned into a lonely old man. He subconsciously regards Varian as his son and Anduin as his grandson.

Therefore, Greymane at this time will not be the charming old wolf king, but will only be a boring old man.

Originally, if he didn't come here in advance, he could still let the old wolf play by himself for a while, but now, he can only let the old king show his dignity.

"Coup, uprising, rebellion..."

Li Ke sighed.

"I hope you won't let me use these methods. Greymane, I really hope that your daughter can lie in my arms. Then you can retire with Dailin with a smile, go fishing when you have nothing to do, and urge Anduin." Married. After all, like Varian, Thrall, Arthas, Ronin, Malfurion, and Illidan, you are all my favorite characters..."

But if the old wolf king doesn't want to...

That's all I can do is please him.

Li Ke closed his eyes and began to rest in the hall. Because after waiting for an hour, he was going to meet with the various leaders of the Crusaders who came to meet him and give them reassurance.

As for Dalaran, which just surrendered?

No one cares about Dalaran, which actually split itself once.

(End of this chapter)

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